Strictly Baby Business - Book cover

Strictly Baby Business

Bailey King

Let’s Get To It

Peyton let out an angry sigh as she stared at the stack of papers in front of her. No way would she have ever guessed she would be this stupid.

She’d always believed herself to be respectable and honorable, yet here she was, stooping to the lowest level possible.

Lucky for her, yesterday wasn’t her first, since she knew Sebastian would have laughed in her face.

He’d proved to be a real ass when they had sex yesterday; said some crude things, and said some meaningful things. He did what he needed to and left.

Peyton felt so vulnerable and stupid as fuck, but there was no going back now, was there? She moved her eyes from the stack of papers to her belly.

She imagined it growing and could only feel regret. How could she agree to be in such a deal with such an asshole?

He’s probably off with some bimbo right now!

Although Peyton had to admit, that had been the best she had ever had. It felt so real, so true.

Not at all like a business deal. But now that she'd received a stack of papers in the mail that proved to be a contract for their “Strictly Baby Business,” she finally realized just how much this really was just that.

She read through all the papers and it was exactly like he said the deal would be, but she was stuck on one certain place.

Today she’d decided not to go to work since she was emotionally drained and knew she wouldn’t be able to work properly. Instead, she stayed home and found mail.

She reread the last and very unnecessary part of the contract, still feeling uneasy about it.

During the duration of the agreement, the woman will only give an opinion if she is asked, and will do as she is told at all times.

The living arrangement will be separate until after the marriage; then they have to be together at all times.

The year will only start once the marriage is final.

The problem for Peyton was that the agreement only really started after the marriage, and she had no idea when they would get married.

Why was it so important to Sebastian anyway? With all of these thoughts running through her mind, she looked at her stomach again.

Just then her phone rang. Without thinking, she picked it up and put it to her ear.

“Have you signed the contract yet?”


“No, why? By the way, when will we get married?” Silence reigned on the phone as Sebastian looked at the cars driving on the streets from his office window.

He would have to figure out all the finer details soon. “Just sign the paper!” he barked.

Peyton stared at her table, offended.

“How did you even get my number?”

Silence again. Sebastian smirked and motioned for his client to enter his office.

“The same way I found you.”

Peyton raised an eyebrow.


Sebastian rolled his eyes as he poured two glasses of whiskey and ice.

“Look, after three months, I’ll tell my parents and we can start with the plans. I’ll push for it to happen within two weeks and then our year starts. Not that hard.”

Peyton heard shuffling and whispering and then realized that he wanted her to hang up, that was why he didn’t argue any more than before.

“So, three months?” she asked, wondering what would happen between those three months. She heard a sigh from his side.

“We won’t have contact for those three months. I’ll contact you afterward.” Then the line went dead.

Peyton looked at her phone, offended, before she put it down and grumpily signed the contracts.


She grabbed her sling bag and hung it over her shoulder before grabbing her keys, making her way out of her apartment, and locking the door.

While walking down the hall, she greeted the people she knew and took a detour around the people who were smoking.

She walked out of the building and started to walk to the diner. Yesterday someone had given her a rather large tip. Why not spoil herself with a proper meal instead of a cheap one?

She walked into the diner with a smile on her face. Once she was seated and had ordered, she couldn’t help but wonder what lay ahead.

After Sebastian hung up the phone on Peyton, he took a deep, agitated breath and turned to his client with a charming smile.

“What can I do for you today, Malcolm?” The client, Malcolm, smiled openly at him.

“Issues at home?”

Thinking it over for a moment, Sebastian stayed quiet before nodding with a sigh.

“I guess you could say that.”

If only Sebastian had been able to get his way with his father the first time! Then he wouldn’t have this nonsense to deal with.

Fortunately, Sebastian had found a way past his father’s conditions and also a way to shut her up.

Sebastian would gladly take a crying baby at 3 a.m. instead of what his father had planned. No way in hell was Sebastian going to agree to his father’s plans with her.

Even better; the wedding was scheduled for more than three months from now! No better way to put her in ~her~ place than to announce his child in front of the altar.

Sebastian couldn’t wait to embarrass her the way she had embarrassed him. Nothing could stop him from getting what he wanted, and that was just the way he liked it.

Of course, his mother wouldn’t approve, but as soon as she met Peyton, she’d get over it and start appreciating the news since Peyton was such a “good girl.”

To his mom, she would be the perfect wife. To Sebastian, it was all revolting, but it would get him what he wanted, so he was willing to do it.

Finally, Sebastian came out of his daze and smiled at Malcolm as he took out his notepad and turned on his Mac desktop computer.

“Let’s get to it, shall we?”

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