Three. The Perfect Reckoning - Book cover

Three. The Perfect Reckoning

R.S. Aria

Let’s Begin


“Madison, is that you?” Ava said, walking into the room followed by the other two. She looked sincerely surprised. Knowing everything she knew now, Madison didn’t even budge an inch—not that she would have otherwise.

“So it seems. Isabel, Nicolaj,” she nodded at them each politely. Thank God Liam held her hand tight, otherwise she would be reaching for both of them and trying to kill them.

“Marta,” Liam said, pushing himself up a little and resting his back on the headboard behind him. He offered the trio a forced smile. He was so good at pretending. “Mom, Dad, how are you?”

“Oh, thank God you’re alright, son. We were so worried,” Marcus said, stepping closer.

Now that they were all around the bed, Madison had time to study them. It had been so long since the last time she saw them. She almost didn’t recognize them.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” Liam answered curtly. “Apparently, the guy driving the other car lost control of his brakes. Luckily, I wasn’t all the way out of the driveway.”

“Lucky indeed,” Ava said, now reaching for his other hand. Madison had to admit, they were good liars. If she hadn’t known the truth, she would have been fooled by their charade.

“And you,” Ava turned her attention to Madison. “You’ve grown so much since last time we saw you. Do you remember your cousin Marta?”

Ava’s smile made Madison’s blood boil. It was the only time so far, Ava didn’t need to fake her smile.

“Vaguely. It’s nice to see you, though.” Madison smiled in Marta’s direction, holding onto her brother’s hand for dear life. Where are the boys?

“It’s been so long,” Marta said coldly. “Last time I saw you, you were so small, and now you’re a beautiful woman.”

“Thank you. I’m sorry I don’t remember much. I was about five, I think.”

“Indeed, you were. Where is your brother?” Ava asked, looking now at Liam. By the way the vein on her neck was pulsing, she wasn’t so happy after all.

“He went with Levi to buy some coffee for everyone.”

“Oh, the twins are here?” Marta’s interest suddenly lit up, and the way her eyes moved to the door put Madison on edge.

“Levi is. Ethan is not here yet.” Madison’s words came out more poisonous than she intended, but the boys’ timing couldn’t be more perfect.

“Oh, hello. Mother, father…Marta,” Ezra said, walking quickly into the room. While he accepted fake hugs from everyone, the disgust on Levi’s face made Madison smile.

“Mrs. and Mr. Davis. Marta.” Yes, definitely the best. The way he pronounced her name made it feel like he was spitting in disgust, although Levi still had to accept their hugs as well.

“Levi, what a nice surprise. I didn’t think you would be here,” Marcus said, looking him over. Marcus and Levi exchanged brief, threatening glances. Madison looked around the room to see if anyone else noticed.

“Of course I am,” Levi stated. “Unlike you, we’ve never left your children’s side.”

“What a lovely thing friendship is.” Marta’s comment sounded less than sincere. It was clear they were all playing the same game. Pretend.

“Indeed.” Ava smiled once more, moving her attention back to Liam, who kept his tight hold on his sister’s hand.

“So,” Ezra said, trying to soften the mood, as usual. “I’m sorry we couldn’t make it to our breakfast. Right now is not the right time to have any real conversation. Liam needs some rest…”

“Oh, no. Of course not, dear,” Marta said in a sickly sweet tone. “We are going to stay here for a week or so, so there is no rush.”

“Good,” Liam answered, forcing another smile. Luckily for him the pain covered the effort.

“Do you have a place to stay?” Ezra asked, curving his lips into the most caring, but fake smile ever. Those guys are smooth.

“Well, we didn’t know what you all were doing, so we didn’t want to bother you,” Marcus offered. “We are staying at your grandparents’ house.”

“I see. Well, perhaps we can have lunch? Tomorrow?” The way Madison turned to look at Ezra almost made her neck snap. He sure must have something in mind, but she really certainly did not want to spend any extra time with them.

“Of course. That sounds lovely, dear. Madison, are you going to be there?”

“Of course, Isabel. Where else would I be?” Madison forced a smile.

A sudden knock at the door made her look up. Ethan stood in the doorway, looking handsome as always, his dark hair falling into his eyes.

“Oh wow…I didn’t expect the whole family to be here.” The devilish smile on his face made Madison want to jump up and claim his lips in hers, but she had to hold herself back in their present company. Another reason to curse the presence of the evil trio.

“Ethan, dear,” Ava said, reaching for him and hugging him tightly. She let him go just as Marta moved closer.

“You haven’t changed a bit,” Marta said, kissing his cheek slowly, so slowly that Ethan pulled away, irritated.

“I would like to say the same,” he answered sharply before moving closer to Madison. Since walking in he never broke eye contact with her.

“Madison,” he whispered. Bending down and trying to look as normal as possible he kissed her head, inhaling her scent deeply.

“Hey,” she whispered back, closing her eyes. God, she’d missed him.

“I can’t leave you alone. Two days and look what you get yourself into.” Of course he knows the truth, but he knows they all have to keep pretending.

“I know right? What can I say? I can’t live without you.”

With a small chuckle he looked around, and finding his brother in the back of the room, he walked toward him. They quickly started to whisper to each other.

“Well, guys, I’m sorry, but time is up,” a nurse said, coming through the door. Never had getting kicked out felt so good.

“Well, we should go then. We’ll come and visit you tomorrow, okay?” Ava said, her voice dripping with faked motherly concern. The way she patted Liam’s head as she left was too much.

“Don’t worry about me,” Liam said through gritted teeth. “I’ll be out in no time.”

“Good, so we can have a nice lunch all together, as a family—finally.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Well, all set then,” Ava said, kissing his head. Moving away from the bed, she stepped closer to Madison.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, dear?”

“Yes. Isabel. See you tomorrow,” she answered, smiling at her again. Madison waved at her “father.”

“We should go out together one of these days,” Marta said to Madison, eyeing her up and down with disdain.

“We are kind of busy, really.”

“Perhaps once Liam is out, we can celebrate, just between us,” she offered. “I’m sure your parents aren’t up for partying anymore.”

“We’ll see, Marta. Have a good night.” With a small smile both Levi and Ethan walked toward the door, forcing Marta to finally leave the room with Marcus and Ava. What a show.

“Hey,” Ethan said to Madison once more. Finally, standing behind her and making sure that none of the evil trio is around, he reached for her body, any part of it. He’d missed her way more than expected.

“Hey, again,” Madison murmured, letting her brother’s hand go, she stood up and let Ethan’s arms wrap around, she could finally do what she wanted: kiss him for dear life.

“Hey, hey, you two! Gross. Get a room!” Liam and Ezra said in unison.

“And take me with you,” Levi added with a smile, causing the other two to pull apart.

“Sorry. We missed each other…” Madison whispered, blushing a little. For a moment, she forgot about her brothers in the room.

“Sure you did. One brother isn’t enough!” Ezra said, causing everybody to laugh.

This business of making dirty jokes is definitely getting out of hand.

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