Owned by the Alphas: Summer Games - Book cover

Owned by the Alphas: Summer Games

Jen Cooper

The Hunt


“Welcome to the Summer Games!” Derik called. Everyone cheered, and I stood between Brax and Kai, clapping with them.

“Our first event is The Hunt. Whoever gets the biggest catch will be the winner. That catch will then be served at the feast later with the rest of the kills,” Derik explained.

Hmm, ew. I was not a fan of killing things or creatures, but I was a fan of winning. This meant I was already thinking up ways to get out of it.

I was not above playing dirty when it came to my alphas. They liked me dirty, and that had apparently corrupted me because I was willing to use that to win.

“Are you ready, wolves?” Derik asked, turning to us. His eyes paused on me. I nodded as the others got rowdy, screaming out YES.

I smirked, and Derik came over, kissing me on the lips a second before everyone ran off into the forest that edged the grasslands.

“Put your kills by your name on the podium!” Derik called out. “You have an hour!”

Then he turned to me, nodding to the forest. “Off you go, beautiful. I’ll be watching.” Derik smiled.

I turned and started walking. Brax and Kai had already taken off, playfully shoving at each other, trying to get to the forest first.

Everyone cheered as we went to the forest, the last ones to disappear behind the line.

I walked through the dense trees, stepping over branches and roots as I looked for a worthy kill.

I saw a bunny in the first few seconds, and I was not about to kill it. Not because it wouldn’t be a big catch, but because Enzi loved rabbits. I wasn’t about to kill one.

I knew Derik was following me. I couldn’t hear his footsteps, but I knew he was there.

“You won’t catch much if you keep stalking me instead of your prey,” I teased him in the link.

He chuckled. “You are my prey, Beautiful. Whether you realize that or not.”

I kept walking, checking through the forest, but hunting was harder than I thought it’d be.

“You don’t want to win this one then?” I asked Derik as I hunted, trying to find some tracks to follow. But there were only footsteps from others, clearly doing much better than I was.

“I’d much rather make sure you don’t get a stray arrow in you.”

I had nothing to say to that. I’d rather that too.

I kept walking, but I was a terrible tracker.

“You’re loud on your feet. Your breathing too. You scare everything away before you can see it,” Derik said in the link after a while, and I could hear the smirk.

I tried to be quieter, in steps and breathing, but that just made him chuckle again.

Which meant it was time to play dirty.

I checked in on Kai first.

“How’s The Hunt going?” I asked in the link.

“I am tracking an elk that will win. Why’s that, Little Luna? Having trouble?”

He was teasing me too. I rolled my eyes and went forward with my plan.

“I was thinking about that orgasm you wanted from me,” I teased. The link between us went tense, and I grinned.

I was hunting too, and my catch had just been snared. “Little Luna,” Kai growled.

“Want to come get it?” I taunted.

“Give me five, and I’m yours,” he said, his voice strained even in the link.

So I made it worse.

I sent through images of what I wanted him to do to me. Depraved sexual things that I knew would get to him.

Kai growled, his desire filtering through to me.

I smiled, heat flushing in me. I was not unaffected, but I could afford to be distracted. I wasn’t hunting elk, and I had Derik at my back.

Which meant Kai was the one in trouble here.

He knew that too, the indecision warring in the link.

That indecision cost him when an arrow sailed through the air in front of him.

I watched in the link as Brax killed the elk that Kai had been hunting. It was huge and would probably win. That pissed Kai off.

“That was evil, Little Luna. I’ve changed my mind; I won’t be giving you an orgasm. I’ll be putting you on your knees in front of me for that little stunt,” Kai growled.

“Looking forward to it, Alpha,” I said in a moany voice that had him groaning in our link. He loved it when I called him that.

I smiled and waited.

Brax came sauntering out of the brush, kicking at the elk he had killed. “Mine,” he claimed the kill.

I heard them fighting ahead of me and snuck up to them, hiding behind the thick trees.

“Like fuck. Our luna was in my head running interference,” Kai snapped.

Brax let out a bellowing laugh before shaking his head. “Clever, Spitfire. Guess she really enjoyed that orgasm I gave her before.”

I covered my mouth with my hand so they couldn’t hear my laugh. I had enjoyed that.

Kai pulled Brax away from the elk. “It’s my kill.”

“Nope. I killed it. So by definition, it’s mine,” Brax defended, crossing his arms.

They were bickering back and forth for a couple of minutes when I saw my opening.

I let my shadows out, discreetly running along the forest floor to swarm the elk. They moved it slowly for me, bringing it away from my alphas.

They were still arguing when I got the elk.

I grinned and went to turn.

Derik was there with a smirk, shaking his head.

“Hmm. It seems I was wrong. This is going to be fun,” he said quietly.

I grinned and started walking, my shadows bringing the elk with me.

“You’re not going to try and steal it?” I asked Derik.

He shook his head as he walked next to me. “I don’t participate in The Hunt. I lose this one every year,” he said softly.

“Why?” I wondered as we walked.

He helped me over a thick tree, lifting me over it. The elk bumped over it, my shadows staying low so Brax didn’t sense them.

“I don’t like the idea of killing the creatures here. I know it is part of survival and nature has its course, but I prefer not to be directly in it. Just a preference thing. I’ll beat the other two in the next event,” Derik shrugged.

I grinned at that. “You’re so sure?” I raised my brow, looking back at my elk.

He grinned back and nodded. “Of course. Kai is afraid of heights, and Brax is surprisingly clumsy. I win every year,” he grinned.

Hmm, that was interesting. And something I wanted to change.

I was about to say that when there was a roar. “Luna!” Kai’s voice echoed.

I laughed loudly then took off in a sprint.

Derik stayed trailing behind me as I used my shadows to drag the elk faster.

He chuckled and let me go as I ran.

I heard Brax and Kai coming after me.

“You’re in trouble, Spitfire,” Brax warned in the link.

“Lucky me,” I taunted back.

“Go left, Beautiful. Kai’s on your right,” Derik said, our links separate. I laughed and went right.

Kai was fast and almost had me, Brax behind him, but I broke through the forest, sending my shadows faster.

I pushed the distraction images I had given Kai into him again, Brax too. It made them stumble enough to give me the few seconds I needed.

I ran onto the podium, my shadows dragging the elk into the place where my name was.

Taylor was already there with a boar. Garett too.

But they were both smaller than my elk.

Derik had nothing as he casually jumped onto the platform.

Kai and Brax were arguing, coming through with a quail and a pheasant.

I cupped my mouth to hide my laugh.

They glared at me, putting their catches by their names.

“And our luna takes the win for biggest catch!” Derik called. The watching crowd cheered, and I grinned. “Cooks, take away the catches, we look forward to the feast. In the meantime, let’s move onto the next game, vine swinging!”

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