The Alpha's Fated Mate - Book cover

The Alpha's Fated Mate

A. Oliver

Chapter 3


After an hour of running through the woods, Athena makes her way toward the clearing and we shift back. The cold winter air hits my body, but it’s a welcome feeling against my heated skin.

As I dress, I can’t help but think of the black wolf standing in the shadows. His eyes are etched into my mind. What was he even doing this close to our territory? As I slowly walk toward the pack house, my mind can’t seem to forget about him, and I make a point to tell Sebastian or Ewan about him.

I enter the garden, and everyone welcomes me with open arms. After all the hugging and loving and the “I told you it wasn’t that bad” talks, we make our way into the house.

Sitting with Carly and Georgia, I notice faint bite marks on their necks. They’re mate bites, not noticeable to others until after their first shift. It’s one of the reasons humans don’t know about us.

And then it hits me. My eyes widen in disbelief.

“Carly Alexis Barker! You’re mated?”

Everyone within earshot jumps at my reaction, and Carly’s face turns crimson red.

I take her hand in mine and smile warmly at her. “Why didn’t you tell me? You tell me everything! Who is he? Is he nice to you? Is he handsome? Good in bed? I want all the details, missy.”

Carly awkwardly smiles at me, and I scan the room. Everyone has gone back to their conversations, and then my eyes land on my brother. Even though he is talking to Sebastian, I can see his face. He is panicking.

And then I smell it. His scent. It’s closer than he is. I stare at my brother for a brief moment before returning my attention to Carly. And suddenly everything makes sense.

Ew! Ewan is your mate? My brother. He’s your mate?”

Ewan looks over at us. I can’t tell if he’s angry I’m talking to his mate this way or if he’s scared I’ll rip his head off.

Carly grabs my hand, forcing my attention back to her. “Three days after I first shifted, I came into my first heat. We were sunbathing in your garden, remember?”

I nod, dumbfounded, but listening regardless.

“Well, I went into the kitchen to get a drink, and your brother was there. We locked eyes, and I knew. There was an instant spark, like nothing I ever felt before.

“But you’re my best friend, and he’s your brother. I knew he was off-limits, so I told him that if he asked me to be his mate, I would reject him. But he refused to ask. He told me he would wait until the time was right.

“I carried on with my life, but the bond got stronger and stronger until we couldn’t resist it anymore. We mated only four days ago, but we wanted to wait until your shift to tell you. We didn’t want to ruin your special occasion.”

I look at my brother and see the sadness in his eyes. I know that he feels like he betrayed me. But the mating bond is something that can’t be ignored. It’s our most powerful and sacred belief. Our gift from the Moon Goddess.

I smile warmly and hug Carly tightly. “I’m so happy for you. My best friend is about to become my sister. I love you both so much.”

I look at my brother who is smiling with relief. I give him a mischievous grin. “Fucking your sister’s best friend—that is some Pornhub shit if I do say so myself.”

Sebastian chokes on his drink, and I can see him laughing under his coughing fit. My brother winks at me before getting up to give me a hug.

“Okay, okay. You’re being weird now,” I say to him jokingly as I break our hug. “Actually, I want to speak to you both about something that happened in the woods,” I say, addressing both him and Sebastian.

I have their full focus. Worry, panic, and anger fill their faces as they sit silently, waiting for me to speak.

“I was in the clearing and had just shifted when I heard a growl. There was this huge black wolf watching us. I don’t know how long he was there. I didn’t recognize him, but he didn’t seem dangerous. I stood my ground, warned him away, and ran.”

They exchange a look before turning to face me.

Seb places his hand on my shoulder. “Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will look into it,” he says with a warm smile. “Now go enjoy the rest of your night. Ewan, my office.” They both stand and nod their heads respectfully before leaving the room.

“Strange, but okay then,” I huff to myself as I go back to Carly.

“I’ve changed my mind,” I tell her, “I don’t want all the details, or any information at all about your love life, thank you very much.”

Life really is perfect at this moment in time. I never want it to end.


I sit in the kitchen of the guesthouse nursing a glass of cheap whiskey. Of course it’s cheap—I know Sebastian only stocked the bar with cheap stuff to piss me off—but it takes the edge off from whatever this is I’m currently feeling.

For the life of me, I can’t get that little white wolf out of my head. She’s there like an annoying, fucking buzzing inside my brain, one that I don’t think I will ever get bored of.

I light another cigarette and place my head in my hands, rubbing my temples.

What the fuck are you doing to me, little one?

I sigh to myself and down the remaining whiskey in the glass.

A bellowing voice at the door shouts, and I know exactly who it is.

Before I can even call out for them to come in, the door bursts open. Both Ewan’s and Seb’s footsteps echo through the house as they make their way to the kitchen, and I brace myself for their anger.

“What the fuck were you doing in the woods, Black, while my sister was going through her first shift?” Ewan’s voice is low and dangerous as he marches into the kitchen, slamming his hands down on the breakfast bar in front of me.

“Did you see her naked? You fucking pervert!”

I feel the rage building in my chest as I instantly stand to my feet to stare down at Ewan. I know with one single blow I could knock him out for a solid week.

The thought is tempting, but I remain calm as Sebastian places his hand on Ewan’s shoulder, pulling him away from me.

“Easy, Beta. Calm down. There’s no need for bloodshed. It’s your sister’s night, remember?” Sebastian speaks with a neutral tone, but the fury dancing in his eyes matches his beta’s.

“I didn’t know there was a first shift happening tonight,” I say, trying to defuse the situation. “I was warned to stay away from the house, not the woodlands. I went for a run. When I got there, she was midshift.”

I hold my hands up to show I don’t want to fight. “I didn’t see her naked. She was already shifting when I got to her. You have my word.” Not a complete lie, and not a complete truth.

The shape of her new curves is forever burned into my eyes, but I can’t let her alpha or brother know that.

Sebastian glares at me, studying me for any sign of deceit. I stare back, daring him to question me. I watch his face, seeing the exact moment he accepts my statement as truth.

“He’s not lying,” he says to Ewan. “I’ve known this idiot for many years, and you have my word, Beta, that he is telling the truth.”

After a minute, Ewan steps back and rakes his hands through his hair.

I casually put my hands in my pockets.

Silence, awkward silence, I think to myself as I study them both. I sigh and clear my throat before taking an initiative I never thought I would take.

“Seb, listen, I want to apologize for what happened with Georgia.” I look at him with probably the most sincerity I’ve given in a long time. “I was drunk and reckless back then. I stepped out of line.” I swallow. “I am truly and genuinely sorry.”

Sebastian eyes me, studying me. I can tell by his final gaze that he once again believes me.

“You were reckless. You were a downright fucking idiot, but I forgive you. And I appreciate the apology, Jett. Thank you,” Sebastian replies, holding out his hand.

We grab arms in respect, and I turn to Ewan. “I have no qualms with you either, Ewan.”

Ewan simply nods, a sense of mutual understanding passing between us. I head over to the bar and pull out the bottle of whiskey and another two glasses, pouring all three of us a drink.

“You’ll have to forgive me, but it’s not the best whiskey. The alpha gave me the shit stuff, so I have to make do.” I look at Sebastain with a playful smirk.

He raises an eyebrow and smirks back. “I had to piss you off somehow. What better way than to supply you with shit whiskey?”

I chuckle as I slide the glasses to the other two. We raise our glasses to each other before knocking them back.

Ewan scrunches his face at the taste. “Fucking hell. He really did give you the shit stuff,” he says through a strained voice.

The three of us burst out laughing.

Sebastian looks at me for a moment before stepping forward to talk. “How are you holding up, Jett? Truthfully,” he asks in a sincere tone.

I think for a moment before I reply. I’ve been going through a lot these past few weeks. And if anyone would understand and give advice, it would be Seb.

“Truthfully? It’s been a struggle, Seb. You know me—I never wanted the responsibility, not really. And being the dickhead that I was, I never really listened or attended the meetings I should have to understand what running a pack is really about.”

I sigh and shake my head before I continue. “It’s stressful, as you know, but I have the added problem of my cousin, Kai, and he’s becoming a pain in my ass.”

I watch Seb’s face change from one of understanding to one of concern. “What’s going on with him? And do you know why your uncle has sent him to the festivities instead of attending himself? It’s all so odd,” Sebastian says curtly as Ewan stands, deep in thought about something.

“I don’t know,” I manage to get out as I pour myself another drink. “Since the war, Kai’s been unhinged, damaged, and dangerous. Very dangerous. We’ve been trying to keep track of him, but he’s a slippery bastard. And with my father’s recent death, I’m worried.

I look at Sebastian, then to Ewan. “Alpha to alpha, I suggest you tighten security with him around.”

“Consider it done,” Ewan says with a nod.

As I smile, my thoughts flash back to my little wolf. More than anything, I want her to be safe. The desire to keep a close eye on her while I’m here rises to the surface. I go to shake the thought from my mind when Sebastian interrupts me from my thoughts.

“You should go for a long run tomorrow, Jett. Clear your head. There’s a trail to the north. It’s peaceful and quiet. It always helps me when I’m going through a tough time,” he says with genuine concern in his tone.

I nod, agreeing to the idea, but also hoping and praying that I’ll run into my little wolf again. A smirk plays on my lips at the thought.

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