The Forsaken and the Alpha - Book cover

The Forsaken and the Alpha

B.E. Harmel

3: Chapter 3

I opened my eyes and stared at Brad. His eyes were shining, his breathing heavy. His wolf was also at the surface. His hands were pressed flat against the table, as if he was struggling to regain control.

It seemed like everyone just stopped until Bethany, picking up the glasses, broke my concentration and I followed her into the kitchen.

I started doing the dishes to try to clear my mind. For a moment, I was alone in the kitchen, and without Brad in the same room, my breathing started to normalize.

The others came in and out of the kitchen, bringing the serving platters to me and packing up leftovers. Eventually, Bethany and Raphael returned to the living room to start a new round of the game they were playing earlier.

Brad walked toward me, and I thought he was going to say something like “control yourself.” But he silently stepped behind me, pressing me against the kitchen sink as he placed a glass on the counter.

His hips thrust into mine, and I felt his excitement against my ass. His huge and hard cock pressed into me, making me close my eyes and sigh as bursts of flames shot through my body.

“You need to fix this soon, or you’ll drive me crazy,” he whispered in my ear before pulling away. My body ached in his absence.

Soon, Bethany and Brad said goodbye and left. I thought that his leaving would make things easier for me, but the smell of the bastard had taken over my apartment.


My plan to get Brad and the memories of my pack out of my head was harder than I thought it’d be. I ran into Bethany at lunch, and seeing my friend without her wolf lover was really nice. I needed to clear my head and think about something else, but unfortunately, all she did was talk about him.

“I’m already aching for when Brad leaves,” she told me, pouting.

“Is he leaving already?” I asked.

“Yes, tomorrow. We’re seeing each other tonight to say goodbye. Sex with him is so good. It’ll be very difficult to find someone like him. He became my number one,” Bethany said, her hands spread apart, indicating the size of his dick.

I wanted to tell her I already felt it, but I kept the thought to myself and thanked her for not giving more details.

I changed the subject, and we finished lunch. Thankfully, it was the change of pace I needed, and I went through the rest of the day without thinking about Brad.

At the end of the workday, I went down the elevator with Bethany and arranged to meet Raphael in front of the building. I was waiting with her when a huge truck parked in front of us. Brad got out and opened his arms for Bethany. She hugged him, but he didn’t take his eyes off me, not even when she kissed his cheek.

“I wasn’t expecting you yet. I thought we were going to hang out later tonight,” Bethany said, her arms slung around Brad’s neck.

“Yes, dear, we will, but I have some papers for Alice from her parents. We planned to meet today at six,” he said, cleverly reminding me of his plan to take me to shift without giving anything away to Bethany.

“I didn’t agree to that, and I told Raphael I’d wait for him here,” I said firmly.

Brad sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers. “It’s important, Alice,” he said.

I knew he was speaking for my wolf. Just imagining what was to come, she scratched at my chest, wanting to get out.

“I’ll tell Raphael,” Bethany said with a shrug.

“Okay then,” I replied, sighing.

Brad opened the passenger-side door for me, and I got in.

As we traveled out of the city center, the landscape slowly changed. The pines became more frequent, the foliage denser. Brad turned down a stone road that was almost hidden from the main road. We drove for a while before pulling up to a gated clearing. Brad stopped the truck and got out to open the gates, drove through, then got out again and closed them behind us.

We continued on, and Brad eventually parked next to a lake.

“We’re in the middle of an enclosed reserve. It’s the safest place in the region to shift.”

I looked around before getting out of the truck. It was perfect. I hadn’t seen another person since we turned into the forest. I inhaled deeply, and the scent of the forest—pine, wet leaves, and wild animals—filled my nose.

My wolf was front and center, already trying to get out.

I heard Brad get out of the truck behind me. “Go ahead,” he said. “You’re safe. Shift.”

“Turn around.”

“Was that an order?” he said through gritted teeth, practically snarling. “Nudity is normal in the pack.”

“I’ve lived for seven years as a human. Nudity is not normal for me anymore,” I said, motioning for him to turn around.

Reluctantly, he turned his back, and I started to undress.

“Pay attention to where you are,” he said with his back to me. “Follow along the trail through the pine trees. When the pine trees run out, stop and come back.”

I finished undressing and held my panties with my fingertips. I turned so that I had my back to him.

“Yes, Alpha.”

The instant I said “Alpha,” I heard Brad turn around. I dropped my panties and leapt forward.

I let her come, as I had wanted to for a long time. When I landed on the ground, I was already on four paws. I glimpsed myself in the lake, and the sight of my white fur reflected in the water brought me joy.

I started running down the trail Brad had pointed out. It had been so long that I had almost forgotten the incredible feeling of freedom running gave me. Feeling the blood pumping through my legs and the wind stinging my face, I could run for the rest of my life if I had to.

I lost all sense of time. The wind blowing through my fur brought me a sense of peace, and I needed it.

I kept pushing forward. The pines began to thin, but I couldn’t think beyond my next step.

Suddenly, a brown bulk pushed into me. We rolled down a hill, and I stopped on my back. The other wolf’s paws were next to my head, his body pinning me to the ground. I knew it was Brad from his eyes and his size. I looked like a puppy next to his wolf.

He huffed and changed back to his human form, his large body continuing to hover over mine.

Without thinking, I changed back. “What the hell are you doing?” I yelled at him. He growled, and I felt his naked body against mine. He was a fucking Greek god made flesh. His body was more perfect than I imagined.

“I said, when you reach the end of the pines, you turn around.”

I followed his gaze and saw the pine trees thinning out just before the cliff at the end of the trail. If Brad hadn’t stopped me, I would have run right off the cliff. He just saved my life.

When I turned back to him, his face was closer to mine, inches away, our noses almost touching.

“I would never forgive myself if anything happened to the Miracle of the Moon under my watch.”

His right hand gently caressed my skin, as though he were tracing a drawing, sending shivers through my body. It was one touch, the lightest of brushes of his fingertips, and I was powerless, closing my eyes to appreciate the feel of his skin on mine.

I opened my eyes to find him staring at me, his eyes bright and his wolf at the surface. His hard cock pressed against me, and his scent overwhelmed my senses. I was completely wet and aroused, and he knew it.

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