One of Us - Book cover

One of Us

Aimee Dierking

Chapter 3


How could one dream feel so damn real? How could it feel like it was actually happening?

Justin was still shocked as his eyes flew open when his alarm went off and was very disappointed when he discovered that it hadn’t been real.

He lay there for a minute, breathing hard, willing his raging hard-on to go down by thinking of anything boring, but he gave up after a few minutes and went to the shower.

He stood in the hot water and started stroking his long, thick length, thinking of the same redhead that was in his dreams and how those strands would fall in his hands as he fucked her hard.

His finish slammed into him like a 2x4 to the body, making him grunt as he imagined her screaming his name. He watched as it circled the drain and went down.

He leaned his head against the shower tiles and murmured, “What the fuck is the matter with me? It’s my child’s teacher!”

Justin was making Lexi breakfast a little while later when she came bounding down the stairs carrying her socks and shoes. “Hi, Daddy!”

“Good morning, Princess, how did you sleep?” he asked, moving from the stove to kiss the top of her head.

“So good! I had the funniest dream about Miss Harper,” she said as she plopped in a chair and pulled on her socks.

Justin choked on the swallow of coffee he had just taken when she said that and started coughing.

He felt like an idiot as he got himself under control and could feel the blush creep up his neck, knowing what he had dreamed about.

“Oh, and what was that?” he asked cautiously.

“It was so funny! She went with us when we went to visit the castles in England where The Queen lives,” Lexia answered excitedly.

“Wait, who said we are going to see where The Queen lives?” he asked, feigning ignorance and trying to change the subject.

“You did, Daddy! For my birthday when I turn 8!” Lexi reminded him with her usual sass, making him chuckle. “And you were holding her hand, Daddy, and you kissed her!”

The blush Justin was fighting crept up his cheeks. “Well, I think you are crazy, Little Miss,” he replied and placed the plate of scrambled eggs and toast in front of her. “Now eat so I can do your hair.”

Lexi thanked him and started eating. He put her hair up in a ponytail, then she went to brush her teeth before coming back to him.

He loved his daughter with all of his heart and couldn’t believe that she was already in school.

How that had happened so fast, he had no fucking clue. But here she was, getting her uniform sweater on and grabbing her backpack and water bottle.

He was just getting ready to buckle her in when his phone rang. He picked up and saw his sergeant at arms was calling, which was not good.

They were on a run up north and everything was supposed to be going smoothly. So for him to call didn’t mean anything good.

“What’s up, Mikey?”

“Hey Prez, I’m gonna need you to get up here,” Mikey answered.

Justin growled, “Why?”

“Truck broke down and this shit town doesn’t have a truck to rent that can hold these crates of bike parts,” Mikey replied.

Justin smirked to himself as he thought what bullshit the statement was—bike parts, his ass!

“Right. Well, shit. Let me drop Lex off with Kiki and I’ll grab a truck and a few prospects. We’ll be there late this afternoon.”

“Sounds good. Say hi to Miss Thang for me,” Mikey said, and hung up.

“Was that Uncle Mikey, Daddy?” she asked as she waited for her father.

“Yep. Hey, Lex, I gotta drop you at Auntie Kiki’s and go help Uncle Mikey. I’ll be back tomorrow, okay?” Justin explained.

He finished buckling her in, climbed in on his side, and drove to his sister’s house.

Justin walked in with Lexi to see his sister and brother-in-law sitting at the table, holding hands while she wiped away tears. “Everything okay?”

Kiki looked up and nodded. “Yep. What’s up?”

“Can you take Lex to school and keep her tonight? I need to go help out on a run up north, a truck broke down,” Justin said, trying to get a read on his sister.

“Sure. Uncle Mitch has to take care of some things, so it will be a girls' night! Nail polish, ice cream, and princess movies!” Kiki told her niece, making her squeal in delight.

“Are you sure? I can ask Momma June if you can’t, Kiks,” Justin offered.

“Nope, all good,” Kiki replied. “Now both of you get out of here so I can get dressed.”

“Bye, Princess, be good for Auntie and I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” Justin said, kissing his little girl on the cheek.

“I promise, Daddy.” She hugged him tightly.

Mitch kissed his wife softly and whispered to her. She nodded, wiping another tear away, then he followed his president out the door.

“What is going on?” Justin asked.

Mitch sighed. “During her appointment yesterday, the doctor didn’t know how many viable eggs he could get. So we could be very limited on how many times we can try in vitro.

“She feels horribly guilty because it’s an infection she had years ago that is causing the complications. I just keep telling her that it will work out the way it’s supposed to…”

Justin felt horrible. “Shit, bro. I’m so sorry. Should I take Lex to June and Bear’s house instead?”

“No, I think Miss Thang will be the exact distraction that she needs,” Mitch assured him. “But Justin? I have this fear that if this doesn’t happen, this will break her…”

Justin pulled his brother-in-law in for a hug. “So we just have to be strong for her. I’m here, man, so is the club. You just tell me if you need time off or whatever. It’s done.”

Mitch clapped his back. “Thanks, man. Now I gotta go check on some things with the bar and Legs. I’ll call for an update later, okay?”

Justin agreed and drove off, stopping at the shipping business after getting his bike and a quick change of clothes.

He had three prospects drive another shipping vehicle and a tow truck in case the other one couldn’t be fixed on site.

It was a beautiful drive up. He loved living here, with the weather perfect year-round. It was in the 50s and 60s in the fall and winter, and in the 80s and 90s in the summer.

They could ride almost year-round unless it was raining. And this day was no different. He had on his sunglasses, his cut, and his helmet, leading the small caravan up north.

He realized that this was exactly the distraction he needed from his thoughts and dreams from the night before.


Avery pulled on the dress pants and finished pulling her hair into a twist, taking a final look in the mirror.

She smiled and shrugged, thinking it would have to do. It’s not like she had anyone to impress—she taught kindergarteners, for Pete’s sake!

But then the little voice inside her head whispered, “Except for the sexy motorcycle father!”

Avery shook her head, hoping the thoughts would go away, and went to make her lunch, thinking how ridiculous she was being.

He was just a man. And she hadn’t even seen him again at pick up, distracted by another parent.

But the voice replied, “But isn’t this what your aunt said you needed? A guy to rock your world and for you to meet new people?”

“But not a criminal!” she said to herself, knowing her father would roll in his grave if he knew his only child was lusting after a criminal.

Avery grabbed her things and drove in her tiny car to the school to set up for the day, trying to decide whether she wanted Justin Mariner to drop off and pick up or not.

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