Alpha King's Hybrid Luna - Book cover

Alpha King's Hybrid Luna

Breeanna Belcher

Proud Dad


I leave Flora to deal with the kids and make my way to my mate’s office.

Knock, knock, knock!

“Why do you still knock? It’s been five years. This is your home and pack too,” Leviathan says.

I can’t help but giggle. He still gives me butterflies after all these years.

I walk around the desk, stand in front of Leviathan, and wrap my arms around his neck.

“Because I have manners, unlike some people, who won’t let me shower in peace,” I tease.

“Can you blame me? That scent. That body…just knowing you’re hot and naked in there, I can’t help myself.”

Leviathan growls a low, sexy growl as his arms wrap around my waist and he jerks me onto his lap, causing me to straddle him.

A small gasp escapes me and I can feel him growing hard underneath me.

“Mmmmm,” I moan softly.

Levi kisses my collarbone, allowing his lips to linger on my skin.

“That’s a sound I love to hear.”

“I’m not just here for your impressive member, you know…,” I tease.

“It can wait, it has been too long since I’ve been able to ravish you, my love,” Levi mumbles through an assault of kisses on my neck.

“You ravished me this morning,” I say while unconsciously grinding against his lap.

My body betrays me as I feel the tingles and heat build at my wettening core.

“Six. Hours. Is. Too. Many. Hours. Ago.” Each word spills out between another kiss as he moves down my chest.

My eyes roll back and I lean into each tantalizing peck. My fingers latch onto his hair and my back arches to meet his warm mouth as it traces the curve of my breast.

I feel his cock throb underneath me, jerking to be set free from its cloth prison.

He stretches the elastic strap of my top as he moves to free my breast and takes the nipple into his mouth.

“Ah, yesss,” I moan.

His teeth lightly clamp down onto my pebbled nipple and his hand makes its way underneath my skirt.

“Levi,” I breathe.

His fingers slide between my legs, over my panties, and he begins to rub my tender mound with a torturous rhythm.

I can feel my panties soak at the motions and I push harder against his hand for relief.

Just as his fingers pull the cloth to the side, we hear a knock at the office door.

An annoyed growl escapes his throat and I giggle, pulling myself off of my mate and trying to gather my composure.

I pull down my skirt and adjust my shirt hoping to look somewhat presentable.

As wolves, anyone who walks in will be able to smell what just happened, but it’s our nature.

And let’s face it—I cannot deny that sexy man his carnal needs.

“Alpha?” I hear his beta’s voice from outside. Well, beta and my best friend’s mate.

I giggle as I walk over to the door and open it, a huge smile planted on my face.

“I apologize for, uhhhh…interrupting, but when you are finished, Leviathan, you have a border patrol meeting.” Zade can’t hide his knowing smile.

“Got it. Next time use the mind-link please.” Levi smirks while trying to adjust himself through his pants.

I can’t help but giggle again as Zade walks away with an awkward grin and Leviathan stands up, fixing his collar and grabbing folders to head to the meeting.

“Well, it’s a good thing he interrupted. I really do need to talk to you before you go, Levi. It’s about Lily.”

Our daughter’s name piques his interest and he leans back against his desk with eyebrows raised.

“Is she okay? Did Junior do something to her again?” he asks.

“Yeah…about that. Lily did something to Junior this time.”

Leviathan’s subtle smirk hides nothing. I can see proud daddy written all over his face…

Goddess, can this man be any hotter?

“She hit ’em? Finally showin’ him who’s alpha?”

I spit out a laugh. “Nothing quite so dramatic, hun.”

“Junior always torments poor Lily. Can you blame me for wanting to see her assert her dominance? She is the Alpha King’s daughter, after all.”

“Lilliana holds her own more than you think. Just last week he said her shirt was ugly and she pushed him out of a tree,” I say with a little sass.

“Oh, well shit. Guess it’s good he is part wolf,” he replies, not even trying to hide a chuckle.

“Not funny,” I scolded.

I can’t deny that her showing dominance and standing up for herself doesn’t make me proud though.

This teasing back and forth has been going on since they began to crawl. I remember vividly Junior’s first crawl was over to Lily—and he stole her pacifier.

“Levi…” I pause. “Lily made Junior look like he peed himself today.”

Levi chuckles and then gets a fake serious face.

He clears his throat. “Well, that was not nice of her at all.”

“You don’t get it, Levi. She used water abilities to make him look like he peed.”

All joking and amusement drain from his face.

“Wait, what? How? She is only five?! You didn’t even get abilities until you were 200 years old.” His voice is riddled with stress.

“Julia locked my powers. They were locked until I met you.”

“Fuck. I can’t have her being a hormonal teenager and trancing men or getting upset and exploding someone’s head because she screamed or threw a tantrum, Asa.”

“Okay, you are being dramatic. I never exploded anyone’s head, and my abilities are not like my mother’s, from what I know. And Lily’s may not be anything like mine.”

“Well, she is controlling water for fuck’s sake. SHE IS FIVE!” I feel his temper rising.

“We are part siren, Levi. Water and air are in our DNA. You know the story. Half-bird, half-woman, angry at men, so they lured them to death by the sea.

“Just as Julia told us about the original siren,” I explain, trying to calm my mate.

Leviathan’s fingers comb through his hair.

“You need to contact Julia and figure out if we can lock her powers until she is officially mated to Zade Jr.—that will give us time.

“I will not do that. My mother died so she could do that to me because she could not protect me. Lily needs to be trained to control her abilities so she doesn’t have to go through what I did.

“The Goddess said my brand was a sign I was to teach and train the new breed to prepare for some bad event in the future,” I remind him.

I look down at the flowing blue and black sea of wolves branded onto my arm and chest.

“She’s five, though,” he sighs, a little deflated.

“The same age I was when my father started training me as a warrior. The reason I can take down any male or female in this pack. Maybe we should consider starting her training as well.

“She knows mommy is special but she doesn’t understand who she is. We already hide the fact that Junior is her mate. I won’t hide the fact she is a siren as well.”

“She does have the blood of two Ancient original wolves and a siren. I guess if anyone were able to handle it, it would be her,” he agrees.

“And she can kick any macho wolf’s ass who tries to hit on her when she gets older,” I tease, trying to lighten the mood.

“Okay, we will sit her down and talk to her about starting training. Then explain to her about her siren background.”

“Deal. Now go be a good Alpha King and handle the border meeting.” I smile, nudging my mate.

Leviathan places a long, slow kiss on my lips.

“Thank the Goddess our daughter has such a badass mother to teach her.” He winks before walking out of the room.

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