He Healed My Heart - Book cover

He Healed My Heart

Tinkerbelle Leonhardt



The days rolled by quickly, and today, Friday, was the last day of my first week. The work wasn’t difficult, and I loved talking to the town’s occupants, though I had not seen nor heard from Spencer.

I guess I was mistaken, and he really was just being friendly. I collected my things and said goodbye to Mr. Johnson and his wife who worked the counter.

Uncle had already informed them about the barbecue next weekend. That man worked fast. As I hopped into my dual cab truck heading for home, I sighed in relief at really enjoying my first week.

This was a great place to raise my son. Levi was happy and exhausted every day, and he and Uncle Clade were building a big race track in the shed for all of his toy cars.

I was humming to “Before He Cheats” by Carrie Underwood that had just come on the radio when I heard a massive bang and the steering gave way. I managed to hold on tight and came to a stop by the side of the road.

“Shit,” I cursed. Slipping out from behind the wheel, I went to check out the damage. I had blown a tire but didn’t have a spare.

I pulled out my cell, but the useless thing had run out of battery. My face washed with panic—what the hell was I going to do?

I was an hour’s walk from home and about the same distance back into town, with no guarantee anyone would be open. Collecting my handbag and locking up my truck, I was forced to hoof it home.

Just as I started, a black pickup slowed down and pulled up beside me. “What the hell are you doing?”

My body froze when the instant and unmistakable husky, deep baritone hit my ears and ran through me. I turned to see him staring at me through his passenger window.

“My truck popped a tire, I don’t have a spare and my battery is dead.”

“You plan on padding it all the way back to your uncle’s? Those shoes will wear out before you get there.”

“I’m fine,” I replied defensively, not wanting to appear helpless and in need of rescuing. I was an independent, self-reliant woman. I got this, I had already decided to organize it tomorrow.

“Damn, woman.” Spencer threw his gearbox in reverse and came to a standstill by my vacant truck.

I kind of just stood there for a moment, watching his movements, before backtracking. “What are you doing?”

He was on his phone, leaning against my truck.

“Flank, it’s Spence…need ya help, highway 72 about fifteen minutes from town. Clade’s niece has a flat, needs a spare and a tow… Thanks… Yep, see ya soon.”

He hung up and opened his passenger door for me. “Get in,” he ordered with a tilt to the side with his head.

Naturally, I objected, “I’m fine; Spencer, I can collect the truck tomorrow. I’m not helpless, or need rescuing…”

“I get you’re used to doing things on your own, Harper, but it just wouldn’t sit right to leave you out here for the coyotes. Not to mention the wolves that roam these parts.”

I jumped closer to him, my head swirling from left to right fearfully. “There’s coyotes and wolves out here?”

He laughed, clearly amused by my uncertainty.

“Nah, I’m just messing with ya, well, not about the wolves. Listen, the moment Flank arrives he’ll load up your truck and we’ll get ya home. I won’t even tell anyone you had to rely on someone else.”

That gorgeous bastard winked at me.

I shivered, suddenly feeling the crispness in the breeze. “Thank you,” I submitted.

“You cold? Here…” he pulled off his sheriff’s jacket and wrapped it around me, hooking it in the pin and zipping up the front.

“You don’t have to, ya know…I’m quite capable…”

His big hands cupped my face, silencing my train of thought. I felt immediately shy and dipped my head, intimidated by our closeness.

“I know, you’re independent, not used to relying on the kindness of strangers”—he tipped my head upwards to meet his sapphire gaze—“sometimes, it’s nice to know people are there for you. You don’t always have to be alone; we like to help our townsfolk.”


So this was friendship, I could deal with that. It had been a long time since anyone had shown such selfless kindness but I’m glad he clarified before I made a fool of myself.

Guess I still secretly wanted to be loved by someone so I was trying to see something that simply wasn’t there. What did I expect? Every man ran when they found out about my son.

I took a step back from him, his warm touch leaving my cheeks as my eyes fell. “Thank you, Deputy, I really appreciate your help. I’m sure all the townsfolk cherish your care for them.”

“What? Harper, I think you’ve mistaken my words—” he was interrupted by blinding headlights heading towards us. He huffed in annoyance and jumped in his truck to move it completely out of the way.

I don’t know what he was annoyed about. Maybe I had said the wrong thing? He brushed past me to help get the winch hooked up and my vehicle on the back of the tow truck.

His friend Flank led the way as we followed behind. I stared blankly out the window as silence surrounded us with suffocating force.

I decided to break the ice-cold atmosphere, only so did he and we both spoke at the same time.



We laughed heartily. “You go.”

“I was just going to ask what your son is into?”

“Leivon? He’s into cars mostly but also he loves soccer.”

“Soccer? What team?”

I chuckled nervously. “Any team that wins… why?”

He shook his head. “Just curious.”

We pulled into the driveway and my uncle and son came flying out the door. “Mommy”—Levi’s arms collected my hips—“where were you?”

He cocked his head to the side. “I thought you forgot me.”

“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, why would I forget you?”

“Shit, kid, we were worried, your phone went straight to voicemail.” My uncle breathed a sigh of relief.

“Sorry uncle, my phone battery died and I got a flat.” I gave him an apologetic look.

“I can see that. Thank God the young deputy here just happened to be passing,” he arched his brow at me.

“Yes, it was convenient. Anyway…” I turned to face Flank, “thank you, Mr. Flank, do you accept card?”

Flank coughed. “Ah, no charge. I owe this crazy my life.” He thrust his thumb towards Spencer, who just smiled. “And it’s Flank, Flank Rogers.”

“Well, I appreciate that but I still would like to…”

“She’s independent,” Spencer cut in.

Flank and Spencer start snickering to themselves.

“The girl had no choice but to be,” my uncle stated proudly, coming to my defense and cutting off their behavior.

My truck was unloaded and the moment Spencer whipped off his uniform shirt, all saliva drained from my mouth at the sight of each perfectly carved and sculpted muscle.

He lifted his jack from the back of his car and got to work on my tire. Even with the darkened sky, you could see his impeccable body and I imagined my tongue lapping at his divinely perfect frame.

I moaned accidentally, all four heads turned to greet me with their curious faces. “I-I-I need to-t-pee,” I stuttered and whimpered at the same time.

Turning on my heels and practically running inside, I cursed myself for being so ridiculous and desperate but man, was his body seductively crippling.

“I need to pee? Really? That’s the best you could come up with?” I chastised myself out loud.

I showered and changed, hearing roaring laughter coming from the dinner table as I entered. There sat a now-dressed Spencer and Levi, playing with his toy cars.

“What’s for dinner?” I smiled.

“Your favorite—stew.” Uncle Clade beamed brightly at me.

“Yum, can’t wait. Can I help?”

“Nah, sit your bony ass down, I got this… Spence is staying for grub.”

I nervously raked my bottom lip through my teeth. “Thank you, Deputy…for rescuing me.”

He frowned. “Spence is fine, Harper.”

“Okay, Spence,” I retorted with a playful smirk.

“And everyone can call me Levi,” my son interjects, causing the room to erupt in laughter.

We spent the evening basking in each other’s company. Spence and Leivon really hit it off, and when bedtime rolled around, he requested that Spence read him his nightly story.

Uncle Clade headed to his favorite suede recliner, and I started the dishes. I flicked on the radio in the kitchen and softly sang the words to the music while swaying my hips.

“Now there’s a sight for sore eyes.” I jumped in fright as he entered.

“You scared me; did he go down okay, not give you too much trouble?” I leaned over to switch the music off.

“Don’t.” He comes closer, I could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck. “He’s a beautiful boy, you’ve done a great job in raising him.” His words caused my body to hum.

“Dance with me?”

I tried desperately to curb the thoughts that swirled through my overactive imagination. He’s just being friendly, I told myself, do not think too much into this.

As he pulled me closer, his incredible scent filled my senses, weakening my resistance to this alluring man.

“More than friends” by Jason Mraz and Meghan Trainor played softly in the background as we swayed gently under the dim light, one of his hands on the small of my back, the other gripping my own.

This was the pinnacle of my very lackluster romantic life, my eyes staring at his chest more than at his blazing sapphires.

My heart thumped dramatically in my throat as my breathing quickened to short, strangled pants and my body trembled slightly.

He hooked his finger under my chin, tilting my head up. I blinked rapidly. “Have you not danced with a man?” My eyes shifted between those capturing blues.

I shook my head side to side, attempting to swallow the lump of nerves gathered in my throat. He groaned and closed his eyes. “How is that even possible?”

My embarrassment was too much for me to bear and I stepped back from him and the swirling vortex of confusion. “Y-y-you are p-probably tired, I should let you go home.”

My mumble was barely audible as I twisted my fingertips nervously in front of me, my head hung in shame.

He wanted to be friends and here I was, stupidly thinking that we could be something more when I clearly had no right.

He threw me a look of frustration before he grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair, popping his head around the corner to say goodbye to my uncle, only Clade had fallen asleep.

I cursed inwardly at the man for leaving me with our guest when I wasn’t the one who asked him to stay.

I walked Spence out to his car, he threw his jacket onto the passenger’s seat and forcefully closed his doors, seemingly pissed at me.

“Thank you for your help tonight,” I practically whispered.

He stood there with his driver’s door open, assessing me. “Why do you do that? What did I do to make you close off from me?”

My head snapped upwards to greet a fierce blaze burning behind his darkened irises. “What do you mean?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Shit, all week I’ve tried to get you out of my head and all week I’ve tried to find an excuse to see you and have come up short and finally tonight, I get given the opportunity to see you and it’s like you are trying to push me away. If you want friendship only then fine, I will leave it at that but I can’t stop thinking about you, Harper, I just want to get to know you better, see where this undeniable attraction goes…”

“You’re attracted to me?” I asked incredulously with a higher pitch to my voice.

“Do you really not see?”

“When you said you ‘help the townsfolk’ I just presumed you wanted to be nothing more than friends.”

“That’s what you thought?”

I wiped my hands over my face, “Spence…men usually find out I have a child and mysteriously disappear, I’m not very good at this.” My chest heaved as I whimpered my reply.

“Boys, not men, Harper.” He leaned forward, shocking the hell out of me, his lips lingering as they pressed against my cheek. I closed my eyes, relishing in the warmth of his flesh.

“Let me take you and Levi out tomorrow night? The rodeo is in town. Have either of you been?” I panted heavily; maybe I should just give in for once?

I wasn’t dead and maybe it will be fun. God knows it’s been a long time since Leivon and I had done anything fun, choosing to save our money rather than spending it.

“I-I don’t know,” I was really battling with myself.

“Just…” he appeared to be even more frustrated by my hesitance, “just give it a try.”

“Okay.” It sounded more like I was trying to convince myself rather than accepting a night out with a friend.

“Okay?” he questioned.

“Yes, Spencer, okay. We would love to go to the rodeo with you.”

This put a dashing smile on his face. “Well great, I’ll pick you two up. See you tomorrow night…sweet cheeks.”

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