The Unexpected Queen - Book cover

The Unexpected Queen

Sofia Landeiro

3: Chapter 3


I wake up the next morning with a slight headache. Sia feels low so I promise her that we’ll go for a run after school. I quickly get dressed, say goodbye to my mother, and run outside. Jake’s already parked in the driveway waiting for me.

“Hey, Leah!” He gives me a closer look. “Wow, you look terrible. I mean…just really tired. What’s going on?”

I roll my eyes at him. “Gee, thanks. I don’t sleep well. No big deal,” I assure him.

He puts the truck in drive and heads toward school.

“Is Maria right? Do you get an invitation to the big ball?” Jake glances over at me.

I’m sitting with my hands on my lap, studying my fingernails, kind of in a daze.

“Mm-hmm,” I reply, turning my head toward the window and watching the trees go by.

“But it’s not definite that you’ll have to go, right? You turn eighteen before then,” he says casually.

I turn to him, giving him a surprised look. “If I find my mate before the ball, I don’t have to go, no.” Is he trying to fish for something? Is it possible he also hopes that we’re mates?

He just nods in response as he drives onto the school grounds. He parks a short distance from the school building, and we walk together toward the entrance. Just in front of us, Sally is leaning against her convertible. Of course. Her family is wealthy, and she’s the most spoiled princess imaginable.

“Hi!” she shouts, waving at us. Well, waving at Jake, mostly. She glances at me giving me a fake smile. “Hey, Leah! Wow, great to see you. You look so good today.” She winks at me to make sure I don’t miss the sarcasm. I look like shit today, with big dark circles under my bloodshot eyes.

“Have you received your invitation to the king’s ball? It’s going to be so fun! I hope hope hope I’m his mate! I would love to be a queen! I’d be good at it. You know, my birthday’s this week, too, so I’ll be eighteen by next weekend. That means I have a chance to go to the ball and meet the king and…” Sally chatters on and I zone out.

I couldn’t care less about that ball. If all goes according to plan, I won’t have to attend or concern myself further with that arrogant king. Sally keeps talking about what dress she’ll wear and how she’ll put up her hair all the way into the classroom. The only reason she finally shuts up is because the teacher comes in and asks everyone to be quiet.

Maria comes running into class at the last minute and I smile fondly at her. She’s always been there for me. When I was twelve years old, Sally and her gang of “cool kids” teased me every day. I’m smaller than most kids my age, so I guess I’m easy to pick on.

Eventually, my mom notices all the bruises on my body and puts me in an after-school fighting club. I start training with them two days a week. By the time I turn fifteen, I am training with the group four days a week and I have become pretty damn strong.

Sally and her gang stop pushing me around when I stand up to them and they find out that I have more skill and strength than they do. I take a break from class because you go through combat training with the pack after you finish school. I’m sure I’ll be in the top ten in the combat classes.

It’s not common to go to med school and practice combat at the same time, but I really want to combine the two, and our alpha has approved my request to do both. Alpha Jason has always been nice to me and my mom, especially since we lost my dad.

“Leah! When does the Civil War take place?” The teacher’s sharp voice jolts me from my thoughts. Shit, I know this.

“From 1861 to 1865,” I reply confidently.

The teacher smiles and nods. He turns to the board and continues with the history lesson. I breathe a sigh of relief and sit back. I force myself to focus for the rest of the class. I have good grades that I have no intention of messing up in the last days of high school.

Jake, Maria, and I go out into the schoolyard after class. We sit in the grass outside the main building and talk about the weekend. Mom can’t afford to give me a party for my birthday, but I’m just as happy spending it with Mom and my two best friends. They’re going to come over, and we’ll barbecue, listen to music, and play games.

“Speaking of parties, Sally just invited me to hers,” Jake says.

I don’t like how happy he sounds. I wrinkle my nose and watch him carefully. “Her birthday’s this week too. When’s the party?”

Jake picks up his phone and scrolls. “Oh shit, it’s also on Saturday. Same time as yours.” He scratches his scalp and looks up at me. “Her party is going to be epic—live music, catering…” Jake trails off then backtracks. “But of course, I’d much rather be at your party, Leah.”

I look down at my lap and nod, feeling the tears sting my eyes. “You know what, do as you please,” I say, standing up. I’m hurt that he even considers going to Sally’s party instead of my little celebration.

“Where are you going?” Jake shouts after me as I start walking.

“I’ll take the bus home today,” I reply and continue to walk toward the bus stop.

Jake runs after me and grabs my arm. “What are you talking about? I always drive you,” he says, sounding annoyed. He starts pulling me toward his car and I try to jerk my arm back.

“Let go! You’re hurting me,” I yell.

Maria runs up to us and tries to stand between me and Jake. “What are you doing?” she asks him, slapping him lightly on the arm.

“Sorry, I…” He lets go of my arm and looks around. “Sorry, Leah. I’ll be happy to drive you home.”

“Me and Maria are going to hang out today, so she’s coming with us.” I turn without another word and walk toward his truck. It’s the truth; we’ve decided to run in the woods together today. Our wolves are restless, and we need to blow off some steam. Maria glares at Jake as she gets in the truck. We don’t say anything during the whole trip home. When I hop out of the truck, Jake cranks down his window and shouts, “Pick you up tomorrow at eight!” and drives off.

I don’t know what gets into him back there. I just see a side of Jake I’ve never seen before, and I have to admit to being a little shaken by it. I don’t know what to do about it, though, so I decide to just let it go this time.

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