Werewolf University - Book cover

Werewolf University

Brittany Carter

Chapter Two


My wolf was restless, a familiar sensation that had marked the start of each semester for the past three years. But this time, I understood the source of his anxiety—it mirrored my own.

As a senior, this was my final opportunity to find my mate. The likelihood of returning home to assume leadership of my father’s pack after graduation and discovering her there was practically nonexistent.

That was the purpose of the university. Learn about your role in the pack, find your mate, and graduate. But for me, the waiting had been a challenge.

Watching the other wolves, the alphas, pair off and leave me alone felt like a slow, torturous burn.

I ran my hand down my face and accepted a shot from one of the other alphas. The hum of voices below had my wolf pacing restlessly.

“Would you settle down? You’re making me jittery,” I muttered. But it was as if he didn’t hear me.

He never did. That was part of being an alpha: your wolf took the reins most of the time, and you followed along because there was no other choice.

Kayden, my best friend, slid into the chair next to me, flashing that infamous grin of his. “I can feel your nerves, man. She’s going to be here. Chill out.”

I jabbed my elbow into his ribs and stood up. “When are we starting? I want to get this over with.”

Kayden glanced at the entrance where Landon, the president of the Alphas fraternity, stood. “Everyone, gather around. We’re ready.”

A prickling sensation danced along the back of my neck as we began our chant and descended the stairs. The girls, both new and returning, flooded the foyer, each hoping to find their destiny.

I took the last step, tuning out the excited squeals of the girls as they found their mates, and froze. That scent… it was her.

My gaze swept over the girls, some familiar from random hookups, others fresh-faced freshmen. None of them were her. I moved deeper into the crowd, and they parted for me.

The scent of freshly cut grass, a summer’s day. It was almost too much for my wolf to bear. His clawing and growling inside of me sent my mind into a frenzy.

I needed to reach her before he burst out of me from sheer need. I spotted her seconds later, tucked away in a corner of the room, engrossed in her phone, oblivious to the alpha party around her.

But I didn’t care.

I approached until I stood just inches from the woman I’d spend the rest of my life with. Her dark hair was braided over her shoulder. The gentle curve of her breast flowed into a waistline I yearned to wrap my arms around.

She looked up seconds later. Her phone slipped from her grasp and shattered against the tile. Her heartbeat quickened at the sight of me. I could see the shock and confusion etched on her face, which only made me all the more irritated.

“Can I help you?” she asked, her voice as smooth as honey but as rich as chocolate.

A smirk tugged at the corner of my mouth. She wasn’t starstruck by me, and my wolf loved it. There was something about a challenge that excited him.

Her hazel eyes darted behind me to our audience, and a blush crept up her neck to her cheeks. I couldn’t stand another moment without touching her. I reached forward and slid my hand against the back of her neck.

Her soft skin ignited a fire that raced up my fingertips and seared into my soul.

“Mine,” I murmured.

Her reaction—pounding her fists against my chest—startled me, but I didn’t let go. I’d waited too long for this…

A petite girl peeked around me. I assumed she was her roommate or a friend. “Savannah, this is Dax… “

Savannah. The name rolled onto my tongue, but I swallowed it, not wanting to say anything that might scare her. She seemed easily spooked.

“I don’t care who he is. Get off me!” she shouted.

My wolf growled. I wanted to kiss her, to erase her doubts, to drown her in this need that pulsed through me. Why didn’t she feel it?

Am I imagining it because I want the mate bond so much?

No. There was no way I was imagining this.

“She doesn’t know,” the petite girl beside me said.

I glanced down at her elfin face and back to Savannah, who looked bewildered. She didn’t know about mates? Or werewolves? Why was she here?

A soft chuckle escaped my lips.

“Well,” I said. “This is going to get interesting, Savannah.”

Her gaze dropped to my mouth, and I tightened my fingers slightly against her skin before leaning in. “I’m your mate.”

Savannah stared at me as if I had two heads. She’d clearly never heard of mates before. A sudden silence washed over the fraternity house, and I glanced back to see everyone staring.

In the three years I’d been here, nothing like this had happened before. Everyone who attended knew about mates and werewolves. Why didn’t she?

Seizing the opportunity, she brought her elbow up and slammed it down on my forearm, knocking my hand away. She darted around her friend and out of the house before I could blink.

She was definitely fast.

The silence was deafening.

“You should totally go after her,” her friend whispered. I glanced down at her, and she shrugged. “Maybe, I mean, if you want.”

Oh, I wanted, but I wasn’t sure it was a good idea. The rational part of me said to give her time, while the irrational part, my wolf, urged me to claim what was mine.

Kayden clapped a hand on my shoulder. “What was that?” he asked in my ear.

I glanced over, noticing a petite she-wolf standing beside him, a wide grin on her face. “Your mate?” I asked.

“Stephanie!” she greeted, extending her hand. She was a charming sight, her dark red hair and freckled nose adding to her allure. Kayden looked at her with a sense of pride, and I felt a twinge of jealousy.

“I’m guessing the girl who bolted is your mate?” he queried.

I muttered under my breath, turning my gaze to her roommate who was standing off to the side. “Why doesn’t she know?”

The roommate shrugged. “I’m not sure. She mentioned being raised by her grandmother. I think that might have something to do with it.”

Kayden nudged me with his shoulder. “You have the whole semester—”

“Easy for you to say, you’ve found your mate,” I retorted. “I don’t understand why she doesn’t have a wolf?”

Kayden’s brow furrowed. “I don’t know. Maybe she does and just doesn’t realize it. Would we know if we weren’t raised in a pack?”

I didn’t have an answer to that. My phone buzzed in my pocket, but I ignored it. I remembered her dropping her phone, so I searched until I found it.

I pressed the side button and a picture of her in the arms of some guy popped up. My wolf was livid. He was thirsting for blood. So was I. Who was this jerk?

Her roommate glanced at the picture and winced.

“Do you know who this is?”

“She said it was her boyfriend.”

“Like hell it is,” I spat. “I need to talk to her. Someone—one of the professors should explain everything. Do they even know she’s here blindly?”

I pushed through the crowd and bolted out of the house. Professor Braxton lived on campus, and I felt a connection to him since he was from my father’s pack. Kayden called out to me, but I ignored him.

My wolf was begging to be released, but I held him back. I needed to gather my thoughts and get someone else’s perspective. Braxton’s front light was on when I pounded on his door.

He answered shirtless, clearly he’d been napping, but that didn’t stop him from looking surprised. “Dax, is everything okay?”

I barged through the door and took a seat at his small kitchen table. His mate’s scent lingered, but I could hear her snoring down the hallway.

He ran his fingers through his gray hair and gave me a questioning look. “You didn’t find your mate?”

I scoffed, rubbing my palms against my thighs, the anticipation of seeing her again making me restless. I wanted her now.

“Oh, I found her, but she doesn’t know anything, Braxton. She’s… I don’t think she has a wolf. Doesn’t know about mates. Her roommate brought her to the pack house tonight, I wanted her so bad, and now she’s scared of me.”

Shock registered on his face. “You’re mated to Savannah Harper?”

“How do you know her name?”

Braxton sat down across from me. “The professors were informed years ago that she’d be attending this year. Her parents passed away, and her grandmother, who knows nothing about her being a wolf, raised her.

We were instructed to gently ease her into everything. One of the professors is scheduled to speak with her tomorrow.”

I’m speechless.

“How does she not know about her wolf?”

He shrugged. “She’s never been introduced to it. She was raised by a human and that’s what she believes she is—a human.”

I chewed on my bottom lip, the image of her boyfriend on her phone still fresh in my mind. “She has a boyfriend. If he shows up here, I’ll rip his head off.”

Braxton reached across the table and patted my hand. “You need to calm down, Dax. Everything will be okay.”

I slid my hand down my face. “Everyone saw what happened tonight. I’ll be the talk of the campus tomorrow.”

Braxton chuckled. “It’ll work out. She’ll be gradually introduced to everything. Be patient.”

I scoffed. “I’ve been patient for years, Braxton. Now I have the one mate who doesn’t even know she’s a damn wolf.”

“She will soon enough.”


The next day, I was the center of attention on campus. I felt the urge to knock everyone down but settled for flipping them off.

I couldn’t focus in my classes, not even my combat class. I was thrown on my ass more times than I could count. My mind kept wandering to her. Would she show up for class today?

After the events of the previous night, I wasn’t sure she would.

I met Kayden for lunch at the cafeteria, and my senses picked up her scent. She was sitting with her roommate in a corner booth, accompanied by some guy I didn’t recognize.

Jealousy surged within me. I despised this feeling, but I couldn’t suppress it. Kayden jabbed his elbow into my rib. “Dude, calm down. I can feel your anger. I’m sure the guy is just some beta trying to get with her friend.”

I watched closely, noticing him staring at her from across the booth. Her hair was down, obscuring her face, but her shoulders moved as if she was laughing.

Kayden gestured toward the group of football players in the corner, but I didn’t follow him. I stalked toward her table, my mind in a frenzy.

I didn’t even stop when Kayden called after me. My wolf was out of control, urging me to go to her. She looked up as I stopped in front of her table, her eyes widening in surprise.

“Is this seat taken?” I asked.

She opened her mouth to respond, but her roommate kicked her under the table. “No, it’s not.”

I glared at the beta sitting next to Jaka. He swallowed hard and started pushing his food around his plate.

“Scoot over,” I commanded.

She didn’t seem to appreciate that.

Please?” she implored, her voice dripping with allure. “I didn’t exactly extend an invitation to you. After your public display of affection last night, I’m not sure I want you anywhere near me.”

My grip on my plate tightened. I yearned to silence her with a kiss, to show everyone in the cafeteria that she was mine and off-limits.

But I couldn’t. I had to take it slow, just as Braxton had advised. Grinding my teeth, I sat down anyway, forcing her to make room. She grumbled under her breath but moved aside.

Her scent was driving my wolf wild. He howled within me, pleading for me to kiss her. I shut my eyes. “Enough, now.”

“Dax, meet Johnathon,” Jaka introduced.

I glanced at him, but neither of us said a word. It wasn’t that alphas considered themselves superior to betas, but I didn’t appreciate his presence.

Jake cleared her throat. “What classes do you have after lunch?” she asked Savannah.

She furrowed her brows. “I’m not sure my adviser knows what she’s doing. She’s got me enrolled in some bizarre courses. Like Luna 101? What even is that?”

Jaka and Johnathon exchanged a knowing look. They were both aware that she was clueless. I wanted to enlighten her, I almost did, but then her phone buzzed in my pocket. I’d forgotten I had it.

I couldn’t unlock it, but I could see Trent had been texting her every hour on the hour. Reluctantly, I fished the phone out of my pocket and handed it to her. “Is this yours?”

Her hazel eyes met mine, and I noticed a shiver run through her. She did feel something, she just didn’t understand what.

“Yes, thank you. Trent must be worried sick.”

I gripped my drink and downed it, my throat suddenly parched. “Trent isn’t going to last,” I muttered.

Savannah shot me a dirty look. “Why are you even here? You assaulted me last night with some absurd mating ritual, and now you’re here trying to control my life. Piss off.”

My wolf despises that.

I bit my tongue until I tasted blood. I turned to face her, waiting for her to meet my gaze.

“You have no idea what you’re talking about, and I promise you, before long, I’ll have that sassy mouth begging me to taste it.”

I didn’t know why I said it. I couldn’t help it.

Her eyes widened and I heard her teeth grind together. “You arrogant bastard,” she spat, throwing her drink in my face.

I lunged forward and caught her jaw in my hand. My lips hovered perilously close to hers. “You’re going to regret that, Sweet Girl—”


I reluctantly released her, relishing the way her chest heaved under my touch, and turned to Braxton. He was giving me a stern look. Beside him, Mrs. Jamieson was staring at me with wide eyes.

“Savannah Harper?” she inquired.

“Yes ma’am,” she mumbled.

“I’m your adviser and I believe we need to have a talk.”

I stood up to let her out, noting how she avoided any contact with me, and watched her walk away without a backward glance.

Braxton grabbed me by the back of the neck. “I told you to take it easy. Not give the girl a heart attack. Eat your lunch and calm down.”

I shot Jaka a look before exiting the cafeteria. I needed to run after being so close to her.

This was not how I had envisioned the start of my semester.

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