The Prophecy Series - Book cover

The Prophecy Series

H. Knight

Chapter 3: Challenged


Olivia showed me all the houses around the pack and introduced me to many of the members. She even took me into a nearby shopping center with a mix of humans and werewolves.

So far, everyone that I had met seemed nice. I felt calm in their territory. A part of me felt overwhelmed, but I was still split about everything.

“This is the warrior training house. It’s where we keep all the equipment, and they make plans and train here,” she explained.

“Why are you bringing her over here?” The warrior who questioned me earlier asked Olivia. It took everything in me not to roll my eyes at him.

In any other situation, I might be attracted to him or even turned on by his dominant nature, but right now, I was angry at his lack of respect. It was mostly Bell who loathed him.

“I am showing her around the pack territory,” Olivia said, placing her hands on her hips. She was the beta’s mate and had more authority than him.

What the fuck is his problem? He shouldn’t even be questioning her.

“I’m Kenton,” he said, eyeing me from head to toe.

He was checking me out. I felt exposed in my short black leggings and black V-neck. Bell growled, but I held back, not wanting to start anything.

“Hi,” I said, raising my eyebrow as a smirk spread across his face. He then walked away, leaving Olivia and me alone.

“I kind of think he was checking you out.” Olivia laughed as we walked away from the warrior’s training house.

“What about his mate?” I questioned. Fucking men.

“He doesn’t have one. She rejected him.” Olivia frowned.

“Oh,” I said. It was either because he was an ass, or it explains why he was an ass.

“You guys would be kind of cute together. It’s obvious you are both strong warriors,” Olivia said, elbowing my side.

I wasn’t sure whether to be flattered or disgusted. Bell was disgusted.

“What are you both talking about?” Beta Levi asked, walking over to us.

He had a bright smile on his face, and I knew it was because of Olivia. They were absolutely adorable together.

“Just discussing how Estella is a good warrior.” Olivia shrugged and kissed Beta Levi’s cheek.

Bell smiled at the sight but was clearly a little jealous.

“Oh? What was your ranking in your last pack?” he asked as he pulled his mate closer to him.

“Third. But top of my class. I was practically stronger than my dad, but I took third so he could be top.” I shrugged.

Men and their power struggles.

“Who was second?” Olivia asked. She was curious.

There was something about her that touched me. Bell was even fond of her. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I felt a pull toward her.

“Beta Ryan.” I felt anger toward him and didn’t realize I had until I said his name.

Bell hissed. She was uneasy when he was nearby, especially toward the end. At first, she liked him, but after mom died, she changed. I think it was because he wasn’t our mate.

“Hmm,” Beta Levi said.

“What?” I asked curiously.

“Well, if Alpha lets you be a part of the pack, maybe you can join our warriors.”

“Yeah, maybe.”

Any time someone mentioned the alpha, something inside me stirred. I wasn’t sure if it was nerves or something else.

“In the meantime, you can train with the women members if you want,” Beta Levi suggested.

“Okay.” I nodded with a small smile.

“Olivia can take you to practice today to check it out,” Beta Levi said, giving Olivia a kiss goodbye.

“Yay! Let’s go!” she said, pulling me along behind her.

“So, it’s not warrior training, but it is still fun. It’s like basic training for the women in the pack,” she explained as I followed her back outside.

“Why do you have to train with them if you are a beta’s mate?” I asked curiously. Normally, someone in her rank wouldn’t have to train with a low-skill-level group.

“Well, I just help out. I normally train with Levi and some of the other warriors. But I don’t want you to be alone, and I don’t mind joining today.”

She smiled at me as we approached a group of women who were gathered together talking.

“Hey,” Olivia said to them, and they all turned to say hello to her and then me.

They seemed nice, but they were still somewhat skeptical because they didn’t know me. It was understandable.

“All right.” A voice erupted from behind me. “Line up,” Kenton said.

Great, he was the one leading the training. For some reason, Bell didn’t seem to enjoy his presence, especially after he was checking us out, but she didn’t say anything.

Bell hadn’t said much to me since we entered the territory. Which wasn’t completely unusual, but it was still less than before. It felt as if she was waiting for something.

“Well, well, well,” he said, eyeing me up. I huffed in response and crossed my arms, which pushed my boobs up and together.

I wasn’t trying to do that and felt disgusted when he eyed my chest, but I shook it off. Not today, shit face.

“Okay, everyone, pair up and practice what we did yesterday, and if I see you all have it down, then we will start something new,” Kenton said, looking at the other girls.

“Estella, you will be joining me,” Kenton smirked at me.

I glanced at Olivia, and she joined with another girl, flashing me an apologetic smile. Fucking great.

“So, you are an alpha’s daughter,” he grimaced and eyed my body again.

“Yes,” I nodded.

“I assume that means you were a strong warrior in your pack,” he raised his eyebrows.

“I was third,” I said, crossing my arms.

“Why not first?” he tilted his head with a smirk.

The way he was looking at me was completely sexual, and Bell didn’t like it at all. She growled again but still said nothing. Bitch.

“My father has a lot of pride, and he was alpha, so I ended up being behind the beta,” I shrugged.

“Were you stronger than the beta?” he asked.

I was getting more and more annoyed by his constant need to ask me questions. He wasn’t third, and at this point, I highly doubted he would even get the title.

“We both had the same level of strength. He will make a good alpha once my father steps down,” I explained, even though this information wasn’t useful or important to the current situation.

“A crush on the beta?” he raised his eyebrows, giving a disapproving look. Yet here he was, trying to jump my bones. Men.

“No.” More like the other way around. I just used him for sex… He was a distraction. A means to an end, if you will.

“Okay,” he said as if to say, “Yeah, right.”

I shook it off because I knew that I didn’t need to explain myself to him, or anyone for that matter. “Can we just train?” I asked with a huff.

“Sassy.” He smirked.

I rolled my eyes as he got into his stance, and I followed his movements, hoping that he wouldn’t go easy on me. At this point, I knew that I had to prove myself.

“Show me what you got,” he challenged.

Before he could say another word or react, I kicked my leg up to get the height I needed and hurled my body to twist myself into the air.

I landed, and my foot instantly made contact with his knee, causing him to stumble to the ground in pain. I towered over him and smiled.

I had caught him in the middle of trying to kick me, just like I had wanted.

“Fuck,” he rasped in an angered tone.

“You shouldn’t have challenged me.” I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. The black V-neck I was wearing showed off some cleavage. I enjoyed using my body to my advantage.

I turned to see everyone had stopped to look at what had happened. Beta Levi arrived with some of the warriors and walked over to Kenton to help him up.

“Do I want to know?” Beta Levi asked, looking at me and then Kenton.

“He challenged me.” I shrugged.

“Well then.” Beta Levi laughed. “Good job,” he said, smiling.

The group of five or so men behind him laughed. It was obvious who was unmated and who wasn’t. The unmated males couldn’t stop staring at my chest. I almost smirked as Bell chuckled evilly in my head.

“Everyone is dismissed,” Beta Levi announced before looking at Kenton and laughing at his pained expression.

“Shake it off,” he said, and the warriors let go of him.

“You sure know how to stir up trouble,” Beta Levi said, turning to me.

“Hey, he challenged me,” I said defensively.

“I believe you. Kenton is an ass.”

“Fuck you,” Kenton moaned out in pain.

“No thanks, I don’t spread my legs for charity.” I smirked at him.

Everyone started laughing again, even Beta Levi. Kenton’s face was priceless.

Beta Levi and Olivia walked me back to the pack house, and I noticed that everyone was looking and whispering about me.

I sighed and tried not to pay attention. Had the news really traveled that fast?

“Dinner should be done soon,” Olivia said once we got into the pack house.

“I think I am going to get cleaned up,” I said and walked away.

This whole day had been interesting, and I bet tomorrow would be the same.

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