Hot Pursuit - Book cover

Hot Pursuit

A. Duncan

Highway Twelve Encounter


Thank goodness this day is over. Just my luck to be the one stuck doing patrol with the new guy. The skinny kid was as nervous as a whore going to church for the first time. I was just hoping he didn’t have a trigger-happy finger with that gun on his hip.

Luckily, it was a slow day. Not much was happening but a few traffic stops and old Mrs. McGee’s cat, Merle, stuck in a tree and shrieking up a storm. Couldn’t do much except call the fire department to bring their ladder. Merle was way the hell up there, but by the time the fireman made it to him, he decided to descend his furry butt down on his own while everyone watched. That right there is why I hate cats.

On my way back from dropping the new guy off at his car on Highway Twelve, I see a Tahoe on the side of the road with a woman kicking the right front tire. This isn’t a good stretch of road to be broken down on, especially if you’re a woman, so I pull up behind the vehicle and see if there’s anything I can do to help.

Walking up, I can’t help but laugh at the way she’s kicking and taking her frustrations out on that tire like it’s the tire’s fault she’s stranded on the side of the road and everything else that’s gone wrong in her life. As I approach her, it becomes apparent that she has decided to take her anger out on me as well.

“What the hell is wrong with you!? You must know my ex-husband, don’t you!?”

“Umm…not personally, ma’am. I don’t believe I do, and your tire seems to be flat.”

With a sudden jolt, she leaps into the air as soon as she hears my voice and trips over her own feet. That’s when I realize she was talking to the tire. Whoops. She was so engrossed in her outburst, she didn’t know I was right beside her. I quickly grab her arms to keep her from falling and holy hell, when she looks up, I about quit breathing altogether.

This woman standing before me is absolutely beautiful. A little crazy maybe, but stunning. Her black hair reaching the middle of her back perfectly complements her heart-shaped face, mesmerizing amber eyes, and long, dark lashes. Her eyes are such a rare light brown that I can’t help but stare.

And damn if that body isn’t every man’s dream. I have a horrible urge to slide my hands down to that ass, but I hear the words sexual harassment banging through my head.

Never in my life have I had someone take my breath away. But this woman… I almost forget how to breathe. Jesus, Kelly, what the hell is wrong with you? You know better than to have this kind of reaction toward women.

I know what’s wrong. It’s been way too long without the feel of a woman. I thought I found her, but that was over two years ago. That was also when I found her trying to hack into my family’s account and smuggle money. We were only married for nine months. My parents never liked or trusted her, but I just knew Lauren was the one.

Instead, she only taught me that women are out for my family’s money. I haven’t looked twice at a woman since. Well, until now.

We don’t talk much as I change the tire. Luckily, she has a spare, and it doesn’t take long. Right now, I’m ready to get home and get out of this uniform. Maybe rub one out in the shower to the image of a beautiful brown-eyed bombshell named Rayna while I’m at it.

Maybe one night with this woman wouldn’t be so bad. After all, she already said she’s divorced. She’s also renting the house right below mine. Jesus, what am I saying? One night with this woman would never be enough, and I sure as hell don’t need the drama. Staying away from this one is the only way to go.

Of course, walking her to her car door doesn’t go as I planned. Those damn log trucks are always flying down this road like bats out of hell. Half the time, none of them are paying any attention to where they are going.

The sheriff warned Mr. Edwards about his drivers. One more accident or reckless driving ticket, and his business is being shut down. But apparently, the warning went in one ear and out the other because this time isn’t any different. I watch as the truck crosses the dotted line and heads in our direction.

On instinct, I push Rayna against her car and cover her body with mine, hoping the driver sees us before it’s too late.

Now, feeling her against me makes me forget all about that stupid log truck. I can’t help but smell the vanilla scent of her hair, imagining what it would feel like to have her in my arms and underneath me just for one sweaty night.

“You okay, Rayna?”

“Umm, yeah?”

I’m not sure if she meant that as a question or a statement, but I can’t help noticing the goosebumps all over her skin. And it crosses my mind that maybe her thoughts are right there in the bed with mine. Damn, I really need a cold shower.

Taking one more deep breath of her scent, I let her go and head toward my car. Before I leave, I tell her to call me Kelly, imagining the way my name will sound rolling off those lips, but she doesn’t say it, and I’m forced to walk away or look like a freaking puppy waiting for a bone.

I’m still thinking about Rayna as I stop by the store on the way home and pick up a few items I need for the house. Heading to check out, I see one brown-eyed bombshell just ahead of me.

“We meet again, Ms. Anderson-Callaway.”

She looks up and smiles.

“Just Rayna, and I’m fixing to head out.”

I watch as she pays for her…batteries?

“An awful lot of batteries. Afraid that the power will go out?”

She bursts into laughter and takes her bag from the cashier. “Naw, I need them for Steve.”

I furrow my brow in confusion. I didn’t see anyone else in the car with her, and she just got here from out of town. My heart dips as I think of her with some guy, and as she takes a few steps toward the exit, I stop her.

“Wait. Steve?”

With a mischievous glint in her amber eyes, she smirks. “My dildo. We have a date tonight. Have a good evening, detective.”

The young cashier girl giggles and nods her head like she knows exactly what Rayna is talking about. I run the conversation back through my head and watch her fine ass walk out into the early evening, knowing Steve will be a hell of a lot luckier than I’ll ever be.

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