Running From the Billionaire - Book cover

Running From the Billionaire

Kimi L. Davis

Chapter 3

I checked my watch before slipping inside the elevator and pressing the button for the top floor. My heart was hammering against my ribcage, and my palms were clammy.

Even though I desperately wanted to run and never come back here, I knew I couldn’t do that. I had to give this resignation letter to Mr. Benson. Thankfully, it was still early, way before my new 7:30 a.m. start time, so Mr. Benson shouldn’t be in the building for another hour. I had plenty of time to place my resignation letter on Mr. Benson’s desk, gather my personal belongings from my desk, and slip out of the building without anyone noticing.

With that thought in mind, my heart calmed down a bit. Instead of trying to hammer through my ribcage, it dulled to a steady throb. I clasped my hands together and prayed to the higher power to make this mission go smoothly.

The elevator opened, and I strode toward Mr. Benson’s office. I turned the knob and pushed the door open to find an empty office. Perfect.

I quickly slipped inside, rummaging in my purse as I walked into the office. I pulled out the envelope and neatly placed it in the center of the desk.

Satisfied, I turned to head out when the door to the en suite bathroom opened, and Mr. Benson walked into the office. He was wearing a white dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up showing his sculpted forearms, tucked into form-fitting black dress pants.

Wow, he’s hot, my subconscious chimed in. ~No, snap out of it, Hailey~, I thought, ~he is dangerous. Dangerous equals bad, missy!~

He looked up, and our eyes met. Oops, busted.

“Ms. Pritchett, I know I told you to start earlier than you are used to, but I didn’t think you would show up this early. I must say, Henry was right about you being an efficient assistant. However, I have no need of you right now, so you can head back to your desk,” he stated bluntly as he strode to the wooden cabinet situated in the corner of the office.

“Oh yes, of course, sir. I’ll just go then. Have a nice day,” I said as I began walking toward the door.

Just when I thought I was free, Mr. Benson called my name, stopping me in my tracks. “What is that you left on my desk?” he asked.

“Uh, it…it’s a letter that arrived, a…an…and I came here to give to you, Mr. Benson,” I stuttered. Damn it, Hailey!

He arched an eyebrow in response. My body temperature rose at the way he looked me over. He picked up the envelope, and my heart rate increased. I bit my lip, overcome by nerves. Or was it excitement?

“Oh really? Who is the letter from, Ms. Pritchett?” he asked. His tone had a demanding quality to it, and I swallowed as I fought back a shiver. His voice was making me want things, sexy things, and I knew I had to get out here, and fast.

“You know, Mr. Benson, I would love to tell you. However, Mr. Randal, the CFO, called me into his office. So if you don’t mind, I’m going to go and see what he wants,” I said.

I turned to head out the door when his hand clamped around my arm, stopping me from leaving. Tingles spread over my arm from his touch, but I didn’t show it.

“Actually, I do mind. I asked you a question, Ms. Pritchett, and I expect an answer,” he said. I looked up and found his eyes to be a hard, steel gray.

I swallowed hard. “I already told you—I don’t know who the letter is from. Please release my arm so I can go and talk to Mr. Randal.”

Mr. Benson stared at me long and hard, but I didn’t back down. I maintained eye contact with him, even though I desperately wanted to look away. He abruptly released me, causing me to stumble into the doorframe.

“You’re dismissed. Next time, please wait until I call you before entering my office,” he said. Don’t worry, boss, I won’t enter your office ever again, I thought.

I turned on my heels and dashed out of his office. I was shaking, but I couldn’t tell if it was from relief at getting away from him or from arousal at his touch. Either way, I needed to walk it off. So instead of taking the elevator, I opted to walk down the many flights of stairs.

After fifteen minutes, I exited the staircase gasping for breath. But I didn’t stop, I couldn’t. I ran through the lobby. Ran as fast as my legs could go. Away. Away from him, away from the company. But then I was stopped by the security guard manning the entrance. Shit!

“Ms. Pritchett, I’m afraid I can’t let you leave. I got orders from Mr. Benson to escort you to his office,” he said calmly. Meanwhile, I was heading toward a full-on panic attack. No, no, no! He can’t do this. I won’t go back up there. No way. I’m done.

“Yeah, I would go back up, but I kind of have an emergency and I really got to go,” I told him in response. I made to sidestep him, but he stopped me.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Pritchett, but I can’t allow that. My orders were clear. I’m to escort you up to Mr. Benson’s office, no matter what,” he stated.

Anger sparked inside me. “You can tell Mr. Benson to take his orders and shove them up his ass. I’m going to leave, and no one, and I mean no one, is going to stop me. Not you, not Mr. Benson, not anyone! So get the hell out of my way, or trust me, I won’t hesitate to go to HR to place a formal complaint,” I seethed.

“Well Ms. Pritchett, you can tell Mr. Benson all this yourself,” he said while looking over my shoulder.

I turned around in confusion. Fear and panic exploded inside me when I saw Mr. Benson striding over to me.

Oh shit!

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