Bitten by the Alpha: The Finale - Book cover

Bitten by the Alpha: The Finale

Lydia Rose

Bleak Winds


I walked through the rubble-filled streets of the Shadow Moon Pack town. My heart resonated with a deep sadness at the destruction that had taken place.

Buildings were burned to the ground, and the once-beautiful and lively community was now in ruins.

I knew that my duty was to restore some semblance of order and to take care of the people, as Selena, the Moon Goddess, had instructed.

Together, Theodore and I used our magic to repair the damaged town.

It wasn’t easy, for there was a tide of discontentment over the people of the town.

They had been through so much and felt abandoned by their alpha and luna, and I understood why. Quinn and Jax had been gone for so long. Quinn’s entire soul had been consumed by her aunt.

The people had been left to fend for themselves all the while.

“We have to show them that we’re here for them,” I said to Theodore as we worked on fixing one of the buildings. “They need to know that they’re not alone, and that we’re all in this together.”

“I agree,” he said, wiping sweat from his forehead. “But it’s going to take some time. We need to be patient with them.”

As we continued to work, we talked to some of the people who were passing by. Many of them were still angry and hurt, and they didn’t trust us.

“Why did the alpha and luna leave us?” one woman asked me. “We needed them, and they abandoned us.”

“They didn’t abandon you,” I said gently. “They had to leave to protect the pack. They did what they thought was best for all of us.”

“But we were left to suffer,” another man chimed in. “We lost everything.”

“I know,” I said. “But we’re here now, and we’re going to do everything we can to help you rebuild. We’re not going to abandon you.”

A man snorted from amidst a huge pile of rubble.

“Say what you will,” he said. “I don’t trust people in big mansions on the hill, who disappear whenever shit hits the fan.”

Jaxon had joined us as we worked to bring back a semblance of order.

“I’m going to convene a meeting at the citadel. Quinn and the elders are already there.”

Theodore nodded. “Be careful, Jax. Unrest bleeds bloodshed.”


Just when did our people become so crazed with anger? Then again…losing so much would do that to you.

I had to fix things. This was one of those times—I had to reclaim my hold over their hearts with my words.

Max came up beside me. “There’s quite the crowd near the citadel. I think now is a good time, Alpha.”

“As good as any.”

I walked up to the town square near our pack’s citadel and rose to the podium, facing my people. Quinn joined me and linked her hand through mine.

It gave me comfort.

“My people,” I began. “I know that right now, everything seems like it’s rooted in chaos. My luna and I are both deeply apologetic for what apparent appearances convey.”

Quinn added, “You may be thinking that we deserted you at a time when you needed us the most, but that was not the case.”

One of the men in the front let out a sound that rang a lot like, “pshah!”

“Where were you when we had no one to turn to but Alpha Anthony?” he asked resentfully. “We waited. Don’t lie to us. We know you disappeared for a long time. We thought you were dead.”

Quinn said, “But here, we are. We had to go find out what the rogues had planned for our wolfdom.

“And it wasn’t easy. I admit, it took us time to get to the bottom of it all. But once we did, we fought valiantly—not because it meant much to us, but because it was important for you, our people.

“The rogues had cleverness on their side. The kind that sneaks around in the dark and can be manipulative beyond consideration. What they did not have, however, was love. Or truth. Or their people’s support. When the time came, they crumbled.”

She took a deep breath. The people were listening with intent now.

“What I’m saying is, we are nothing without you. And we need you by our side, now more than ever.”

“How do we know our children will be safe in their homes?” a woman asked, her eyes fearful. “The rogues are everywhere.”

“We’re increasing reinforcements as we speak. And I—I personally promise that no harm will come to any cubs. I will find those who think hurting children can be a solution and personally see to it that they’re unfit to live in our society. You have my word.”

The woman nodded.

“Then, you have our support, Luna.”

I took a long breath. I didn’t know what power Quinn had over our people, but there was something about her, standing there facing them, her hair blowing in the wind.

She had a gentle aura, a fabric of glimmering love and hope that seemed to emanate from her being and diffuse itself around her. Like being around her increased the light in the lives of others instead of diminishing it.

And that was just one of the reasons why I loved her so much.


I had just finished reading a book and was settling in for the night when I heard a strange noise outside.

I went to the window to investigate and saw a pack of wolves surrounding my cottage. I tried to remain calm and think of a way to escape, but it was too late.

One of the wolves had spotted me and was making its way toward the window.

I quickly grabbed a nearby chair and held it up as a shield as the wolf lunged at me. I could feel its hot breath on my face as it tried to break through the glass.

Just as I thought it was over for me, the wolf backed off and rejoined its pack. I breathed a sigh of relief, but it was short-lived. That thing had bitten me on my leg.

I stumbled back from the window and collapsed onto the floor, clutching my wound.

The pain was excruciating, and I could feel the blood soaking through my clothes. I knew I needed to get help, but the nearest hospital was miles away.

As I limped toward the door, I could hear the wolves howling in the distance. I opened the door and took a few steps outside, but my leg gave out, and I fell to the ground.

Just then, a man appeared out of nowhere and helped me to my feet.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“No, I’ve been bitten by a wolf,” I replied, wincing in pain.

The man quickly took off his jacket and tied it around my leg to stop the bleeding.

“Where do you need to go?” he asked, urgency in his voice.

“Take me to the pack mansion, please,” I barely replied.


I was neck-deep in a conversation with Isabelle when the guards came running.

“The man we sent to patrol the north territory just rescued a woman with a leg bite. It’s your mother. You must come with us immediately.”

Heart in my mouth, I ran up to the infirmary.

My soul hurt at the sight of my strong mother lying on the bed, so worn out and tired.

“Mom.” I dropped down beside her and took her hand in mine. “Mom, I’m so glad you’re alive. I’m sorry I brought this upon you.”

Anger raged in my heart. The rogues had done enough.

I wouldn’t rest until I brought them to justice.

My mother smiled bleakly at me. “You did nothing, Quinn. I chose this life, remember? The day I fell in love with your father.”

I nodded, fighting back tears.

“You’re going to be okay.”

“Of course, I am.”

I let her rest and walked up to the guards.

“Send out a red alert. Find out the rogue behind tonight’s attack and bring me a name.”

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