Billionaire Baby Daddy - Book cover

Billionaire Baby Daddy

Yoland Zawadi



When I enter my apartment, I find Ian sleeping on the couch. Looks like he was waiting for me. I roll my eyes and head into the bathroom after grabbing fresh clothes. I strip off my dress.

“Bella? Baby, you in there?” I roll my eyes, immediately irritated with him. Of course I am in here, in the shower. I decide to ignore him. I’m not ready to deal with his crap now.

Twenty minutes later I am finished; I go to the kitchen. I move straight to the fridge, looking for something to eat, but I only find a few eggs.

Looks like I have to do some grocery shopping, I think with a sigh.

Ian presses his chest to my back and tries to kiss me, but I push him away. I used to love when he did that, but now I can’t stomach it.

I turn to him. “Thought you were supposed to be gone. I can’t stand the sight of you right now. It makes me sick,” I sneer at him.

I had loved Ian, but however much I tried, I couldn’t get the picture of him cheating out of my head.

“I was worried about you—”

I snort. “Worried? You were worried about me? Joke of the year, people.” I knew I was being a bit of a drama queen, but that was what he claims I am anyway.

So that was what he will get. I raise my hands and turn in a circle as if I’m talking to a crowd.

Ian lets out an annoyed sigh. “I’m being serious here, Bella. Where were you?”

He is getting annoyed? Good. He deserves it. I move toward him slowly, looking into his eyes. I smirk as I move my mouth close to his ear, slowly and dramatically, which makes his breath hitch.

Ian knows I am shy about seduction and sex, but I feel so courageous now. Could it be because I’m not a virgin anymore? Or maybe I’m just sick of his games.

“I went to the same club and got drunk and got myself fucked. And I forgot about you. You know the best part?” I pause to raise his anxiety. When he doesn’t move, I lean closer to him.

“I so fucking enjoyed it,” I say, almost in a whisper. I move away from him and turn without looking at him.

I sway my hips exaggeratedly, ignoring him. I am so done with him. I decide that I will move out rather than wait for him to leave. But first I will have to find a new place. I have a job interview next month.

My stomach growls, reminding me that I have yet to feed it.

I go into our shared bedroom to get my purse, but before I finish putting on my shoes the bedroom door closes with a bang.

I roll my eyes at how childish Ian is being. I don’t bother to look at him, but all of a sudden he grabs me and throws me across the room—like, literally.

My head hits the bed, and I am sure I will have a concussion. I blink back tears that are threatening to fall out of instinct. The pain in my head is unbearable.

Ian moves in front of me and crouches to my level.

“Such a pretty face,” he coos, stroking the side of my face. I feel disgusted. “Too bad no one’s ever gonna see it again.” Oh my God! I always attract the psychos. First my dad, now this?

I remain still, since I don’t know what he will do next.

My dad used to beat up my mom, and eventually my mother decided to give up and run away, leaving me alone to deal with her crazy husband. Later, she died from an overdose.

I learned some self-defense when my father was in jail, and I had to go into foster care since I was underage.

Ian has some muscles, which I like, but the man is a lazy toad.

I had wondered how he even got his muscles in the first place, but I learned that it was in his genes—his dad is also all muscled up. Except he is hardworking.

Ian pulls a knife out of his back pocket, and I go very still. He notices my reaction and his face lights up with a sardonic smile.

He toys with the knife, moving it from my face, down to my throat, and back up.

“Ian? W-What are you doing, baby?” He lets out a small laugh that chills me to the bones.

“You know what I liked about you, Bella? You were this vixen with a sexy body and pretty face, but you were so damned innocent. When I found out you were a virgin, I was a goner.”

He trails his filthy hands down my body.

“I knew I had to break you. I put up with your smart mouth and your drama, day in and day out. I tried to have sex with you, but you refused, every fucking time. So I bided my time.”

My heart is beating so fast that it feels like it will burst from my chest. Easy there, heart. I need you.

“Yesterday, when I came back and found you with those two women, I was so hurt, Ian. You cheated on me with two women at the same time, Ian.” Tears sting my eyes, but I refuse to show any weakness.

“I was willing to give myself to you yesterday.” My voice is so low that I’m not sure he heard what I just said.

“But you went and fucked another man. I’ll just make this quick.”

He takes the knife that is right beside my head and cuts into my skin. I push him with so much force that he falls backward, since it was unexpected.

I get swiftly to my feet and kick him in the nose, making him fall back again with a grunt.

I crouch in front of him and punch him in the face, knocking him out. I grab the knife and run to the cabinet, which has some rope in it. I take the rope and run back to the room.

I tie Ian up and push a washcloth into his mouth. I search for my phone, but I can’t find it, so I run to Mr. Brown’s house next door. I knock hard and desperately at his door.

After what feels like forever, he opens the door, looking like he was just sleeping. He takes in my disheveled state.

“Can I use your phone, Mr. Brown? I lost mine.” He hesitates for a second before moving into the house quickly. I follow him in and grab it quickly from his hand to call the police.

“What did you say his name was again, Miss?” asks the operator. I am getting impatient. Ian might wake up at any time and untie the ropes.

“Ian. Ian Conner.”

“Ian Conner? We’ve been looking for him for two years now. Thank you Ms. Styles. Some officers are already enroute. They will be there in five minutes.”

Ian is a criminal? Oh my God! I drop the phone on the counter and mutter a quick thanks. I sprint back to my house and head straight to my room, arriving just as Ian begins to regain consciousness.

“The police are on their way. What did you do to make them look for you?” His eyes are so wide that they look like they might fall from their sockets.

“YOU BITCH!” he shouts. I hear the sirens on our street and thank the heavens.

As expected, no answer comes from him, and I sit there waiting. The doorbell rings two minutes later and I stand up to answer it. I lead the policemen to Ian.

“You will regret this, Bella.” The exact thing my father had said to me. I roll my eyes and I wave goodbye.

After giving my statement, I go back into my apartment and cry.

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