The Bet - Book cover

The Bet

V.J. Villamayor

Chapter 2

They both looked at the clock and realized it was three-thirty in the morning. Lina rolled her eyes and went to straighten again when, with a flick of his cue, Mateo tapped Lina's back and guide her back down. "I said stay exactly like that, Lina. Already disobeying me?"

"No... Why? Shouldn't we close up?"

Mateo stood behind her again and stroked a hand down the length of her back and cupped her ass, slapping it hard. Lina yelped but was trapped against the pool table and Mateo's hips.

"In a moment..." Mateo leaned over Lina once more, hands on her hips and playing with the top of her denim shorts. "You gonna listen to me and do everything I say, Lina? No questions asked?"

Lina stilled. The sexual undercurrent of his words was clear, and she wasn't against it. She was riled up because of Mateo. On edge because of Mateo. She was wet. Because of Mateo. "Yeah..." She replied huskily.

He kissed the side of Lina's neck, kicking her feet further apart. He unbuttoned her shorts and slowly unzipped them, giving her plenty of time and unspoken chances to stop him. "Tell me, Lina. Do you know what I want to do to you?"

"I... I think so."

"Tell me, do you want it too?"


Mateo's hands crept up, sliding over Lina's stomach and caressed over her tits. He pulled the flimsy top and bra down, freeing her breasts and cupping them roughly. A small cry escaped Lina's lips, but she bit down on her lip to stop herself from making any more sound. She looked absolutely wanton, the way she arched her straining breasts into Mateo's hands, her head thrown back to rest on his shoulder.

"Do you like this?" Mateo rasped quietly in her ear, massaging a breast while rolling the other nipple between his fingers. His only answer was a moan and Lina pushing deftly back against him. He continued rolling her nipple, and with the other hand trailed it down, around to the front of her unzipped shorts. Mateo brushed his fingers inside, pushing under the edge of her panties and began circling her clit. Goddamn it, she was wet. She was hot, dripping, and trembling in his arms.

One of Lina's arms shot up and gripped the back of his hair, not in protest, but as though she just needed to hold on to him. Normally he could tease for hours, but something snapped inside Mateo, and he pushed two fingers in her wet core, both of them groaning in unison. Lina was riding his fingers, rolling her hips as he circled and darted his fingers in her hot pussy. Her tits pushed up and out in display as he gripped one in his hand while hers gripped his hair.

Mateo bit her earlobe and growled in her ear. "Come for me, Sweetheart. Hell yesss!"

"Oh, Papi!" Lina cried, throwing her head back onto his shoulder as her pussy tightened and around Mateo's fingers.

Mateo pulled his hand out of her shorts but urgently gripped the sides and pulled them down her legs. “Lay forward, Lina, pop that ass out for me.”

Barely able to comprehend anything and drunk off her climax, Lina once again did as she was told. She leaned down, bare nipples brushing against the green felt of the pool table. She felt Mateo's hand caress her ass. Where were her shorts? No idea. Where were her panties? She didn't care in the slightest. All she cared about were the large, rough hands molding her ass, praising it, and the thumbs she could feel spreading her pussy lips wide.

“Mateooo...!” She husked out. Mateo slapped her ass cheek and responded to her groan with a long, slow lick of his tongue from her clit, up her pussy, and, to her surprise, to her ass. Lina's legs trembled, but Mateo held her firmly against the pool table as he bent down to lick her again and again, dipping his tongue into her core to sample more of her.

Mateo was growing impatient. He wanted to keep going—to taste her and tease her—but his aching erection was straining to escape. With a snap in his patience, Mateo stood up and unzipped his jeans. He pulled out his cock and stroked the hard member from root to tip. His eyes honed in on Lina's swollen pink pussy, and he couldn't stop the gruff moan from escaping himself. Lina was squirming, panting in pleasure and anticipation at waiting for him. She peered over her shoulder and down at Mateo's length. He watched in amusement as her eyes grew round and couldn't help the throb his erection automatically did.

“You want this cock, Lina?” Mateo whispered. He was stroking himself, and he used his thumb to sweep the precum from the head of his dick and circled it around Lina's back entrance.

Lina nodded her head frantically, her ass swaying back into the pressure he kept at her ass. Her breathy pants hitched at the feel back there, but she was greedy for what Mateo was giving her. Mateo continued his ass teasing, while circling his cock up and down her drenched slit, mixing her juices with his precum. His restraint broke, and he bucked his hips, dipping the tip of his engorged member into her before pushing forward to the hilt.

“Fuck!” He cried, while Lina moaned, her fingernails dragging down the pool table and scratching in the green felt under her, leaving scratch marks behind. Mateo pumped into her, thrusting deeply as he slowly pushed his thumb into her ass.

“Ooohhh Papi! Fuckkk!” Lina screamed. The sound of slapping skin as he fucked her from behind echoed in the dark, empty bar. He could feel her tight muscle around his thumb thrumming and pulsing with every thrust he pumped into her hot pussy.

“Yes! Yes! Dios Mio, Papi!” Her climax exploded so powerfully she almost tried to escape from him. Between every last thrust, Mateo could feel Lina squirting her orgasm down her legs, the evidence of her climax dripping down her thighs. He pushed his thumb deeper and jack-hammered his hips, feeling the slide of his cock on his thumb. He was done. With one final push, he pulled out, both his cock and his thumb, and stroked himself as he watched his cum spray in ropes across her wet pussy and ass cheeks.

Lina's ears were ringing. Had she ever had an orgasm so powerful her fucking ears rang? Never! Her heavy panting slowed, and she began to remember where she was—half-naked in her workplace. She began to stand but felt Mateo rubbing his cum across the globes of her ass cheeks, almost as though he was branding her. After what they just did, Lina felt ridiculous blushing at the motion.

“You ok?” Mateo murmured, kissing below her ear.

“I think you are well aware that I am absolutely amazing after that performance,” Lina laughed.

“Let's close up,” Mateo suddenly said, stepping back and handing her her missing shorts and panties. “You're leaving your car here and coming with me. There's no fucking way I'm wasting any of my twenty-four hours on sleep when I can fuck you every way I want.”

Lina's pussy clenched in anticipation at his dirty promise.

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