Tempted by My Boss - Book cover

Tempted by My Boss

Tania Shava

Chapter 2


Hailey nervously adjusted her skirt.

“Sir, what I was trying to say… It’s kind of like a colloquialism, you know? Like, ‘What’s happening, buttercup?’ But in this context, it’s, ‘How’s it going, jerk’…”

She couldn’t quite get the words out.

He gave her a puzzled look.

“Hailey”—he leaned closer, his arms resting on either side of her chair, his whisper brushing her ear—“I hope you’re prepared for the wild ride this jerk is about to take you on.

“I’m looking forward to every single second.” His breath tickled her neck and ears. He then leaned back, resuming his previous posture.

The intensity in his gaze made her feel as if he had stripped her bare right then and there.

She felt more than just violated.

“So, did I get the job?” she asked, her voice shaky.

“You certainly got the job, but you’ll have to earn it.”

Clara reentered the room, casting a strange glance at the pair.

Did I just see a flash of jealousy in her eyes?

“Valerian, they’re waiting for you.”

Is it just me, or did her voice just drop an octave, and why is she glaring at me like that?

Like she wants to murder me?

If only Clara knew that Hailey had no interest in that jerk.

As if he could read her thoughts, he gripped her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. In a low voice, he said, “I suppose I’ll see you tomorrow,” his gaze dropping to her chest.

Emotions weren’t her strong suit, so she didn’t blush. She was used to this. But this man needed to know he wouldn’t get anything from her—she was resolute.

His eyes held a similar resolve. He stood, adjusted his sleeve, and left.


The next morning, Hailey dragged herself out of bed and into the shower. Once she was clean, she chose a white blouse, a black skirt, and a pair of matching heels.

After a quick breakfast, she headed to work.

Upon arrival, she found another assistant, Maggie. Hailey greeted her and asked where she should go.

“You can head into his office,” Maggie told her.

Hailey entered Valerian’s office, hoping he wouldn’t be there, but he was. He was standing, his back to her, looking out the window.

Hailey tried to project confidence, but she overdid it, announcing in a voice too loud, “GOOD MORNING, SIR!”

Well, that was embarrassing.

“Well, someone’s a little too enthusiastic.” His voice was low and husky, but he didn’t turn around.

He continued speaking. “I like it black.”

Hailey was puzzled. “I’m sorry, sir?”

“I said I like it black,” he repeated.

“I don’t understand, sir?”

“You’re fucking slow, too. I want my coffee black,” he said slowly. “And hurry up.”

“Yes, sir,” she replied.

She left, grumbling under her breath, “Do I look like his barista? I came here to work, not to cater to that jerk’s whims. How was I supposed to know he likes his coffee black?”

Hailey was seething. She had spent her entire life on the East Coast, so moving to Middleton was a big change.

She wandered through various rooms—this place was far too large for her liking.

She had taken so many turns and was more lost than ever. I should have just asked at the front desk where the kitchen was.

Fifteen minutes later, she finally found the coffee station. After brewing the coffee, she grabbed several sugar packets, unsure of how many he used.

Hailey made her way back without getting lost. When she entered his office, she placed the coffee on his desk.

“Your coffee is ready, sir.”

He looked up from his work and said, “I don’t want it anymore.”

Hailey was beyond frustrated. After all the trouble I went through to get this son of a bitch his coffee, he has the audacity to reject it! She wanted to force it down his throat.

“Why are you looking at me like that, Hailey?” Valerian asked, a smug expression on his face.

She quickly rearranged her features and removed the coffee from his desk. She fought the urge to throw it in his face.

She pivoted rigidly, taking the coffee back to the kitchen. Hailey didn’t even take a sip, she wasn’t a coffee drinker.


Valerian had to suppress a chuckle at her expression. She looked ready to lunge at him. It was quite the adrenaline rush.

He was sure she was mentally cursing him out.

He admired the view as she walked away. Her ass was quite the sight. He wondered how long it would be before he could touch it. If he played his cards right, it wouldn’t be long.

She’d better brace herself. Because he was ready.

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