Creatures of the Dark - Book cover

Creatures of the Dark

Katarina K.

Chapter 2

She rolled in her sleep, feeling the warmth of the fire caressing her skin. The sound of the fire crackled in the distance, but she could also hear the sound of crunching and shuffling. She blinked open her eyes and rolled over, peering toward the door.

The window to the right of the door, which had been pitch black when she got there, now had bright light streaming through the dirty glass. In front of the window was the man, rifling through her belongings.

“Hey!” she snapped, sitting up. “What do you think you’re doing? Those are mine!”

His head snapped over to her, his gaze focusing. “Mine,” he repeated in a deep, guttural voice, scratchy as if unused for many years.

He stood, revealing his entire height, which towered above her, and she was yet again reminded of his nudity. Her eyes tried not to look at the sizable cock between his legs.

His nudity reminded her of her own. She peered down at her body and yipped, quickly trying to cover her chest and squeeze her thighs together for a modicum of modesty. Her eyes quickly scanned the room for her clothes, and she realized they were gone.

Her head popped back in his direction. He was still watching her from across the room, but he had a twinkle of amusement in his eye.

“What have you done with my clothes? They were over there.” She gestured frantically to where she’d left them the night before, one arm still anchored around her chest.

His eyes narrowed in determination, still standing stark naked before her. His lips pulled tight in a mulish line. Clearly, he was offering no response to her.

She scowled but didn’t bother to get anything else out of him. She remained in front of the fire, which was toasty compared to everywhere else in the cabin. She was sure.

He returned to rifle through her belongings, examining everything she had to offer. She felt like he was invading her personal space.

But when he finished looking through her things and made his way over to her, she really felt like he was invading her personal space. He stood in front of her, his cock in her face.

She blushed deeply and whipped her head away, trying to look at anything else. Perhaps he didn’t speak English and there was some miscommunication between the two of them.

Strong fingers grabbed her chin, turning her to face him. He was kneeling beside her now, eye to eye. Dark brown eyes looked deeply at her. They were so dark she couldn’t differentiate between iris and pupil.

She figured he finally wanted to speak and opened her mouth to start when he smashed his mouth against hers. Her eyes widened in surprise and confusion. A warm blush consumed her entire body as she felt his tongue sweep over her own and completely violate her mouth.

Finally, reality set in, and she realized he was making out with her. She shoved him away and clamped a hand over her mouth. He must’ve believed she was some whore naked beside him.

He was only the second man to have ever kissed her, and it made her feel dirty, but her body responded just like some wanton whore.

How dare you,” she seethed, wiping her lips off with the back of her hand. Finally, she stood, hoping that he wouldn’t view her own nudity as an invitation.

He made no advances, but he certainly watched, and she saw the result of their singular kiss standing proudly between his legs. He stayed on the floor where she’d shoved him and said nothing as she went searching for her clothes.

She didn’t find her own, but down the hallway from the kitchen were several bedrooms, only one of which seemed lived in. In the closet, she found men’s shirts, and in the dresser, everything was much too big.

Whatever man lived there was enormous. The shirt bagged on her, reaching below her knees like a dress.

She reentered the living room semi-clothed, and he still sat naked next to the fire. He peered over his shoulder at her and seemed even more aroused by her singular article of clothing. His gaze gobbled her up.

“Do you know which way to Devidat?” she asked, a hand on each hip.

He turned back to the fire and leaned back on his arms, completely ignoring her. That, or he really didn’t speak English.

“If you’ll tell me where you’ve put my clothes, I’ll be on my way immediately and out of your hair completely, sir.”

She couldn’t very well leave in a single ill-fitting shirt. He’d hidden everything: her shirt, pants, coat, undergarments, socks, and even her boots.

“No,” he said, his voice gravelly like he’d eaten broken glass his entire life.

“No?” she echoed, waiting for him to elaborate. No, he wasn’t going to tell her where they were? Or no, she wasn’t in his hair?

She stomped over, standing in front of him just as he’d done to her. Except she didn’t have her womanhood in his face, and at his height, he was level with her stomach. He peered up with his darkly tragic eyes.

“Why won’t you get me my things? You’ve hidden them from me,” she screeched like an indignant child.

He didn’t seem to mind and grabbed her by the hips, burying his face into the soft skin of her stomach.

“No, no, no.” She swatted at his hands, trying to pry his fingers off her. “Let me go, you brute.”

Brute,” he reeled in a disagreeing tone, his voice vibrating into her belly. In a quick, sweeping motion, she was on her back with him on top. “If I were a ~brute,~ I would’ve already taken you on this dirty floor,” he said, his nose pressed against hers, his lips barely tickling her own.

She froze, unsure of what to do.

He got up onto his hands and knees above her, a flat palm on either side of her head. “You haven’t said anything to me,” he said in an accusatory tone.

She blinked emptily. “Uh, yes, I have. You’re the one who hasn’t said anything to me.”

He cocked his head to the side to examine her. “You want me to declare to you first when you came upon me. You found me.”

She nodded slowly. “I did find you—by accident. I was only trying to find shelter.”

She tried scooting up but was trapped by his arms. While he wasn’t currently hard, she could feel his flaccid member pressing against her lower lips, moving as he spoke.

“So you wish for me to declare,” he pressed again.

He had a strange accent, and she was certain there was a mistranslation somewhere. She had no clue what he was talking about. “Sure, declare.”

He lowered his face back as he said, “You are mine.”

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