Alpha's Second Chance Nymph - Book cover

Alpha's Second Chance Nymph

Toria Blue

Entering A New Pack


I waited until the morning to tell Alpha Archibald about me going away.

I didn’t have the guts to go and tell him in the middle of the night and disturb his and Luna’s sleep. He will most probably be mad about me wandering around the forest at night alone. It also wasn’t very ladylike.

To others it may seem sketchy and bad, my mother always taught me how to be graceful and elegant, it always seemed like she was from a different time. If only they could know that I was the forest's servant, that is all I had ever wanted, for people to know what I am so I could have peace.

My mate. Alpha Kairos. I’ve heard stories about him. Horrible, cruel, wily, and evil stories. None of the stories I heard ever lined up correctly, but who do I believe, and which story?

There were stories that he killed most of his pack out of boredom and the rest are imprisoned to this day. Some say that he is actually the devil walking the earth. Some say that he cursed his pack members.

He asked me if I will come with him. I was scared to say no because there is never smoke without fire, I didn’t know of what he was capable of. But he was my mate, if I wouldn’t go it would slowly kill me and him.

I won’t survive another rejection, I needed to do everything to not make him reject me. Once you meet your mate there is no life without him. But if I wasn’t good enough for Alpha Hans, who says I’ll be enough for him?

I spent all night awake impatiently waiting to talk to Alpha. Right now I was standing in the training field and waiting for Alpha Archibald, it didn’t take long before he noticed me. My cape drew a lot of attention even if most of the people were used to it.

I thought this time what drew the attention was women in a training field. Women weren't allowed to train, not even be here, but here I was standing because it’s not like this could wait.

“Adelie. You have never broken my rules, I hope this is important,” Alpha said harshly. He wasn’t mean, he was just very responsible and mature. My alpha was in his early thirties, and in this time he had learned how to be a worthy Alpha and how to protect his pack. He was a good Alpha.

“Alpha, I am sorry to interrupt, but this can’t wait. Last night I snuck out to the forest,” I started the story. I didn’t know how to say the rest of it.

“Adelie, while I appreciate your honesty, but it’s not something you will be punished for, so can I go back to training,” he said and started to turn away so I quickly spoke.

“I met my mate there.”

He now eyed me.

“Mate?” He looked confused. “Your mate died. Didn’t he?” He questioned.

“My second chance,” I said and his stare got more curious. “He was trespassing, but I believe it was only the mate bond doing,” I said, without realizing I was defending Alpha Kairos.

“There is only one pack as our neighbors. Who is he?” He was ready for the worst. I knew that he knew it was someone from the Night Walkers Pack.

“It’s someone from the Night Walkers Pack,” I said at first, trying to get his reaction but it showed only curiosity.

“Who? Omega?” I had told him my previous mate was omega, it would just make sense if I got omega as a second chance. I never dreamt that I would have another mate, so I never gave my lie a second thought.

“No. The Alpha,” I said in the calmest voice I could.

Alpha cleared his throat trying to not look bothered by it. “I see.”

He straightened his posture, “Kairos, I believe his name was?” I simply nodded at him. I found it hard to believe that he wasn’t sure of his name; everyone knew the cruel Alpha Kairos.

“What did he say to you?” he asked, trying to get some more information about him. It is said that Alpha Kairos has not been seen after that horrible night when most of his pack died.

“He said that he will personally be here at 5 p.m. to take me to his pack.”

“And you are okay with it?” he was confused.

I forced a smile at his confusion. “Of course, he is my mate.” Mates couldn’t hurt each other physically, I believed so. But... I once also thought that mates couldn’t reject one another.

He was my mate, and he was made to love me. Even if he is a monster, I was his mate and I could help him be good. If he takes me to his pack, that means he wants me as his mate. Why else would he do it?

“Okay. Thank you for warning me,” Alpha said and walked back to training.

I had already packed all my stuff. There were mostly just dresses and some books. They were witch books, but there were helpful recipes for potions. Only witches could make the potions work, and I didn’t know why I could do it. I wasn't a witch in any way or form. I always assumed it was because of my father.

Today I wore my forest green dress. It was ankle length with a V-neck and mesh sleeves. It was beautiful and flowy. I braided my hair in a thick side braid and put some flowers in. I wanted to look nice for my mate. Even if I wear my cape, I believed my mate will make me take the hood off at some point.

Until 5 p.m., I waited impatiently. My Alpha was also impatient. I could see him in front of the pack house, pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back. Some guards even were called to be here. I guess no one knew what Alpha Kairos was capable of.

At 5 p.m. sharp, a car came into view out of the window, a jet black old model Ford Mustang. My pack’s Beta was sent to pick up my suitcases. I walked outside of the house and looked up to see Alpha Kairos exiting his car. He was alone, and I would have assumed he would bring someone with him. It was dangerous for Alphas to travel alone; Alphas never traveled alone. On the other hand, we were neighbor packs, and the road wasn’t long. The car was mostly needed to pick my stuff up. If I could shift, I could run to his pack in no time. He didn’t know that I couldn’t shift; I would need to tell him at some point.

I didn’t look long at him; he didn’t even notice me staring.

Alpha Kairos was wearing all black, and his black coat didn’t help his scary, mysterious look.

He walked to Alpha Archibald. “Pleasure to meet you. I assume Adelie told you the matter?” he asked, and Archibald nodded. They both shook hands like any other person.

“Could I have a word with you for a second?” Archibald asked Kairos. For a split second, Kairos looked at me and then walked away with Archibald.

One guard was about to follow Alphas, but Alpha Archibald stopped him in a quick hand movement.


“What is it that you wanted to speak with me about?” I asked when Archibald had led us to a stop where no one was around.

“Adelie,” he answered. Of course, I was taking one of his pack members. He probably thought I am going to murder her, like the rest of my pack.

“What about her?”

“Adelie is a strange girl.”

Strange? That could mean a lot of things. I knew that she wasn't a regular she-wolf. She didn’t look like one—she was far more beautiful and far more gracious.

I heard her say just a couple of words, but I had never heard anyone speak in such a manner as she did. She sounded so calm, and her voice was so soothing.

And she wore her cape again—why? I saw that she was beautiful, so why hide it?

“She wandered onto my territory a year ago; she had run away from her pack,” he said.

“Why did she?”

“With all due respect, I believe it’s better if she tells herself.”

Fair enough, I thought.

“She always stood out; her wolf is very weak for some reason. She can’t shift, but I believe that there is more to it,” Alpha Archibald said.

“You think she is hiding something?” I asked, curious.

Archibald nodded. “For some reason, she had always worn her cape. I don’t know anything about her background, but I don’t think she is a regular werewolf.”

“Vampire? Witch?” I asked, hoping he had a clue.

He shook his head.

“I don’t know. But what I am saying is that she is kindhearted and forgiving. She always puts everybody first and is always very polite, well-mannered.”

I listened as carefully as possible.

“Protect her!” Archibald said. “She may seem fine, but she is fragile. If you ever change your mind about her, take her back here and nowhere else.

With this, he came closer to me. “Even if it’s a day from now or ten years, take her back here. Even if for only a year, she had been the most helpful omega here. If you let her, she will be a great Luna,” he said and walked back, not even waiting for an answer.

I walked back to where two suitcases stood, picked them up, and put them in my car's backseat.

Archibald approached Adelie and took her hands in his. “Take care, Adelie. You can call whenever. You are always welcomed here.” No one even tried to hide the fact that they thought I was going to hurt her.

Adelie let go of him and turned to me as I opened her car door for her.

I started the engine and began driving. This will take some time. If we were in our wolf form, it would be a lot faster to get to my pack.

I was in this car, and her scent was everywhere. “Why do you always wear your hood?” I asked her. I couldn’t stand this mystery.

“That’s how I am,” was all she said, but that wasn't a good enough reason.

“Take it off,” I demanded a little too harshly.

“It's better if I keep it on, Alpha,” she said, almost stuttering.

“Take it off.” She didn’t hesitate one bit anymore. She took it off, but I didn’t dare to look at her. If I looked, I might crash.

I got straight to the point. “What happened to your original mate?”

“He died. He was an omega at my previous pack.” How can she have a mate, an omega, and an alpha? If there is a second chance to a wolf, it’s always the same range. Something was off.

“Why’d you run away?” I asked.

She didn’t answer right away. “The pain, the memories of him were too unbearable.”


It wasn’t a total lie. It hurt, but that’s not why I left. I left because my mother and father said that. If they hadn’t made me run away, I would probably be dead now too.

“Does it still hurt?” He asked, and it almost made me think that maybe he cared.

“No.” Once your mate is dead, the bond is broken. My bond wasn’t broken because he was very much alive. I still felt him. I was still in horrible pain thinking of him. Only Kairos' mark could take away the pain.

“Why can’t you shift?” I guess Alpha Archibald told him more than I thought. What do I answer?

“That’s how I am,” was the easiest answer.

“You are weak?” He asked, not as an insult but more of a statement. I still nodded at him. It still pained a little that my own mate called me weak.

“That’s good,” he said under his breath. But why would that be good?

He didn’t ask any more questions. So I assumed it was my time to question. “What happened to your mate?” I asked slowly. What if I wasn’t allowed to question? But this seemed like the appropriate question since he asked me.

“I don’t want you questioning me,” he said strongly as he gripped his steering wheel. I must have angered him, his jaw clenched, and his hands were almost red from the force.

“Alpha Archibald thinks you are hiding something. About what you are…”

He said that? When have I given him anything to think that about me? So my lie wasn’t as smooth as I thought it was. “What are you? Who is Adelie Murrell?” He asked, trying to maintain his anger.

I swallowed the huge lump in my throat, taking my time to answer. “A werewolf,” I said. I’m a werewolf and that was all that anyone needed to know about me. That's what everyone thought about my mother and that’s what everyone will think about me.

He let out a bitter laugh. “Just a werewolf...”

He didn’t speak again.

Kairos stopped at a huge house. It was gray and very old-looking, vintage. It wasn’t old in a bad way, but in a good way. It did look demonic, but so did Kairos.

Kairos didn’t get out. He looked at me with his hazel eyes and spoke. “You can have one question.”

One question, that meant I wasn’t allowed to question anymore.

Only one chance. What could I ask? About his mate? His family? Pack? About him?

“Are you as evil as those stories tell?” I asked. This was the answer I wanted to hear the most, and what mattered the most.

“No...” he said, but stopped. “I am much worse than that,” he said sincerely, with an evil smirk on his lips that made my gut drop to the floor.

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