His Lovely Pet - Book cover

His Lovely Pet

Kimberly Writes



A smile bloomed on my face as I stepped outside. The sun was radiant, its warmth a comforting embrace. The ground was hot beneath my feet, but I didn’t mind; I wanted to savor this moment.

Before long, my new master fastened the leash to my collar and guided me towards a sleek, black car.

So, we’re leaving, I thought.

He gently nudged me into the car, and I scooted over to the window. The interior was dim, but I could discern various shapes. I flinched when his hand slipped under my chin, unfastening the leash and letting it fall to the car floor.

He signaled the driver to start the car, then pressed a button that raised a screen, separating us from the driver. I kept my gaze fixed on him, remembering Raven’s warning not to trust any vampires.

The ride was silent, and I found myself enjoying it. I stared out the window, making out trees and buildings. I wished I could see more.

My new master cleared his throat, drawing my attention.

“Alright, little dove, I think it’s time we had a chat. I need you to understand my rules and what I expect from you. After I’m done, you can ask any questions you have. Understand?”

I nodded in response.

“First off, I need verbal responses,” he said, his tone calm but tinged with irritation.

“Yes, master,” I replied softly.

He shook his head, leaving me puzzled.

“First rule, when we’re alone, you will call me by my name, Cole. In the presence of others, you may refer to me as Sir.”

He looked at me, waiting for my response.

I thought his first rule was odd, but he was my owner now.

“Okay, ma—Cole,” I corrected myself.

“You’ll find I don’t have many rules, little dove. Second, if I call for you, you’ll come. Third, no one is to touch you or drink from you.

“You’re mine, and I don’t share what’s mine. Lastly, no attempts to escape—”

I interrupted him before he could finish. “Why would I try to escape? You’re a vampire and I’m a human. It’s pointless to even try.”

He looked at me, taken aback. I’m sure he wasn’t expecting that response.

“You’re absolutely correct, little dove. Now, onto other matters. Once we reach the manor, you’ll be staying in the suite with me. You are not to leave without permission.

“A human wandering the halls alone is a recipe for disaster. I’ll also choose your outfit for the day. If I don’t, you’re free to choose your own.

“I’ve filled your closet with everything you’ll need. I’ll call on you most days, but on days I don’t, you’re free to do as you wish. Do you understand so far?”

I nodded. “Yes, Cole.”

Now it was my turn to ask questions, and my mind was racing.

“Why do you call me ‘little dove’? Don’t you know my name?” I asked.

“I know your name, Olivia Carter. You simply remind me of a dove. Pale creamy skin, white hair, and lovely grey eyes. Plus, you’re my pet and I can call you as I wish.”

I hummed in response to his answer.

“Will you…you know…bite me and drink from me?” I bit my lower lip, unsure if I wanted to hear his answer.

“I think you know the answer, but yes, Olivia, I will. But I’m almost a thousand years old, so I have more control than most, and I won’t need to drink much.

“However, I need to mark you so others know whom you belong to.” He spoke so calmly, as if this wasn’t a big deal or that my question was foolish.

“You said no one is to drink from me, but how will I stop that? I mean, if a vampire wants me, I don’t know how I’d stop them. Plus, that female vampire wants me. Badly.”

I looked down at my trembling hands, the thought of her making me shake.

He clenched his jaw. “Once I drink from you and mark you, I’ll be able to sense your emotions. If you’re in danger, I’ll know it.

“As for Annabelle, don’t worry about her. I’ll handle it.” He looked at me, but I couldn’t shake my fear.

“You’re afraid of her. Why?” he asked, his voice laced with concern.

“Everyone at the pet shop was afraid of her. She came at least once a month to get another pet. I thought she was just collecting them, but Raven said she was killing them.”

He didn’t ask who Raven was, but before I knew it, the car stopped. We had arrived at my new home.

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