Keily Book 3: A Future With My Bully - Book cover

Keily Book 3: A Future With My Bully


Chapter 2

“No stop!” I protested, unable to contain my laughter as James’ tickling fingers danced across my sides. But he only grinned mischievously, refusing to heed my pleas as he continued his relentless assault.

Giggling uncontrollably, I attempted to squirm away, but James was quick to wrap an arm around me, trapping me in his embrace.

“I know you like it!” he teased.

“I don’t!” I cried, although I did enjoy the attention.

“Then why are you laughing?” He continued the tickles.

“Because I can’t help it!” I attempted to break free from his grip but couldn’t. He was so strong.

His laughter mingled with mine as he tickled me mercilessly. I glanced around, aware of the curious stares of other shoppers nearby. We were drawing a lot of attention.

“James, we're in public!” I reminded him, hoping to appeal to his sense of decorum.

But he only chuckled in response, his fingers relentless in their pursuit. It was then that a disapproving glance from a passing lady caught my attention. I felt my cheeks grow warm.

Before I could protest further, James suddenly spun me around and planted a quick kiss on my lips, effectively silencing any further objections.

“There, all better,” he declared.

I rolled my eyes at his antics. Yet, I had so much affection for him. I loved him for who he was.

“You're impossible,” I muttered, though the smile tugging at my lips betrayed my true feelings.

With a playful glint in his eyes, James leaned in close, his breath warm against my ear.

“Don't think I’ll ever forget how ticklish you are,” he whispered teasingly. “I'll get you again after we’ve finished shopping.”

A shiver ran down my spine and my heart beat a little bit faster. I couldn't resist biting back.

“You wouldn't dare,” I replied.

The playful challenge in my voice only seemed to spur him on. With a laugh, we continued our shopping. We navigated the aisles of the camping shop.

We were at the mall because we wanted to buy supplies for a trip to James’s family cottage. But, of course, James got distracted by tickling me. He was always so much fun. Which was another reason why the cottage trip would be so enjoyable.

We’d go with all of our friends and spend the end of summer together. Afterwards, we’d go our separate ways to college.

As we’d be staying in a cottage, there was no need to buy pillows or sheets. But, my friends also wanted to try sleeping in tents in the forests nearby.

“I need a sleeping bag,” I said, looking through them.

“Me too!” James said.

He selected the ones that he thought were best and put them into our shopping cart.

As James and I walked through the aisles of the outdoor supplies store, we were drawn to the array of funky camping and hiking gadgets on display. With each new discovery, our excitement grew, and soon we were laughing and goofing around like a couple of kids let loose in a toy store.

“Check this out!” James exclaimed, holding up a quirky multi-tool with a built-in bottle opener and flashlight. “We definitely need one of these for our trip.”

I grinned. Of course, we needed a bottle opener!

“Agreed,” I said.

Then I reached for a colorful collapsible camping chair shaped like a giant pineapple.

“And how about this? The ultimate throne for our outdoor adventures!”

We shared a laugh as we piled our chosen gadgets into the shopping cart. Each item was more ridiculous than the last. From inflatable sleeping pads adorned with cartoon characters to solar-powered lanterns shaped like UFOs, our cart quickly became fuller.

“Okay, everything I need is in the shopping cart,” I declared, feeling satisfied with our selections as I looked at the items.

“Not everything...” James countered with a mischievous glint in his eye. Before I could protest, he climbed into the cart with a grin plastered on his face.

“James! Stop it!” I laughed, trying to sound exasperated but failing miserably as his antics never failed to amuse me.

But James didn’t listen to me. Instead, he settled himself comfortably between our things. He flashed me a cheeky smile that made my heart flutter.

“Now, everything you need is in the cart,” he declared.

Unable to contain my laughter, I shook my head in disbelief before relenting to his playful whims. I then positioned myself behind the cart and began to push him through the aisles of the store.

As we glided through the aisles, we drew amused glances from nearby shoppers. In that moment, surrounded by the simple joy of shared laughter and playful silliness, I was ridiculously happy. I didn’t feel one bit insecure or self-conscious.

With each push of the cart, I felt a weight lift from my shoulders. The worries and stresses of everyday life melted away.

James and I found ourselves in the aisle dedicated to camping safety gear. Our attention was immediately drawn to the display of bear-proof containers. As we examined the sturdy containers designed to keep food and other scented items safe from hungry bears, a nearby television screen caught our eye.

Curious, I pushed the cart closer to watch a corny advertisement playing on loop. It warned campers of the dangers of bear attacks in a melodramatic fashion. It showcased state-of-the-art bear-proof containers resisting a cartoon bear's futile attempts to access food. That was followed by testimonials and a bold slogan urging safety. James and I exchanged amused glances at the over-the-top dramatization. But beneath the humor, there was a subtle reminder of how important it was to be careful and safe when going into the wilderness.

I doubted we would run into any bears.

As the advertisement looped back to the beginning, we tore ourselves away from the screen.

I cracked a joke. “Well, we don't need to worry about leaving food around. I'll probably eat it all before any bear gets a chance!”

To my surprise, the words came out easily. It was a playful jab at myself that I wouldn't have dared to make in the past. But now, because of James' love and acceptance, I felt a newfound confidence blossoming within me. I was comfortable in my own skin. More than I have ever been before.

James chuckled at my quip.

“You're one of a kind, Keily,” he grinned. His eyes ran over me and it made me feel pretty. “And that's one of the things I love most about you—your appetite.”

His words washed over me like a wave of warmth. Being with James made me feel like I belonged. He accepted me for who I was. I’d longed for that acceptance my entire life. With James by my side, I felt free to embrace every aspect of myself, rolls and all, without fear of judgment or rejection.

I put some of the bear-proof containers into the cart and James finally got out. We made our way towards the checkout counter, hand in hand.

James pulled out his card.

“I can pay my share,” I quickly told him.

“If you do that, I’ll tickle you until you die.”

I laughed and decided to take him seriously. I didn’t want him to tickle me until I couldn’t breathe anymore. So, it was best to just let him have his way.

As he swiped his card I said, “Thank you.”

“You’re most welcome,” he replied.

He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before carrying our things to his car.

As we drove home from the mall I pulled out my phone and started browsing articles about MIT. I eagerly scrolled through pages. This made me forget all about the camping trip.

One headline caught my attention: “MIT Reports Higher Than Normal Dropout Rates.”

My heart sank as I clicked on the article. My fingers trembled slightly with apprehension. As I read through the troubling statistics and testimonials from former students, a knot of unease formed in the pit of my stomach.

Was MIT truly the right choice for me? Would I be able to handle the intense academic pressure and rigorous demands of the coursework?

Beside me, James glanced over. His brows furrowed as he noticed the change in my demeanor. “Everything okay, Keily?” he asked.

I hesitated, unsure of how to voice my fears aloud. But we’d agreed not to keep secrets and I had to share my feelings.

“I just... I saw this article about MIT's dropout rates,” I admitted. “What if I'm not cut out for it? What if I end up being one of those statistics?”

James reached out. His hand found mine and squeezed it gently before he put it back on the wheel.

“Hey, don't worry about that,” he said. His voice was as reassuring as ever. “You're smart, talented, and determined. You can handle anything that comes your way.”

But I was still worried.

I wasn’t one bit worried about James though. He would do great – he always did. He had a way of fitting in everywhere and with everyone. People liked him. He was charismatic and funny. He was so popular in high school and college wouldn’t be any different.

But it was myself and the crazy workload that I worried about. Would I be able to handle college life?

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