Fighting for What's Mine - Book cover

Fighting for What's Mine

Nylita Maxwell

Chapter Three


I had taken more time away from the pack to keep training. I had a little sister to protect and a feeling of need to protect her deep in my gut.

She was the most important thing to my family, and I would keep her safe at all costs.

She had been abandoned by her own kind, but they had given my family the greatest gift we could have ever asked for. Hope.

We had been falling apart because my mother had been severely wounded in a rogue attack and the pack doctors could only save her by removing her reproductive organs.

My mother had fallen into a deep depression, one my father and I didn’t think she would ever come out of.

That is until my father found Alina.

She had been left out in the forest in the middle of our territory, with only a note attached to her blankets with her name on it.

Nothing else, no explanation or any reason as to why they had left their little girl in the darkest parts of the forest all alone. I had to make sure I could protect that little girl.

I had to protect my little sister.

I had wanted to train longer to make sure that I could not only protect my pack, but so I could protect my little human sister from anyone that thought of her as a lesser being or weak.

I thought of all of this as I ran home, my legs carrying me as fast as I could go. I had been feeling off for the past few hours and it had been pushing me home faster than usual.

Suddenly I heard my phone ringing from the bag I had on my large back, causing me to come to a skidding halt in the middle of my run, quickly shifting into my human form. It was my mom.


“Damien! Where are you?” My mother sounded frantic and that put me on high alert.

“I’m on my way home, Mom. What’s wrong?”

“Alina hasn’t come home from school and I’m worried. Your father can’t find her anywhere and she isn’t answering her phone.~

That got my attention instantly. Lina ~always~ answered her phone for mom. Lina ~never~ wanted to upset our parents because she had always felt like she owed them her life.

She knew she had been adopted just not the way she had been adopted. I had always told her she didn’t need to feel that way, but Lina had just ignored me and done her own thing.

“Don’t worry, Mom, I’m close to the pack grounds. I’ll find her and bring her home.”

“Thank you!” she said.

“She is my little sister, Mom, of course I’ll go look for her.”

“Still, she has been having a hard time since you left, Damien. I worry about her well-being every day and she just won’t let me in anymore like she used to.”

I frowned. “What does that mean?”

“Those other girls don’t treat her very well and you know it.”

“And what have you and Pop done about it?”

“She won’t tell us anything other than they are just rude to her and now my baby is missing.”

“Mom, I have to go.~

I hung up quickly and dialed my sister. Her phone went straight to voicemail, and I lost my shit. If those pack whores had done something to my little sister, I was going to kill them all.

I quickly dialed my best friend’s number, hoping he was at least on his way back home too. He was going to be pissed that I wasn’t already there, but I had my priorities too.

“Hey D,” Alex said when he answered. “What’s good, brother?”

“Lina is missing, and I think Tori and her whores had something to do with it.”

“Where are you?”

“On my way to the pack grounds.”

“Why are you not already there?” Alex said. “You were supposed to be home by now, Damien!”

“We both are supposed to be there today, Alexander! That’s not the important thing right now. Lina is.”

“You’re right. Where would she be?”

“There are only four places I can really think of that my folks don’t know about. I’ll message you the locations,” I said.

“Okay. We will find her.”

“I just hope she’s okay. Mom said that she has been having a hard time since we left.”

“Don’t worry, D. We’re back now, and we will fix all of this.”

“I hope we can, Alex.”

After I hung up, I texted Alex the possible hiding spots of my little sister before packing up my phone again and shifting back into my massive wolf form. I had a sister to locate.

I was so pissed off that I raced right past one of her most favorite spots to hide.

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