The Prince's Mistake - Book cover

The Prince's Mistake

Kelsie Tate

Chapter 2


I could say I was genuinely happy. There were only two weeks of school left before I left for diplomacy training around the country. I spent most of my time with my friends and with Mariah. I was hoping we would be married, but we wouldn’t find out until after I got back.

After I figured out a way to convince Ella to break our engagement. It shouldn’t be hard now, considering how far she had fallen since the arrangement was made. Honestly, I was surprised my father never formally ended the agreement, but maybe he still had a soft spot for the family.

Until now, I just tried to ignore her, mostly succeeding when Mariah came up and wrapped her arms around me. I knew I needed to take care of it, and fast.

Thankfully I knew exactly where to find her. I took the servants’ stairs down to the kitchens, my mouth watering at the smells of food wafting through the air. She was working in the kitchen with Sophie, wisps of her brown hair sticking to her face in the warm environment of the kitchen.

“I need a moment with Ella,” I said, not really asking. Sophie nodded and Ella followed me to one of the empty palace offices down the hall from the kitchen.

I entered the office and took a deep breath. I was nervous, I didn't know what was going to happen when I ended the arrangement.

I turned around and leaned against the desk and stared at her for a minute before standing straight. Here goes, I thought to myself.

“Ella. I am formally ending our arrangement.”

I could see the pain that tore through her eyes at my words. I found it odd that she was so upset. We’d barely spoken since her father’s death and we weren’t close before.

She looked away as tears lined her eyes, her jaw clenching as she tried to find her words. She gave a slight bow, “If that is what you wish, Your Highness.”

She walked out of the room, leaving me there alone. Once I knew she was out of earshot I finally released the breath I had been holding in and ran a frustrated hand through my hair. I wasn’t sure why, but I felt guilty.

She was behind me and I could look forward to making Mariah my wife and princess when I got home from training.

I straightened myself and made my way out of the office to the training grounds to let off some steam, glad it was over.

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