Collide - Book cover


Denicea Christina

Chapter 3

After breakfast, Lucy and I are both taken to our rooms to be ‘cleaned up’ as my mother called it.

I’m pretty sure that I’ve lost thousands of brain cells by now.

It’s been four hours of ladies pulling my hair, putting stuff on my face, and they even waxed my legs.

Which is, by the way, hell on earth.

I’ve never been in so much pain before.

In an hour, the party starts and people will be looking for their mates.

Mom has arranged the party this year. Every year a different luna does so.

Mom has chosen the theme of Lovely Summer.

She ordered a billion flowers and I’m sure that it will look beautiful.

The lady pulling my hair suddenly lets go.

“We’re done.” I sigh in relief.

One of the make-up people comes up to me with a mirror.

My mouth falls open.

My make-up looks somehow natural, except for the dark lines under my eyes.

However, the blue of my eyes looks beautiful against the dark.

My hair has a million tiny curls and I must say I’m impressed.

I look smoking hot! At this point, I’d even date me.

I make some sounds of appreciation which make the ladies smile widely.

“Your mother said not to put on your dress yet, because she is afraid you’d spill something on it. Or go off into the woods and make it dirty.” I shrug.

That sounds pretty legit.

Something I’d do.

I appreciate myself once more while the ladies get their things and leave the room.

After a couple of minutes, my door opens and Lucy walks in.

She looks so freaking amazing. We stare at each other with our mouths open.

“Holy Goddess, we look good,” Lucy says with a wide grin.

She has her cherry-red dress on already.

Her brown curls are straightened and fall to her hips.

Her lips have the same color as her dress and she has nice smokey eyes going on, making the green pop like a soda.

Her heels are so tall, making her legs look even more beautiful.

She indeed is hot.

“I’ve secretly checked the window a couple of times, but I think your mom is keeping the wolves away from here. She’s probably scared that you’ll either run or end up killing one with ‘kindness’.

We both giggle at that.

“You know, if that doesn’t work, I can always set them on fire.” Lucy playfully hits my arm while laughing.

We banter back and forth for a few more minutes.

When there are only fifteen minutes on the clock left, Lucy helps me get in my dress.

We stand next to each other in front of the huge mirror that stands in my walk-in closet.

We look amazing.

We quickly take a few selfies and a mirror picture before deciding that it is time to get downstairs.

Just as I’m about to open the front door, my mother comes up to us.

She pulls us into hugs.

“You both look so beautiful. You are everything a mother could ever wish for.” Tears are streaming over her face, and she quickly wipes them away.

“Your mother would have been proud.” Tears well in Lucy’s eyes, but I quickly slap her on the arm.

“Don’t you dare ruin your make-up,” I hiss through my teeth.

I don’t care about her make-up. I just hate to see her cry.

We look at each other for a moment before both taking a deep breath.

Here we go.

The moment I step foot on the grass, I can see the complications of wearing heels.

I was never one to be able to walk on heels anyway, especially not when they keep sinking into the ground.

I hold Lucy’s arms strongly while trying to walk as slow as possible.

Different unknown scents come to us.

We both breathe in deeply.

So far, I haven’t caught a scent of absolute heaven, so I’m safe for now.

Lucy, however, stiffens next to me. I can hear her heartbeat pick up.

She lets go of me and runs, yes actually runs in those ridiculously high heels, towards the party.

I take off my shoes and run after her.

I see her crash into a guy that looks a little older than her.

He has blonde hair and, by the looks of it, is exactly Lucy’s type.

I’m happy for her, sad but a little happy.

After a sickening make-out session, she pulls the boy towards me.

“HE’S MY MATE. HIS NAME IS ERIC.” She is so excited that now the whole party knows that Eric is her mate.

I give him a respectful nod.

Lucy drags him along to Goddess knows where, so I decide to just head up to the party.

So far, I’m still good.

I see some wolves eyeing me, but no one wears a scent drawn to me.

I walk over to the booze table and take a vodka from the wolf behind it.

I dump my shoes somewhere in a corner and walk further into the party.

I was right about it being beautiful.

There’s a huge dance floor.

The dance floor is shaped in a heart, surrounded by flowers.

I can see Mom has chosen flowers that don’t smell too strong, but it looks beautiful.

A car comes driving up on the grass, making everyone stop talking to turn around.

A big SUV pulls up and several men get out.

I don’t recognize them, but judging by the whispers around us it belongs to someone they did not expect to come.

When the last man gets out I’m struck by his beauty.

He stands at least 6’2 feet tall.

His head is turned to the side, listening to someone next to him.

That jaw, jeez that jaw can cut me some cake.

His face slowly turns towards the crowd.

His black hair shines on his head with a bad boy just-got-out-of-bed look.

His green eyes find mine.

When I look into them I’m lost.


He slowly walks toward me, like a predator hunting its prey.

People are getting out of his way and I notice the power that rolls off of him in waves.

My throat is dry and my heart is beating in my ears.

He doesn’t walk the final steps but instead pulls me towards him.

His nose disappears in my neck, leaving goosebumps everywhere he touches me.

I can hear him sniff me and I stand utterly still.

I’m not sure if I’m even breathing. He pulls back slowly.

“What is your name?” His voice is deep and powerful. Making my heartbeat even louder. I look at him in awe, before realizing that I have yet to answer his question.

An almost boyish smile creeps up his face, revealing his dimples.

“Katelynn, daughter of the Alpha.” My voice sounds foreign to me, too girly for my liking.

“Roman, soon to be Alpha King.” His voice distracts me for a moment before I realize what he just said. Alpha King?

Holy crap, I’m in so much trouble. Before I can think about it I set a step back. His smile quickly fades into a scowl, before he steps forward to me. I step back once again.

“Get your stuff, we’re leaving. Don’t bring clothes, you won’t need them.” I notice a slight accent now.

Italian, I know.

The Alpha Kings are from Italy.


Holy crap, I’ll have to move to Italy.

I quickly search my mind for any knowledge I have of Italy.

The only thing I can come up with is pizza.

I know I’m in a bit of a shock, because who thinks of pizza when they just found their mate?

Roman takes my hand, pulling me forward a little.

I can feel tingles coming up, and I stare at our hands.

My body once more reacting without my consent.

I’m walking with him to the house.

He looks down at me and frowns.

“Where are your shoes?” A blush creeps up my face as I realize that I’m standing in front of the Alpha Prince without shoes on.

“They were uncomfortable, so I threw them away,” I say without thinking.

A laugh comes from Roman, making me relax.

Maybe it isn’t going to be so bad after all.

I see my parents walk up to us, and they politely bow.

Should I have bowed too? Do mates bow to each other?

How does one act around an Alpha Prince?

Damn, I should have paid more attention in class.

Somewhere in the distance, I can hear my father and Roman talk, but I can’t focus on the words.

My mind is in overdrive.

I have to move to Italy. I will be miles away from my parents.

What’s the distance between England and Italy?

Where is Lucy going to?

I pull my hand back from Roman.

“I’m sorry, I have to do something.” I run off to find Lucy.

Her scent is hidden beneath the hundreds of scents from the other wolves.

I can hear Roman call out to me in a dominating voice, but I shake it off.

I keep running and quickly find myself in the forest that surrounds our territory.

“LUCYYYYYY.” I think I’m having a panic attack now. My heart beats fast, and I struggle to breathe. Somewhere between the trees, Lucy comes running up to me, and we crash into each other.

I can already smell her mate on her.

“Wow, what’s wrong?” The concern is written all over her face. I still struggle to breathe.

I’m sure I’m as pale as snow by now.

I pull her back into me, sniffing her scent.

I have it memorized so deeply that I’d recognize it anywhere.

She slowly pulls back and searches my face.

I can hear quick footsteps coming from behind me.

“Did you find your mate?” I nod, unable to answer. “Who is he?!”

“The Alpha Prince,” I hear myself say before I pass out.

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