Mate! - Book cover


Angie Pichardo

Chapter 2


I arrive in the rural area of a pack that has recently recovered from a plague. The local cubs, recognizing me, run in my direction with joy.

I was helping not only with the development of a cure but also caring for the sick and was in charge of feeding and bathing the cubs whose parents were convalescing.

Luckily, that plague did not affect the children.

“Aunt!” The puppies run after me with laughter.

“Catch me if you can!” I shout as I throw my yellow dress in the air to become a she-wolf. After a few seconds, the little ones follow me.

After running through the field, riding them on my back, and bathing in the river, I, in my wolf form, return to the main pack meeting, which is where we all gather for activities and meetings.

I change my form and get dressed while the little ones disperse.

I return to the nearby pack, where I live with a friend who rented me a cabin in her territory.

She invited me to dinner at her house tonight, as she has prepared a farewell feast since I will be returning home the next day.

After dinner, I head to the backyard to get some fresh air and think about what my life will be like when I return to the pack where I grew up, a future that will be soon—tomorrow, to be exact.

“Nostalgic?” My companion suddenly appears behind me.

I look at the sky with melancholy, wishing I could change so many things from the past. “I’m afraid to go back.”

“I know.” She sits down next to me. “But you can’t run away forever. I just hope this year has helped you to clarify your feelings.”

I let out a loud sigh. Clarify. I always knew how I felt about Gael. The problem isn’t being clear about my feelings; the issue here is my feelings not being reciprocated.

“I don’t want my feelings to surface as soon as I see him. Nor do I want there to be tension in the pack because of us.

“Sometimes I want to tell Dad I will stay here and live my life as a lone wolf, but the alpha would kill me.”

“You wouldn’t be a lone wolf. You would belong to our pack.”

I smile at that. I look at her husband, who is playing with the puppies. I would really like to find my mate. That way, I could forget about Gael.

“Is that how he will put the puppies to sleep?” I point in the direction of the yard where the three of them have gone out to play.

“I love my mate, but sometimes I feel like killing him.”

“I understand.” I raise my hands with an amused expression.

“Let me go pull them by the ears and send the puppies to bed.”

I watch her walk away with her fists clenched, preparing her feisty mom posture. However, her husband nudges under her and starts running with her on his back, followed by the two boys.

They are so cute. I’m so envious.

How I wish I had something like that.


I was so looking forward to having a family together. Together, we were stronger, and I’m sure we could lead the pack very well with our skills.

But he doesn’t love me, and I don’t know if it’s still a crush or just frustration. Why can’t I get over it?

Anyway, whether my feelings for Gael are genuine or not, I have to let it go.


The night goes by very fast and is replaced by a sunny morning. I finish packing my things and leave everything organized for my friend here at the cabin.

As I leave with suitcases in hand, I look at what was my home for the last time. I will miss the peace of this place and being able to see my naughty little puppies every day.

I will also miss my colleagues and the inhabitants of the packs, where I usually do my volunteer work.

“We’re going to miss you, Auntie!” the little ones exclaim in unison as they cling to my legs.

“I’m going to miss you too.” I bend down to their level and give them kisses and cuddles.

It’s nice that children from the whole pack have come to see me off, as well as some colleagues and locals. They give me gifts and meals and also thank me for my work here.

So nice...

“Are you coming to visit us soon?” asks one of the children with teary eyes.

“Of course!” I sound sure, although I don’t know if I can make that happen.

I get into the leader’s vehicle. He will take me to the train station. I’m a long way from home, so it will take me all morning to get to my pack.


After two hours, the train announces its arrival in my region. As I gather my things to disembark, my heart is pounding with anticipation.

Once outside the station, I see Gael’s truck parked in front of me.

It can’t be... I thought it would be Kali or someone else from the pack who would come to pick me up.

The nervousness starts to take effect in my body when the familiar face of my first love looks around. He smiles when he notices my presence, but I don’t know how to react.

I blink several times to make sure my imagination isn’t playing a bad joke on me, but Gael’s imposing figure becomes clearer and clearer.

God, how can he be so attractive? Is it just me, or is he better than I remember him?

His body has always been muscular, but now he’s broader and bigger. His white T-shirt clings to his torso like a second skin, highlighting the firmness and attractiveness of his body.

A pair of denim pants with several rips in the knee, exposing part of the thigh, gives him a casual style, making those thick, hard legs stand out.

The silver earring he has worn on his right ear since he was a child, which I think must have some significance as to its origin, gives him a rebellious air.

I dare to look at him for a brief second, where I quickly appreciate his eyes the color of gold, which stand out by having that special shine that I cannot decipher, but that makes me shudder.

I also admire his straight black hair, which looks more abundant and long, so much so that he wears a careless ponytail that ends below his ribs.

This man is pure art. No wonder he turns me all colors. Gael is the living image of any woman’s fantasies.

And, although that’s how wolves usually are—thick, muscular, and very manly—I have to admit that Gael stands out. He is…

“Stop drooling over him. You’re too obvious,” says the wolf part of me, who has held a grudge against Gael since the night I found him making out with my former best friend.

“I thought Kali or Dad would come to get me,” I comment, uncomfortable.

“Kali is taking care of his mate, who just gave birth to her fourth puppy today, and the alpha is busy,” he explains.

He looks at me in that intense way that I can’t find the right words to describe, but that, for some strange reason, makes me very nervous.

It can’t be! Gael is the one who is going to take me?

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