Their Little Human - Book cover

Their Little Human

Lotus O’Hara

Chapter 2


“Well, that was anticlimactic,” Laro said.

He ran his finger over the cracked helmet and damaged panel.

“Some kind of humanoid is roaming around. We need to grab what we can and head over to the other crash sites. There could be others,” Arenk said.

They were quick, but this would require a second trip to strip everything. The second ship was ablaze. The scent of dirt and acrid fat burned his nose.

A trail of footsteps led deeper into the forest.

An ear-piercing scream cracked through the trees. Weapons drawn, they closed in on the sound. The back half of the spacecraft burning with a sickening smell. The ground was littered with bodies.

His heart tightened in his chest.

The wailing continued. They surrounded the digging humanoid. On closer inspection, it was petite, with dark hair.

“Hands up! You’re under arrest for illegal entry,” Arenk said.

It looked up, tilting its head to the side, its tear-filled eyes wide. It spoke in a language that was not familiar, but from the higher-pitched tone, he could guess it was a female.

They flipped on their universal dialect device.

“You’re under arrest,” Arenk said.

“I need to bury them. I can’t leave them,” she said.

Arenk and Laro exchanged glances. It would be kind to, but this would be a fantastic opportunity to study this new species during different life cycle stages.

“We’ll send some men back to collect them. Now stand and place your hands behind your back,” Arenk said.

“Where are you taking me?”

Laro sighed and advanced on her. He grabbed her arm and pulled her up. As she came up, so did her knee, which connected to his groin. Laro doubled over. He should’ve put on the full armor.

The female made a break for the trees. Arenk twisted the dial on his gun to tranq. After lining up his shot, he fired. She fell to the ground with a quiet thud.



Citrus and vanilla scents woke her; soft black sheets cradled her tight. Sitting up with no problem was a wonderful surprise.

The room was dark, with string lights lining the dresser and top of the bed. What the hell? She leapt to her feet and reached for her knife. Gone, along with all of her holsters and hairpins.

Padding over to the large picture window, a bright city is laid out before her. She slid it open and walked over to the railing.

Tall buildings with waterfalls attached, streets lined with lights, and everything is covered in green. Leaves, vines, and flowers. People? She couldn’t make out the specks so high up.

She looked up to the sky and saw two moons so close she swore she could touch them.

Did you see something like this? Is that why?

Sitting off in the corner of the balcony was a man with gold eyes.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” he said, with a voice that carried a deep and assertive tone. He stood, smoothing out his uniform jacket covered in medals. She reached for a phantom knife. His height alone was quite unnerving, but his facial features were striking. What is in the water and air here?

“Don’t be alarmed. We brought you here for treatment. We don’t have any experience treating your kind, but we tried our best. All of your injuries healed within a few days.”

A few days?

“Where am I? I need to get back to my ship,” she said, walking back into the room.

She had to try and contact the others. They must have ships here. Later, they could try and establish some kind of alliance. That was, if they would let her leave.

“In the capitol, this is my home. Your ship was totaled and confiscated for research.”

“I need to see it,” she said.

She pulled on the door to leave, but it didn’t budge.

“Get cleaned up and rest. I’m Arenk. What’s your name?” he asked, extending his hand.

“Raven. Just point me to the exit and retrieve me when I can see the ship,” she said, taking his hot hand into hers.

“Raven, I can’t allow you to wander around unsupervised. It’s for the safety of the Tareaians and yourself,” Arenk said.

She needed to find her. She wasn’t going to get stuck here. Raven glanced around the room for something to use.

“I’m not asking for your permission. I’m telling you, open the door,” she said, looking into those breathtaking eyes.

She had to set the tone now: Humans were nothing to fuck with. He stepped closer, hands clasped behind his back. A tight-lipped smile made the heat in her cheeks rise.

“I do the commanding,” he said, his voice stern.

“Not with me. Open the fucking door,” she said.

“That language is not acceptable, little one.”

Arenk closed the distance between them. He used his long index finger to lift her chin, meeting her gaze.

“Here, on this planet, we have rules and customs. Naughty girls get put over the knee and receive a sore red bottom,” he said.

Her lower half ricocheted with tingles. He wouldn’t, would he? Her heart rammed into her chest.

The room was dark, with string lights lining the dresser and top of the bed. What the hell? She leapt to her feet and reached for her knife. Gone, along with all of her holsters and hairpins.

He gave a low chuckle. “Keep this up, and I will do more than try.” He walked past her to the door. “I’ll be back. You must be hungry.”

Arenk grabbed the knob, and it beeped, releasing the latch. This was as good of a time as any. As soon as the light from the hall crept in, she aimed her foot for his crotch.

Before it made contact, a pair of arms entangled her, pulling her just out of reach.

Did you see something like this? Is that why, Tori?

Arenk turned around. “Yes, that’s definitely not acceptable.”

The stranger released her. Where did he come from? Another man, but his eyes are green, a green that shone like emeralds. He was a lot bulkier compared to Arenk’s slender frame.

The other one from the forest. She should’ve expected as much. ~Idiot.~ At least she now knew there were two watching her now. Next time, she wouldn’t fail.

Arenk tried to lead her to the bench in front of the bed, but she dug her heels in. It didn’t deter him for a second. He lifted her from the ground with ease.

“Just as promised,” he said, flipping her over his lap.

Her kicking and struggling were useless against his strength. She squeezed her thighs tight after he managed to tug her pants off. She cast her eyes down to hide her embarrassment.

There had been no time to put on panties during the evacuation.

Every thought fled her mind when his heavy palm cracked against her cheek.

Her cry lodged itself in her throat, but the second strike brought it up. He applied the same treatment to the other side. She clenched her teeth to keep the sounds in.

The strikes rained down at a quicker pace, leaving burning prints in their wake. Her dignity flew out of the window as she tried to cover herself. Her whimpers echoed with desperation.

“Laro, give me a hand,” he said, pausing for a brief moment.

A moment she’s glad to have, as she prayed for a breeze to cool her flaming cheeks. Laro pried her hands from her ass and pinned them to her back. A citrus scent wafted off of him.

“You will obey and behave. Do you understand?” Arenk said.

She fidgeted and wiggled within this new constraint.

“Answer me when I’m talking to you,” he said.

“No, I won’t.” Her tone was softer than she realized.

“Stubborn until the end.”

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