His Lovely Pet - Book cover

His Lovely Pet

Kimberly Writes



The day of the auctions had finally arrived, and I was a whirlwind of emotions—excitement and nervousness battling for dominance. I couldn’t bring myself to confess to Raven that a part of me was actually looking forward to being sold. She wouldn’t understand, and I feared it would drive a wedge between us.

Over the past few days, we had grown closer. She had painted vivid pictures of the outside world for me, describing the warmth of the sun on a summer day, the intoxicating scent of blooming flowers, and the decadent taste of sweet chocolate.

Her face would light up as she spoke, but her eyes held a lingering sadness. I learned that she had lived in one of the human villages governed by vampire lords.

Her father had sent her to gather firewood in a nearby forest, and that’s when, as she put it, “all hell broke loose.”

“I was searching for more wood, but before I knew it, I was lost. That damn forest was so vast. Suddenly, I spotted them—a couple of vampires.

“At first, I thought they were from my village, out looking for me, but their sinister smiles told a different story. Before they could take a single step, I was off.

“Thankfully, there were plenty of trees, and I managed to dodge them for a while, but they eventually caught up to me.” Her voice hardened as she recalled the memory.

I wanted to tell her that running was a futile effort. A human against a vampire was a laughable mismatch. It was pointless to try to escape—they could catch you in a heartbeat.

But Raven was a fighter. She was the bravest human I had ever met.

“What happened after they caught you?” I asked, my curiosity piqued.

“They drugged me, and when I woke up, I was in a cage. They sold me to that sleazy pet shop bastard. I managed to escape once, but not twice. That fucking vampire wall caught me. Every. Fucking. Time.”

I knew she was referring to Brutus. He was a hulking brute with a sadistic streak. Thankfully, I had never done anything to incur his wrath.

Martin and Brutus were busy freeing the other pets from their cages, fastening chains around their wrists that connected to metal collars.

One by one, they were lined up in front of my cage. Their chains were linked together—likely a precaution to prevent any escape attempts. My cage was situated by the back door, so I assumed I would be the last to go.

The large double doors swung open, revealing a massive truck. They began loading everyone into it. Soon, it was just Raven and me left.

Brutus stood in front of Raven’s cage. She was smiling defiantly, but Brutus remained unfazed.

“Okay, little rat, are you going to give me any trouble today?” he asked, his voice deceptively calm.

“Fuck you, vamp. Let me out. Now!” she spat at him, punctuating her words by spitting in his face.

I watched in horror. This girl was brave, but recklessly so.

“Perfect. I was hoping to use my new toy today.” He chuckled ominously.

New toy? ~What’s he talking about~? I wondered, a sense of dread creeping over me.

He pulled out a small stick, which extended into a longer rod as he tugged on it. He clicked it into place before thrusting it into her cage and zapping her.

Raven screamed twice before going limp. Her eyes were still open, and I could hear her whimpering softly. My heart shattered, and before I could stop myself, I was calling out to her.

“Raven! Raven, get up!”

Brutus shot me a glare and opened his mouth to retort, but Martin burst through the doors.

“Fuck, Brutus. Did you kill her?” Brutus opened Raven’s cage and yanked her out by her arm.

She managed to stand, but her legs were shaking. She looked so vulnerable.

“Just tried the new toy. She’s fine, just a little paralyzed at the moment.” He spoke nonchalantly as he and Martin began chaining her up.

Unlike the others, they also cuffed her ankles. They clearly weren’t taking any chances with her.

Brutus dragged Raven towards the double doors, and in the blink of an eye, they were gone, leaving me alone with Martin.

“Um. Am I not going to the auctions with everyone else?” I asked him, my voice barely above a whisper.

He looked at me before opening my cage door, allowing me to crawl out.

“No auction for you, little Olive. Your new master is on his way to pick you up.”

My mind was racing.

New master? ~Oh, no. No. No. No~.

He couldn’t possibly mean that deranged female vampire. I began sobbing uncontrollably, collapsing to my knees on the hard concrete floor.

“Please. Please, don’t make me go with her! I’m not ready to die yet. Please!” I pleaded through my sobs.

“Her? What on earth are you talking about?”

Before I could answer him, the bell chimed, signaling that someone had entered the shop. I hung my head, staring at the concrete floor.

I expected to see heels, or at least hear them, but all I saw were two shiny black shoes.

They didn’t look like a woman’s shoes.

“Lord Vallen. Right on time.” Martin’s voice held a note of excitement.

Wait. Did he say, Lord~?~ I thought to myself.

The vampire crouched down in front of me. He placed two fingers under my chin, lifting my head so I could meet his gaze.

He was as pale as most vampires, and strikingly handsome. He had short black hair and the most captivating green eyes. He was staring at me, and then he noticed my red, puffy eyes. I must have cried harder than I thought.

“Any problems?” He was speaking to Martin, but his gaze never left mine.

“Well, Annabelle Cain was here a couple of days ago. She wanted Olivia, but I told her I didn’t have her papers, which wasn’t a total lie. But I expect she’ll be back.” Martin sounded nervous.

Lord Vallen’s jaw clenched, and his expression darkened. His once beautiful green eyes turned almost black.

“I’ll take care of her,” he assured, his hands finding their way under my arms, lifting me to my feet with a gentle pull.

His hand found a resting place on the small of my back, guiding me towards the front of the shop. Martin, the shopkeeper, moved behind the counter, his hand disappearing beneath it only to reemerge with a square box, its exterior a deep shade of blue.

“It arrived just yesterday, and everything seems to be in order. Do you need anything else? I have whips, muzzles—”

My new master raised his hand, a silent command that Martin obeyed instantly, his words dying on his lips.

“That won’t be necessary, will it, little dove?” he asked, his gaze dropping to meet mine. I could only respond with a shake of my head.

“Good,” he said, his attention returning to the box. He opened it, revealing an ice-blue collar nestled within.

The collar was surprisingly beautiful, adorned with shimmering stones that caught the light. He leaned down, slipping it around my neck with a careful touch.

“Beautiful. Now, it’s time to go, little dove.”

I didn’t understand why he insisted on calling me that, but I nodded in response, my feet carrying me towards the door. I was finally about to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin.

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