The Prince's Mistake - Book cover

The Prince's Mistake

Kelsie Tate

Chapter 3


“Arrogant prick,” I whispered as I made my way back to the kitchen. My eyes were puffy and my face was flushed. I wasn’t sure why it had affected me so badly. I knew he wouldn’t ever hold our engagement now that I had fallen from grace. As I walked back into the kitchen my mom looked at me with horror as I continued with my work.

“Ella?” Sophie spoke quietly as she opened my bedroom door. I pretended to sleep, hoping my mother wouldn’t push it. But she did. My mom sat beside me on the bed, stroking my hair.

“I know you’re awake Ells Bells.”

I smiled a bit at the sound of my nickname. I sat up and let my mom hold me.

“He ended our engagement,” I finally said.

My mom snapped up and looked at me, “He did?” She grabbed my shoulders gently.

I nodded. “I’m not sure why I’m surprised. There’s no way he or the king would have allowed our marriage now that we don’t have a place anymore. I just… I just held out the hope that maybe we would marry and change everything… for me and for you.” I could feel myself crying again.

My mom shook her head in disbelief and then spoke quietly, petting my hair, “Maybe it’s for the best. You’ve always put on a brave face but I know things aren't easy for you. Maybe.. maybe I can reach out to some of my old acquaintances and find you a good match. One that will get you out of this life.”

I laughed, “I could never leave you.”

I woke up the next morning, my mother asleep next to me in the bed. She had spent the night holding me and comforting me. Even though I knew I was nothing to him, the rejection still stung.

I was not looking forward to today. School was going to be torture and if I saw Zane I knew I would be a mess.

But today I was determined to avoid Zane – and Mariah. Especially Mariah.

"So what's it like being jilted?" Mariah spat out as I entered the school.

Here we go… I thought to myself. I lowered my head and kept on walking, hoping she would drop it. She didn't.

"Servant, I'm talking to you," Mariah yelled, making the whole hallway pause to see the commotion.

I let out a breath before turning to Mariah.

"Eh," I replied, shrugging my shoulders, "I'm not a big fan of sloppy seconds, anyway. You can keep him."

There was an audible gasp from the entire group watching and fury flashed through Mariah's eyes. "Who do you think you are talking to me like that?!"

I realized what I had just done and lowered my head.

"I'm sorry. I am nothing. That's why he ended our arranged marriage," I turned and walked to class, angry that I wasn't even allowed to stand up for myself.

When I returned home from school I collapsed on my bed, mentally exhausted from the horrible day I’d had. The entire day was spent keeping my head down and hoping nobody spoke to me. Nobody did, but it didn't keep me from hearing the whispers about me through the day.

"Rough day?" My mom walked in and sat on the bed, rubbing my back.

"Literally the worst,” I managed to choke out.

"Well hun, why don't you stay home? We have dinner covered. You sit and eat junk food and feel a little bad for yourself. Then tomorrow we'll start fresh." My mom pushed some stray hairs from my face before giving me a warm smile.

"Okay..." I mumbled.

Mom left for the palace and I changed into my comfiest pajamas. I sat on the bed watching chick flicks and gorging myself on chocolate and ice-cream and Hot Cheetos. I knew I looked like a mess but I didn't even care anymore.

One more week, I thought to myself. Then most of these people will be gone for college or for training and off to new places.

I cried at that thought, knowing that they'd all be moving on and I would still be here, rejected and working in the kitchen for the rest of my life.

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