The Alpha’s Arrangement - Book cover

The Alpha’s Arrangement

Monika S. Senderek

Chapter 1


“Are you certain you want to go through with this?” Lea asked, trailing behind me as we returned to our shared room. I closed the door behind us, my breath coming in ragged gasps. Of course, I wasn’t certain, but what other options did I have?

Should I stand by and let our father destroy my sister's life, just when she’d found her mate? I knew I’d never forgive myself if I did.

On the other hand, I had the power to put an end to this insanity. Rejecting that opportunity out of selfishness didn’t seem right. I was torn. I just looked at her, trying to steady my racing heart.

“I am. You know me, I’ll be fine. He’s the one who should be worried,” I reassured her. I wasn’t lying. Everyone who knew me was well aware of my stubbornness and how challenging I could be.

I was the Alpha’s daughter. I’d spent my entire life surrounded by dominant males, so I’d learned how to handle them.

“You’re doing this for me”—she grasped my hand—“and I’ll never forget it. Whenever you need me…”

“Lea, I know,” I interrupted, pulling her into a hug.

Lea left to discuss Kai with our parents. I planned to stay holed up in my room for the foreseeable future. I felt betrayed, yet I knew this was the only choice we had.

The guy wasn’t going to change his mind.

Perhaps I should talk to him myself, but how could I approach him? He was the Alpha of one of the largest packs in the United States.

I grabbed my laptop, hoping to find him on Facebook. He might be an Alpha, but we were living in the twenty-first century. There had to be something.

I was wrong. The only information I found was about his family-owned sawmill, which I already knew.

He was a fucking ghost. I set the laptop aside and headed to the bathroom for a shower. I needed to cool down before I lost control and hurt someone.

The story seemed to be going in circles, always ending in the same dark place. After my shower, I slipped into my pajamas and picked up my laptop again, this time to watch Netflix.

Twenty minutes later, I fell asleep, unable to finish even one episode.

For the first time in a long while, I had a dream. I was running through the woods in my wolf form, my coat a shimmering silver, my ears pointed, my tail long.

I tried to stop, but I couldn’t. Something—or someone—was chasing me. I could feel the heat of impending danger. I sped up, unable to look back.

The sound of trotting animals reached my ears, but I still couldn’t turn around. I tried to lose them by running a winding trail, and after a few meters, I veered off to escape.

I managed to break free from the woods, but the more I ran, the louder the approaching noises became. Was it a river or a road? I was so wrong.

At the last second, I managed to stop. I was on the edge of a cliff, with no way out. Then, I saw them, slowly emerging from the darkness.

A pack of eight wolves, led by a large white and gray wolf. He took a step closer.

“Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, poor little thing got trapped.” His voice echoed in my mind. I could feel his breath on me.

It was a dream, and even though I had no control over it, I did something I believe I would do anyway—I jumped. As I started to fall, I jolted awake in a cold sweat.

I glanced at the time. It was three o’clock in the morning. What a stupid dream.

To stop myself from overthinking, I rolled over and fell back asleep, this time without any nightmares.

I couldn’t avoid my parents forever, but that didn’t mean I would make it easy for them. I descended the stairs to the kitchen.

“Take some scrambled eggs from the pan,” Mom suggested, reaching for my hand. But with a swift move, I sidestepped her.

Without a word, I filled my plate and sat down.

I did my best to ignore them and focus on my breakfast. I could feel their eyes on me, and Dad let out a deep sigh.

“I know you’re angry,” he began. Oh, he better not…

“Angry? I’m far beyond angry. I’m disappointed. You’ve planned out my entire life without giving me a say. How could I not be angry?” I retorted, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Believe it or not, I’m not happy either. I don’t want him in my family or anywhere near my daughters.

“I just want to end this war so we can all start living normally, without fear.”

I knew he was right, but it was hard to accept that my life was about to change.

“I know, I get it. That’s the only reason I agreed to do this. But I’m warning you, after a month, the guy will be begging for a divorce,” I said, smirking.

“That’s what we’re all hoping for, honey.” Mom kissed my forehead and began cleaning up after breakfast.

“So when will I meet him? And when is the ceremony?” I asked.

“We’re invited to an official dinner on Friday,” Dad replied, setting down his newspaper.

“On his territory?”

“Yes, the wedding ceremony will be on the fifteenth of August.”

I gasped. “You’ve already set the date and everything? That’s next month.” As if anything else could shock me at this point.

“Yes, that was all part of the agreement during our meeting. I didn’t have a chance to tell you yesterday. I wanted to give you time to adjust to it.”

“There’s nothing to adjust to. I’m moving to his place, right?” As the words leave my mouth, my mom’s knife clatters to the floor. Both Dad and I swivel our heads towards her, checking if she’s alright.

“Yes, but at least we’ll have the chance to visit each other.” He attempts a smile, but I can see the strain in his eyes. It’s hard for him too.

Here comes the fun part, I muse to myself. ~I’ll have to quit my job, and my entire life will need a reshuffling.~

I’m a proud graduate of the University of Idaho, with degrees in zoology and microbiology. I’ve landed my dream job at the Idaho Zoo, but now it seems like all of that is destined for the dumpster.

During my lunch break, my phone buzzes. It’s Ashlee. She’s been my best friend for as long as I can remember, a stunning, tall brunette.

Our families are close. Ashlee’s dad is the Beta of our pack. The thought of leaving her behind is another stab to my heart.

“Hey, sweetie, I’ve heard the rumors, and I’m so sorry.” Her voice is laced with concern.

“Yeah, I know. Not the lucky bride this time. So unfair.”

“I know, right? How about we meet up for dinner at Sandpipers? You can spill everything. It might lift your spirits.” I can almost see her grinning on the other end of the line; she always does that when she’s trying to cheer someone up.

“Sure, I’d love to, but today’s not good. I’m working until seven. But tomorrow, I’m all yours.”

“That works for me. So, tomorrow at Sandpipers. Love you.”

“Love you too, jerk,” I retort. She always knows how to make me smile. I’m going to miss her.

The day is a whirlwind of activity, with a steady stream of visitors—it’s peak season, after all. Once I’m home, I wolf down dinner, planning to take a quick shower.

After that, I’m definitely retreating to the sanctuary of my room.

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