Caught Up in Between - Book cover

Caught Up in Between

Anastasia White

Age Rating


All Rebecca wants when she finally gets to college is to focus on her studies and nothing more. That is, until she meets the drop-dead gorgeous Logan and his equally hot best friend Drew. Now she’s caught between the college’s two star football players and neither will back down. Things are about to get very complicated…and very steamy!

Age Rating: 18+

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First College Party

“Hey Becca! Open your eyes, sleepyhead! We’re almost at our hotel.”

I woke up startled. Ugh, my neck hurt. How had I managed to fall asleep during a thirty-minute ride? I turned my head and looked at my best friend, Kate.

She practically jumped with excitement, sitting behind the steering wheel of my Prius.

“Why are you yelling?”

“Are you kidding me?! Tomorrow you and I will be settling into our dorm, and tonight we are going to our first college party at the infamous Kappa Alpha fraternity! I don’t even know which I am more excited about!”

“Let me guess? I bet it’s the party!” I laughed because she’d noticed my sarcastic tone of voice and frowned.

“You’re no fun!”

“Sorry, Kate, I promise to behave.”

“I honestly can’t believe that our parents let us leave for college before tomorrow’s move-in day. I thought we would be coming here with them in tow, but I guess the fact that we’re both eighteen and never got into any trouble, they let it slide! I’m glad they don’t know our secrets!”

She winked at me, and I laughed.

“So, tonight is the party, and it will probably be my first one-night stand at college,” Kate continued. “Tomorrow, we will meet our parents and get settled into our dormitory!”

“Do we need to go to the party? Maybe we could just take a walk around town and find our way to the dormitory?”

“Rebecca Dawson, you’re starting to piss me off! We had a deal! You promised me you would go with me to this fucking party, and you will go with me. Even if I have to drag you there!”

“Okay, Kitty Kate, I give up. No need for violence!”

“Good girl, you know I love you. Besides, why do you need to walk around town? Home is only thirty minutes away. We have been here hundreds of times, and it’s a small town, nothing like the Big Apple, where you can be lost within a few minutes!”

“You have a solid point, girl. How long until we get to our hotel? I need to use the bathroom badly.”

“First you fell asleep, now you want to pee… Where is my best friend and what did you do to her, old lady?”

“Shut up, Kate!” I lightly smacked her thigh, and she laughed.

“Well, thanks to my driving skills, we’re here! Go check us in, and I will park your car.”

I groaned but followed her orders.

Later, Kate caught up with me as I strolled to the room we had just checked into.

I took my time using the bathroom and then walked back into the room to find Kate already in her lacy red underwear, staring at two dresses on the bed.

“You should go with the strapless pink dress. You look sexy in it.” I plopped myself down on my bed and looked at my friend. Her nose wrinkled with concern.

“Do you really think so?”

“Yeah, but you will need to choose a strapless bra.”

“Consider it done.”

Kate laughed, unclasped her bra straps, and put on the pink dress I suggested. She looked stunning and unbelievably sexy.

Red curls enveloped her baby doll face, with its full lips and light green eyes. She already had makeup on, and it only made her look more beautiful, and also more mature. But I guessed that was her intention. We would be freshmen at the party, and she didn’t want that fact to stand out to everyone.

“You look perfect, Kate. That dress hugs all your curves in all the right places, and your cleavage… God, I almost pity the boys at the party!”

Kate spun in front of the mirror, looking at herself from all sides. She winked at her reflection and turned to me.

“Yeah, I am dressed to impress and seduce one of the fraternity guys tonight! Are you sure that my round ass looks good in it?” She threw me a questioning look, and I nodded with a smile, which she returned.

“Becca, I can’t believe that in three days we will start college! It’s like my dream come true! I am going to study with my best friend in the whole world, and we are both finally single!”

She shut up almost immediately after spilling out those last words and looked at me for my reaction. I shrugged my shoulders; I didn’t want to think about my newly single life tonight.

Kate noticed my movement and tried to ease the atmosphere.

“The most important question now is, what are you planning to wear tonight?”

I shrugged again because, truth be told, I didn’t care.

I didn’t want to go to this party, and I would have been perfectly fine arriving here with my parents tomorrow. But Kate made me come, she drove us here and even chose this hotel for the night. I sighed.

“I brought only one dress with me. This.”

I dug in my travel bag and pulled out a white summer dress. It was a scalloped lace, A-line dress with three-quarter sleeves, and it contrasted with my tanned skin.

I changed into it without hesitation and without waiting for Kate’s approval. I knew she wanted us to look sexy tonight, but I was going to look lovely. I put on blue flats and let my brown hair down, tossing it around a little. Since my hair was often braided, it had a slight curl at the ends now, just the way I loved it.

“Please, tell me that at least you'll let me do your makeup?”

“No, I'm good,” I answered.

I applied colorless lip gloss to moisturize my lips and added green push-up mascara to my eyelashes.

Kate and I both had green eyes, but mine were a darker shade. My mom had always told me that my eyes were almost emerald green.

When she saw me for the first time as a baby, she thought my name should be Dorothy. Thanks to my grandmother who didn’t let her do that! I loved my name, my full name actually—Rebecca—but as most of my friends called me Becca, I got used to that.

“Well, I must say. You look stunning, even in this boring dress.”

I pouted my lips at Kate, and she laughed.

“It’s a lovely dress, but I was hoping for something sexier, you know. But I guess, as long as this dress highlights your slim waist, big boobs, and long legs—I’m okay with it. Even if your round hips and tight ass will stay hidden from everyone.”

“We always have your ass and hips on display anyway, right?” I winked at her and walked to the door. “Do you even know where this party is?”

“You forgot that I had a spring fling with a member of the Kappa Alpha fraternity last year? Of course, I know,” Kate answered and walked next to me.

She put her hand on my hip. “Ready?”

“Always.” I smiled, and we sauntered out of our room.

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