The Descendant 2: Protecting His Queen - Book cover

The Descendant 2: Protecting His Queen

A. Duncan

Chapter 2


I come to in my brother’s arms. He’s cradling me on the floor while my mom rushes over, pressing a cold cloth to my forehead. My younger brother, Jaxon, is pacing the room, and I notice my door has been busted open. I breathe in the familiar scent of my twin brother, Gideon. His smell has always been a comfort to me.

Despite our frequent arguments, he’s always been my protector, especially since I don’t have a wolf form to shift into. He’s always been there for me, even when I was teased at school for not having a wolf. I’ve never understood how we could be twins, yet he has this magnificent, beautiful wolf and I have—nothing. Even Jaxon has a stunning wolf, and again, I have nothing. Life just isn’t fair. But I know that whoever ends up being Gideon’s mate will be incredibly lucky. He’s fiercely protective, almost to a fault. I feel his gaze on me.

“Are you okay, sis?”

I nod.

“Yeah, just a little anxiety attack, that’s all.”

“You scared the hell out of me. I felt you through our twin bond but by the time I got here, you had already passed out.”

I glance at Mom.

“Where’s Dad?”

“He was here, darling, but he had to take an emergency call from the King Alpha.”

“Is there something wrong?”

“More like you scared a lot of people just now, that’s all. How about we get you up and into bed? You need some rest.”

“I’m fine, Mom. I don’t want to rest.”

“Azalea, you just passed out. You’re exhausted from not getting enough sleep. Go lie down and I’ll bring up some tea.”

I just nod. Maybe a nap wouldn’t hurt after all. Gideon helps me up, and I shuffle over to my bed.

Mom kisses my forehead before leaving the room. Gideon lingers, a mix of worry and guilt in his eyes.

“I’ll fix your door later, sis. Just get some rest.”

I close my eyes and pray to the Goddess that the dreams stay away.


I’m back at the lake but there’s no owl. This time, I sit down at the river’s edge and sink my toes into the water. It’s daylight and the sky is beautifully clear. I look up to the other side of the river and see a gorgeous woman with long blonde hair wearing a long sky-blue dress. I can’t help but admire her beauty until I realize she walking toward me. She is walking toward me on top of the water.

As she reaches me, she smiles. It’s radiant and makes her even more stunning.

“Azalea, you are exactly what I expected you to be. You have grown up to be the leader our species need.”

“Who are you?”

“I am a part of you, my dear, but most just call me Selene.”

“You’re the Moon Goddess?”

She just nods.

“Your people will need you. The choice is yours. He will be there to protect you but he can’t force you to choose.”


“You are a part of me, and I have faith in you. Choose well, Azalea. Your wolf is depending on you.”

With that, she disappears. It is like she was never there.

I hear rustling in the trees, and I turn my head. There, coming out of the foliage is the large wolf with electric-blue eyes. He stares at me as he saunters straight for me, stopping just as we would be nose to nose if he wasn’t so much larger than me. He leans his head down and brushes his snout against my shoulder. I can hear as the wolf inhales deeply and growls. I raise my hands and sink them into his fur and feel his whole body stiffen. Then he does something I wasn’t prepared for. He rubs his face against mine and licks my neck where it meets my shoulder.

I can’t help but laugh. “Did you really have to lick me?”

The wolf growls low and puts his nose back toward my neck. I listen as he inhales like I’m the air that keeps him alive. The whole time I’m rubbing my hands over the soft fur of his head and ears.


I wake up looking at my ceiling and hear a knocking and banging to my left. I turn my head and see Gideon and Jaxon fixing my door. They look over and smile.

“About time you woke up. You been sleeping all day. Sorry, but we couldn’t wait any longer on the door. Plus, Mom said to wake you because dinner will be ready soon.”


“Yeah. You literally have slept the day away. Well, your door is fixed. Don’t be late for dinner or mom will have all our hides.”

“Okay. I just need to freshen up and then I’ll be down.”

I walk into my attached bathroom and splash some cold water on my face. I can’t believe I slept the whole day away. I know I haven’t been sleeping well but I didn’t realize I was that tired.

I remember my dream, thank Goddess the owl wasn’t there. It was then I realized something. Did I really dream about the Moon Goddess? And did she really say my wolf depended on me and my choices? I don’t have a wolf.

“I really am going crazy.”

At the dinner table, all I can think about is my dream. I guess I am unusually quiet because Dad asks, “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

I decided to tell him the truth.

“Physically, I feel fine, Dad, but mentally I feel like I’m going crazy.”

“How so?”

I tell him about my recent dream, and he’s quiet. I can tell him and my mom are mind-linking each other, so I stay out of it. I’ve never been able to do that because I’ve never had a wolf. Dad pushes his plate away and gets up. I look up, and he kisses me on the forehead.

“Something wrong, Dad?”

“No, sweetheart. There’s just a phone call I need to make. I’ve waited long enough.”

With that, he walks out. I look over at my mom and see a smirk on her face.


“It’s nothing for you to worry about right now, dear. I just want to sit here and bask in the glow of ‘I told you so’ a little bit longer.”

I can’t help but shake my head.

“You and Dad are so weird.”

Jaxon snorts at that comment. He’s the quiet one of us. He’d rather sit back and watch than get involved too much. He always says you can learn so much more about someone just by watching.

Mom looks over. “Just for that little snort Jax, you can help with the dishes tonight.”

“Come on, Mom! You know it’s true! You tell Dad what needs to be done. Dad rebels against it. You sit with your legs crossed like the luna you are and wait till the time comes for you to say, ‘I told you so.’”

“Jaxon Cameron Creed.”

“Then y’all spend at least two days locked away in the bedroom. We just thank the Goddess it’s soundproof.”


“He isn’t wrong, Bex.”

I look up to see my dad standing in the doorway of the dining room with his own smirk on his face.

“Maybe, but I hate that our kids know us that well.”

Dad just shrugs and then turns serious.

“Azalea, King Alpha is on his way. They should be here sometime tomorrow. That gives us little time to prepare you for what’s to come. When you’re done, come to my office, sweetheart.”

“Why do I need to prepare for the King Alpha?”

“Because Zander will be with him as well. It’s time you two finally met.”

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