I Accidentally Stole The Bad Boy's First Kiss - Book cover

I Accidentally Stole The Bad Boy's First Kiss


Stealing a Kiss


Kaylee is sitting behind me, tying up my messy hair while I protest nonstop like I do every time this goddamned topic comes up.

“Exactly why are we going to this party again?” I whine, trying to move away from her steel hold.

“Because you, my dear friend, owe me this.” She turns around and puts the curling wand away before pulling out her makeup bag, getting ready to attack my face with her brushes.

I give her a dreadful look.

“I do not. You know that I hate parties with all my heart.” My fingers curl around my now wavy hair.

“Well, you should have thought about that before lying to me about Asher,” she replies, ignoring my grim look completely.

“I really was over him.” I pout.

Kay gives me a pointed look.

“I was over him till I saw him playing his guitar in the break today. Did you see how his fingers just softly strummed the chords?” I look at her dreamily and she slaps my head softly.

“I swear, Addy, you are unbelievable.”

“But you love me!” I peer up at her in time to see a small smile etching its way to her face. I jump up and kiss her cheek before sprinting off.

“Addy! Come back here, you freak!”

I chuckle before tiptoeing back.

“Fine. Give me one good reason why I should join you at your stupid party today.” My smirk grows, knowing that she won’t have any good reasons.

“First of all, Trevor invited both of us.”

I nod, plopping down on the bed. Trevor is Jalina’s brother.

“Not a good enough reason.” I smirk.

Kay smirks right back at me. “I wasn’t even done yet. Asher is coming too.” She laughs at my reaction.

This was what they were talking about earlier.

“Get me ready, bitch. When is this party again?” I ask eagerly.

“Unbelievable!” Kay shakes her head at me before dabbing random things on my face.

I groan. “Why did I agree to do this, again?”

Kay just chuckles in response.


“Don’t think I don’t know why you wanted to come to Trevor’s party.” I smirk at Kaylee, who is turning down the music blasting from the radio.

“Shut up. I found out that he would be here, and what better time is there to put him in his place? Right? I am going to show him who Kaylee Heart is.”

She parks the car in an empty spot and is out the door before I can reply, leaving me sitting alone.

I groan loudly.

After a while of debating whether I should just admire Asher from my window, I go up to Trevor’s house.

Kaylee is nowhere to be seen.

I greet some people I know before making my way over to the sofa, feeling somewhat uncomfortable. Trevor’s house is huge. I had been here a couple of times but never to one of his crazy parties.

My throat feels dry and I spot juice on the table in front of me. Just what I need. I don’t think twice, gulping down the entire drink before making my way back to the sofa.

Wait... was ~that juice?~

The weird taste lingers on my tongue as I plop my butt on the cushions.

People are talking, dancing, and making out everywhere. I look around curiously before standing up again.

“Addalynn, I didn’t know you were coming,” Maya, a girl from my physics class, yells at me.

“Come and show us your moves,” she hollers, reaching for my arm.

I follow her through the crowd, eager to dance some of my nerves away.

Did I mention that I am a crazy dancer? Well, I am. I have always loved to dance. It’s the only thing that ever makes me forget everything around me.

Camila Cabello’s “Havana” starts playing and I giggle. My hips move of their own accord and not long after my whole body is swinging around in rhythm to the beat. My lips mouth the lyrics and people around me cheer me on.

“YES, ADDY! Swing that booty, girl!” Casey, Maya’s twin, shouts, and I suddenly feel more confident. My hair swings from side to side and I throw my hands up. People join me and I don’t feel uneasy anymore.

Parties aren’t too bad after all.

A hand grabs my hip and I gasp at the contact. Suddenly, I am pulled against a body. I turn around swiftly and look up into a pair of stunning gray eyes.

“Addalynn, is it?” he asks me smoothly. “Hmm.”

I brush my lips against his ears before moving away.

Whoa. Where did I get the guts to do that?

I try to move, but the guy pulls me back. I feel dizzy and try to get away from his hold again.

“Where are you going, beautiful?” he asks, swinging me around to face him again.

“To dance, can’t you see?” I don’t give him time to reply before I pry myself loose and run off.

I better find Kay.

My feet take me outside to the garden where the party is in full blast. The pool is packed with people. Lights that have been set up in different colors are the only things that light up the place.

I move closer to the pool, feeling a bit dizzier by this time.

“Kaylee, where the heck are you?” I mutter, standing on my toes.

Just as I try to pass the boy in front of me, the power gets cut. People babble around me in surprise, some screaming and shouting. I, on the other hand, am terrified.

I have always hated the darkness. The only place I ever feel comfortable in the dark is my special spot.

“Move, idiots, I need to see what happened!” I hear Trevor’s voice shouting. I take another step forward, blindly. My heart beats frantically in my chest.

Where is Kaylee when I need her?

I take my chance and try to move again, but soon come to the realization that it was the wrong thing to do. Instead of setting foot on the ground, I fall forward.

My suspicions are confirmed when the somewhat cold water engulfs me.

Shit! How did I manage to fall into the goddamn pool?

My arms flap around me, desperately trying to keep me upright, but my body doesn’t seem to want to cooperate.

“Mom… Dad…!” I manage to splutter out in between my head dunking into the water. I can’t swim for dear life.

Are people blind?

No, you idiot, people are too busy finding out how the lights all went out to notice that you are drowning.

I am just about to scream “Help!” for the sake of it when two strong arms wind themselves around me. My front collides with a smooth but firm chest, and I gasp loudly at the contact, eyes wide.

My tanned legs automatically wrap themselves around my savior’s hips, my arms winding around his neck in relief.

When I know that I am safe, I squint my eyes trying to see him, but it is too dark.

“Are you all right?”

I gasp loudly when I hear his voice.


I breathe out harshly, trying to get over the fact that I am in Asher’s arms once again.

Oh, God, I hope he can’t see my face. I would definitely die of embarrassment.

“I got you,” he says soothingly.

I am shocked. Never have I heard Asher speak to anyone in that tone before.

For some stupid reason, I don’t move my face away.

Instead, I feel like taking advantage of this moment. I pull myself closer, burying my face in his neck, mumbling a soft thank you.

He stiffens briefly before relaxing but doesn’t pull away.

The music is still blasting through the speakers, and people seem to ignore the fact that it’s pitch black now. They are back to dancing and talking again.

I, on the other hand, don’t want to move an inch. I have never felt safer than in Asher’s arms.

Seconds pass, and I move my face away. I can feel his strong shoulders against me. His minty breath against my mouth.

Kiss him!

No, you can’t just go around kissing people, Addalynn!

But this isn’t just anyone, this is Asher King, and he has probably already kissed a ton of girls.

The thought makes my stomach clench in jealousy, but I quickly brush it away.

Why can’t I give my first kiss to the guy who was never going to notice me anyway?

One kiss.

One harmless kiss.

Asher doesn’t seem to mind holding me either. He could have let go if he wanted to. Right?

I am so going to regret this later, I chant in my head before closing my eyes.

Don’t miss, don’t miss! I repeat to myself before moving closer. I mean, how embarrassing would it be if I kissed his nose or something?

I don’t know if Asher is aware of what I am doing. But in that moment, I suddenly don’t care about anything anymore.




I count down before I press my chapped lips against his soft and moist ones.

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