The Playmaker - Book cover

The Playmaker

Natalie Ashee

Ready as I’ll Ever Be


“Oh my God, I am so freaking jealous!” Lily squeals before taking another sip of her strawberry margarita. I nurse my sweet tea as I giggle at her inebriated enthusiasm.

Lily took me out for drinks to celebrate my newly acquired, albeit made-up, position with the most famous sports team in Georgia.

“I don’t know why. I have to work with the QB, and from what I’ve seen in interviews, he’s not exactly a Georgia peach, if you know what I’m saying. I’m terrified.”

“But Nova, it’s fan-fucking-tastic pay, and you get to work with the team! They’re so hot…and because of cheerleader nonfraternization rules, I have to live vicariously through you.”

Lily sticks her bottom lip out in a pout, and it makes me laugh.

“You do realize I have no plans to do any sort of fraternizing with anyone?” I raise an eyebrow at my friend.

“Yes, but you get to work up close and personal with them! Snap a few pics for me on the job. Miles Aaron’s ass in those pants…”

Lily stares off into space dreamily, and I can hardly contain my eye roll.

“Yeah. That’ll be a definite negative, Ghost Rider.”

Lily sticks her tongue out at me. “Boo. You’re no fun... Speaking of no fun, I’m making it my personal mission to get you laid before the summer is over.”

Crap. This again.

“No, no, no. No freaking way. The last time you tried to set me up with someone, he turned out to be a total freak with a foot fetish. Absolutely not.”

I give her a stern look. I barely remember the guy’s name, but just thinking about the date gives me shivers.

The entire dinner, he kept asking if he could take pictures of my feet, telling me they were the most delicate pair he’d ever seen and that I could make some serious cash as a foot model.

Never again.

“So what? You’re just going to die a virgin, Nova?”

“No. I just refuse to sleep with some selfish asshole who only cares about their own needs.”

Lily nods thoughtfully. “Okay, battery bunny.”

In reaction to Lily’s little nickname for me, I feel a blush steal over my cheeks and scan the area to make sure no one else heard her.

One day, Lily walked in on me looking up vibrators on my laptop, and since then, she’s made it her personal mission to humiliate me about it by calling me “battery bunny.”

The embarrassment was enough to kill any curiosity I had about masturbation.

“Stop calling me that! And listen, all I’m saying is I’m not just going to be another notch on some guy’s bedpost. I want the first one to be so good he’s a notch on mine.”

I push my glasses up on my nose and finish off the rest of my drink.

“A-fucking-men to that,” Lily agrees, lifting her half-empty margarita glass.

The next morning, I have to meet Coach Rodney back at Crusader Stadium for my first official day, and my stomach is tied in knots.

I figure since I spent most of yesterday afternoon signing paperwork, my contract, and an NDA of sorts, today I’ll actually be meeting the rest of the offensive coaching staff and Maxwell Garland himself.

I feel out of place in such a larger-than-life arena.

I know that my clothes are too big for my frame, and the few women who do work here as receptionists, publicists, and other essential personnel are a far cry from me.

Every one of them is dressed smartly in expensive fabrics, their hair pinned up into elegant styles, and their makeup impeccable. It’s hard not to feel like the ugly duckling in comparison.

Get a grip, Nova. You’re not here to look pretty; you’re here to do a job!

I shake my head to rid myself of the brewing insecurity, and just then, Rodney shows up with another man I recognize as Coach Winters.

“Nova, I have someone I’d like you to meet; this is—”

“Gabriel Winters. It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir. I’ve been watching you since I was in diapers.”

I want to face-palm myself for my word vomit, but judging by his warm smile, he doesn’t seem to mind too much. I’m glad too, because my excitement is palpable. Winters is a legend.

“The pleasure is all mine, Miss Connors. I have to say, I was very impressed by your thesis, as I’m sure you’ve heard. It’ll be great to see what comes of it as a result.

“I have a meeting in a few minutes here, but I wanted to make sure I dropped in to meet you before you’re thrown headfirst into life in the NFL.”

I wonder if it’s proper etiquette to ask your boss for an autograph for your dad, but I refrain and just return the man’s smile.

“Thank you, sir.”

“My office is kitty-corner to Rodney’s, so if you have any questions or concerns, my door is always open.”

I nod graciously, and with that, the tall, self-assured gentleman shuffles off in the direction of the elevators, and I’m left with Rodney.

The more time I spend here, the more surreal it feels that I’m actually going to be working in a place that my entire life I’ve only dreamed of visiting.

As a single parent and a garage mechanic without a degree, my father worked tirelessly to support us, but my mother was the breadwinner in our family, and after she left, things had been hard on us financially.

The closest I ever got to Crusader Stadium was seeing our home team play on television. To say this is a dream would be an understatement.

As I follow Rodney to a group of elevators on the opposite side of the stadium, I’m surprised I somewhat remember where I’m going.

When we’ve made our way to the ground level and through the tunnel that leads onto the field, Rodney stops me and hands me a manila envelope I only just realize he’s been carrying the entire time.

“In here is a card with codes to my office—should you need it if I’m unavailable. All other codes are your personal ones, so be sure not to disclose them to anyone, not even myself.

“They’ll permit access to the dining hall; to all of the entrances to the field from the east, west, and north gates; to the trainer’s office; and to the locker room, though I do not recommend going there unaccompanied; I’m sure you can imagine why.”

I shudder in mortification at the mere mention of walking in on a bunch of naked men. Though I’m sure Lily would have a field day with that.

“Also inside is your coach’s badge. You’ll need it for practices and games. Don’t lose that, or you won’t be permitted onto the field, and it’s a bitch to get a replacement.”

“I’m sorry, did you say I get to watch the games? Like, in person?” Rodney’s laugh makes me blush furiously, and I wonder what I’ve said wrong.

“Miss Connors, for the next seven months, you’re officially a part of the coaching staff. Essentially, where I go, you go.”

I gulp audibly. I knew that I’d be helping out Maxwell Garland, but I had no idea I’d actually be so…present.

I watch as Rodney types a code into the keypad to the right of the double doors, and the faint click of a lock disengaging nearly sends me into an anxiety-induced panic.

This is it.

“Ready?” He offers me an excited smile, and I inhale a deep breath.

“As I’ll ever be.”

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