I'll Fight for You - Book cover

I'll Fight for You

Tate Rivers

Chapter 2. …Will Be the Day Hell Freezes Over


The morning after was brutal. My head pounded, a clear sign of the copious amounts of alcohol I’d consumed the night before.

Suddenly, a groan sounded next to me, and I was pulled closer to a warm body.

I stiffened, turning to see Darren, the guy from last night, snuggled up against me, his hair a mess from sleep.

A small smile tugged at my lips. Last night was a blur, but the fragments I could recall had me chuckling at my own drunken antics.

I was surprised to find Darren still here. I’d assumed he’d be long gone by the time I woke up.

We were sprawled on a small bed in one of the private rooms at Black Midnight. Most guys would have hit it and quit it, not even bothering to look back.

“Morning,” Darren’s sleepy voice rumbled next to me.

I blinked, realizing I’d been staring at him. I blushed, burying my face in his warm chest.

“Morning,” I replied, biting my lip to suppress a grin.

He chuckled, his arms wrapping around my bare body. I’d completely forgotten we were both naked, tucked under a blanket.

“Told you,” he mumbled, and I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly what he was referring to.

I laughed, but quickly clamped my mouth shut as a sharp pain shot through my head. How much had I drunk last night?

“Why don’t we get dressed and go to the store to get some pills?” Darren suggested, propping himself up on his elbows to look at me.

His suggestion caught me off guard. Why was he being so nice? It was endearing at first, but now it was just strange. I shook my head at him.

“It’s fine, really. I need to find my friend soon anyway. She’s probably passed out somewhere,” I said, laughing lightly.

Darren looked surprised, probably because I’d turned him down, but quickly regained his confident demeanor. He wrapped his arms around my waist, giving me a gentle squeeze.

“Then... can I have your number?” he asked, and I nearly choked on air.

He’d learned my name was Claire last night, and after that, we’d stopped talking and just went with the flow.

Deciding it wouldn’t hurt, I shrugged and said, “Sure. But I need to get back to her soon.”

I didn’t want this to turn into a clingy relationship. Who knew a one-night stand could evolve into something more?

I wasn’t ready for a boyfriend. Besides, I knew he’d eventually leave. I didn’t feel anything for Darren beyond a bit of lust.

Darren nodded, and we exchanged phones. I typed my number into his phone, saving it under Claire <3

Don’t judge me. We’d had a great time last night, and I’m a confident girl!

We swapped phones back, and before I could leave, Darren pulled me into a soft, lingering kiss.

I guess he thinks we’re dating now... I hope not. I can’t stand clingy guys; they always turn possessive and stalker-ish.

After dressing, I gave Darren a smile and left. I checked my phone. It was 8:32 a.m., and the bar was still filled with people passed out from the night before.

I made a face as I walked into the girls’ bathroom and dialed Nancy.

She answered on the fourth ring, her voice groggy. “Hello?”

“Hey Nancy. Where are you?” I asked, eager to leave.

She sighed before answering, “I’m in one of the private rooms. I think it’s the third one. And I hope you had fun last night.” I could hear the smirk in her voice.

I rolled my eyes, knowing she couldn’t see me.

“Yeah, actually I did. Now, hurry up and get out here. My head is killing me, I look like shit, and I’m starving,” I complained, knowing it would aggravate her headache.

“Shut up,” Nancy hissed, clearly suffering from a headache too. “I’m grabbing my things and I’ll meet you in the bathroom in a few.” She hung up before I could respond.

I put away my phone and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I wasn’t kidding when I said I looked like shit. My hair was a mess from Darren’s hands.

My makeup wasn’t too bad, though. It looked like most of it had come off. A bit of eye shadow still clung to my eyelids, but that was it. The rest was gone.

I’d have to apologize to Nancy for the small tear in the back of my dress. Darren had been a bit too eager.

Not a minute later, Nancy walked into the bathroom and locked the door.

“Hey. So, I see you finally got over him,” Nancy smirked, referring to James.

I shrugged. “I was always over him. It was just the anger that never faded,” I told her.

She nodded, looking at our reflections in the mirror. “My God, we look like shit,” she mumbled, echoing my earlier sentiment.

Nancy’s makeup was surprisingly intact, except for her lipstick. Her eyeshadow, blush, and mascara were still perfect.

Her hair, however, was a wild mess, the classic I-just-had-sex look. Seeing my shocked expression, she grinned and shrugged.

“What? I spent a lot of time on my makeup. There was no way I was going to let it get ruined the moment I walked into this bar,” she explained.

I shook my head at her and sighed. “Alright. Can we go now? I’m starving.” I complained. Plus, I had another fight tomorrow. I needed to train and eat right for the rest of the day. No more beer or alcohol. Sadly.

“Alright. Let’s go back to my house and change, then we’ll have breakfast, okay?” She suggested, glancing at me over her shoulder as she tried to tame her hair.

I nodded, and she pulled out her keys. We left the bar, waving to the bartender on our way out.

“So, did you have a good time?” Nancy asks, her grin wide as we pull away.

I can’t help but smile, thinking back to Darren’s adorable expression when I told him I had to leave. It was as if he didn’t want me to.

It was sweet, but I’m a one-night stand kind of girl. Nothing more, nothing less. I’ve given up on relationships. They only lead to heartbreak.

“It was okay, Nancy. How about you?” I ask, smirking. I know she probably had more than one guy last night.

A blush creeps onto her face. “Three guys. Not my best, but the last one wore me out. I ended up just sleeping with him. He actually stayed with me,” she admits.

I choke on nothing. “Gross! Too much information!” I shudder. “But the guy I was with didn’t leave either. I was surprised. I thought he’d be gone by the time I woke up,” I confess.

She nods. “So... did you get his number?” She grins.

I sigh, but decide to answer. “I don’t think he would’ve let me leave without it.” I chuckle.

That’s enough to make Nancy lose it. She bursts out laughing, but keeps her eyes on the road.

“Claire, I thought you were all about one-night stands. I mean, I don’t care if you decide to settle down but—” I cut her off.

“Nancy, we’re not dating. We’re never going to date. I don’t want any kind of relationship with him—or anyone else. Remember, I’m done with love.

“I don’t need it to survive. I’m perfectly happy without it,” I state firmly.

Nancy shakes her head. “You know, Claire, one of these days, a guy is going to fall head over heels for you, and he’ll fight for you no matter what.

“And when that happens, you better not mess it up! Because he could be one of the only men on this planet who actually fights for the woman he loves,” Nancy sighs dreamily.

Even though Nancy’s a heartbreaker, she’s still searching for her dream guy. She’s waiting for the one she loves to fight for her.

Nancy’s always been a romantic. She’s constantly going on dates, hoping to find the one. But she’s never been on a second date with any of them.

They just don’t interest her enough for a second date and she refuses to lead guys on. She’s upfront about whether she likes them or not.

Her philosophy: “Life is too short to worry about hurting people’s feelings. Rip off the bandage or let it fester. Your choice.” Yeah, she’s a real ray of sunshine.

I scoff. “The day that happens will be the day hell freezes over,” I mutter to myself as we pull into her driveway.

We take turns showering and changing before heading to Molly’s Diner.

Molly’s Diner is the best diner in the world! Molly’s an amazing cook and she’s like family to me. She’s like a grandmother to me.

I don’t really know my family, so Nancy, Molly, and boxing are the only things close to me that I consider family. Yes, I consider boxing my family. It’s not weird. I still love my parents, but they hardly care about me.

“Claire! My darling!” Molly squeals when Nancy and I walk in. Molly is in her late 40s and is married with two kids.

Her kids have already moved out, and now it’s just her and her husband. Molly has dark black hair with streaks of grey.

She’s put on a little weight since I last saw her, and she has deep sea-blue eyes. She’s really beautiful for her age.

I hug her and then pull back. “Hey, Molly,” I greet her with a warm smile.

“You need to visit more often,” she scolds gently, a smile still on her face.

I shrug. “Sorry, I’ve been busy, Molly. With school work, and… training,” I whisper the last part.

Molly is one of the few people who know about me being White Wolf. She never judged me and actually encouraged me. She just doesn’t like the idea of me getting hurt.

She nods. “Understood. Well, let’s make the most of it. Right this way, dear,” she leads us to our favorite table.

Our table is always at the end of the diner with a red comfy booth and a large window view showing the deep blue sky and dozens of tall trees outside.

I sit down, and Molly gives Nancy a hug before disappearing into the back. We come here so often that Molly knows exactly what we want without even having to ask.

“So, what are you planning on doing after breakfast?” Nancy asks casually, folding her hands together like a mother about to give her child a life lesson.

I shrug, pulling my purple hoodie closer to my body. “Probably go back to the gym and train for the rest of the night. How many fights do I have?” I ask curiously.

She nods. “You’re up to five fights for tomorrow night. Are you sure you want to fight this many people?

“A lot of people want to fight you now because they think they can beat you,” Nancy says, concern in her voice.

I nod. “I’m sure. Nancy, I’ve won every single fight I’ve been in. I know how to protect myself—”

Nancy cuts me off. “But that’s not the point, Claire. You fight different people—one at a time. What if a whole gang decided to fight you? You can’t take on that many people, Claire.”

Nancy’s motherly side is showing. I bite my lip, scolding myself for almost revealing something I shouldn’t have to Nancy. Instead, I let out a breath.

Rolling my eyes, I reply, “That’s why I have a boxing name. And you’re the one who offered this to me,” I point out.

Nancy just glares at me. “Claire, I offered you this job because I knew it would be good for you. I started you off easy and you became an undefeated fighter.

“Claire, I can’t bear the thought of you getting hurt. You might believe that no one gives a damn about you, but I do. I can’t stand the idea of you in pain. Or in a hospital.” Nancy’s voice trembles, her eyes welling up with tears.

I let out a sigh and slide over to sit next to Nancy. I wrap my arms around her, pulling her into a comforting hug.

“Nancy, I know you care. I really do. But nothing’s going to happen. I promise. And if it does, it’s on me. Not you.

“I’m the one making my choices, so you shouldn’t feel guilty for what I do. It’s not your fault.” My voice is steady, filled with sincerity.

Nancy’s been trying to talk me out of boxing for a week now. She thinks it’s getting too risky, especially with the number of guys swearing they’ll get their revenge.

Apparently, getting their asses kicked by a girl doesn’t do wonders for their egos.

Nancy nods just as Molly returns with our food. I’ve ordered blueberry pancakes with maple syrup and a side of bacon, along with orange juice. Nancy’s having a cheese omelet with sausage and orange juice too.

“Dig in, sweetheart. It’s on the house,” Molly grins at us.

I return her smile. “Thanks, Molly, but you really don’t have to,” I tell her.

She dismisses it with a wave of her hand. “Nonsense, darling. It’s my treat.” She insists, and before I can protest further, she’s gone.

I shake my head, grinning, as I dig into my pancakes.

Nancy and I chat about this and that as we eat. Once we’re done, I leave a tip on the table and we head out.

Nancy drops me off at my driveway, and I give her a tight hug before heading inside.

I glance at my iPhone: 11:29 a.m.

Perfect. I have plenty of time to train.

“Where’ve you been?” Blake’s voice makes me freeze in my tracks.

I turn my head and groan inwardly. Why? Why is he here now? “None of your business,” I mutter, and continue towards my house.

I hear Blake chuckle behind me. “You’re something else, you know that...” His voice trails off as I shut my front door.

I glance around my living room. My dad’s lounging on the couch, engrossed in a football game. My mom’s probably at work. She’s a salesperson at a store.

We barely scrape by on her income. Sometimes, when I’m feeling generous, I’ll chip in a few bucks. But only when I feel like it.

I head to my room and change into my boxing gear: a purple sports bra, black booty shorts, and purple converse. As you might have guessed, I have a bit of a thing for the color purple.

It’s November now and, even though it’s freezing, I’ve gotten used to Montana’s weather.

I grab my gym bag and everything I need before bolting out the door. “Heading out,” I yell to my dad on my way out.

Tomorrow... is going to be a blast!

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