Ravens of the Mist - Book cover

Ravens of the Mist

Elfy G

Chapter 3: Kindness


I’m in the kitchen helping my mother make supper. Adalind is trying to be strong, but deep down, I know how she feels. I feel it too.

I look at my mother. “Mom, how can someone even think of rejecting his true mate?”

We are trying to cope with the rejection. It's not that easy to do. Tonight, Jacob will officially mate with someone else.

My mother stopped what she was doing to focus on me. “Why do you ask, honey?”

I shrug my shoulders. “I heard some stories when I was away. Guess I was curious.”

I just lied to my mother.

I haven’t told my family the truth about Jacob. Adalind and I are trying to be strong, but deep down, we are afraid for tonight and what is to come.

It’s harder for Adalind to come to terms with it. All she ever wanted was to find her mate.

My mom looks at me intently as if she knows I lied to her. Am I that obvious? Does she read me like an open book?

“No, you aren’t. You were careful the whole time.” Adalind assures me.

I sigh with relief when my mother turns her attention back to the stove.

“Legend says that the Moon Goddess had a brother. He would deceive the werewolves into rejecting their mates. This way, his sister could feel the same pain he felt when she abandoned him for the moon.”

I already know this story. The parents tell the story of the boogeyman to scare the kids. It’s more superstition than fairytale.

“Why are you talking about the boogeyman? Isn’t she a little older to hear about fairytales?” my father asks as he steps into the kitchen. He goes to my mother and kisses her on the forehead.

“An affection we’ll never get from our mates.” Adalind howls in pain.

I give my mother the carrots I just cut. “I just asked Mom how anyone can reject their true mate.”

My father points at me with his eyes. “Why? Do you know someone who’s been rejected?” I hear the anger rising in his voice.

“No! Um, I was just curious. When I was away, I heard some stories.” I told the same story that I used on my mother. I don't want them to be suspicious.

“The ones who do this should be ashamed of themselves. The Moon Goddess paired us with a reason. No one should go against her decision!” my father says angrily.

My mother rubs my father’s arm to calm him down. He lets out a sigh. This little gesture calms him down. Looking at her, he pulls her into his arms, pressing his nose on the base of her neck.

Then, stepping away from my mother, he says, “Enough on that subject. We’re going to eat. And after that, we're going to the mating ceremony. Our future Alpha will present us the future Luna of the pack.”

“I wonder who she is?” I say.

“Who fucking cares who that bitch is!”

My father looks at me. “You’re getting older, my daughter. You should probably focus on finding your mate instead of wasting your time asking such things.”

That stings!

I sigh and try to get out of this mess. “I don't feel well. I think I’m going to skip it.”

My father turns to me so quickly that I almost lose my balance. “You are the daughter of the Beta. Don’t you dare embarrass me. End of discussion.”

I look at my mother for help. As always, she takes my father’s side.

“I don’t know if I can stomach this,” Adalind says desperately.

“I know, babe, but I don't think we have a choice here,” I reply.


Jona joins me as I walk behind my parents to the ceremony. “Hey, Aurora. So how was it to see your parents?”

I smile at him. “Evening, Jona. How have you been?”

“I should be the one to ask you that. Especially after how my brother treated you.”

I grab his arm to prevent him from stepping even further. “You know?” I look around us as if I’m crazy. “Did you tell anyone?”

Jona takes my hand in his. “Of course not. I thought you would.”

I shake my head rapidly. “I can’t. I'm not…”

My stomach flips as I feel him come closer to me.

“Get your fucking paws off of her!” Jacob snaps as he appears out of nowhere.

I look around me to make sure we don’t have any witnesses as I let go of Jona’s hand.

“Watch out,” Adalind warns me.

I turn around just in time to see Jacob trying to touch me. I don’t give him the chance as I step away.

“Brother, shouldn’t you prepare for your mating ceremony?” Jona looks at me and then at his brother. “I’m sure you can’t wait to make this official.”

“Whatever!” Jacob says, walking away.

It’s the second time he did this to us. Once Jacob is out of our sight, I grab Jona’s arm for support. He’s kind enough to let me.

“Why wasn’t he chosen for us? He’s so kind.” Adalind is referring to Jona.

“Come on, Aurora. We have to go as well. Don’t worry. I won’t leave your side.”

I nod, walking behind Jona. All the members of the pack are already gathered around the stage. I search through the crowd for my parents.

My father looks at me with disappointment. “Took you long enough.”

If only he knew the truth.

Alpha Dwayne goes up the stage. “My son, your future Alpha, has an announcement to make. Jacob Patch, future Alpha of the Moon River Pack, please step forward.”

Jacob looks at all the members of the pack. “We are gathered here tonight to present you all…your future Luna.” Did he just look at me? “I present to you Ashley Mitchell.”

A girl walks onto the stage in a white dress. I have never seen her before.

“You are far more beautiful,” Jona says to me. His comment makes me smile a little.

When Jacob positions himself behind Ashley, he grabs her hair to remove it from her back so that her neck is exposed to him.

“Are you accepting your duties as the future Luna?” Alpha Dwayne asks her.

“Yes!” She doesn't hesitate to answer.

I take a deep breath as I know what will happen next. Jona once again surprises me as he takes my hand in his.

I wish I could turn around and look somewhere else. If I do so, I will disappoint my father. Adalind wants to come out to rip her head off. I keep her at bay to make sure she doesn’t.

My breath is getting deeper and deeper. Jacob tilts his head toward her neck and bites her, just enough to show the pack who she is now and what she represents.

He grabs her hand and starts running into the forest. The real mating ritual will happen between them. After that, they will be mated to each other.

I have to run somewhere far away until tomorrow. I don’t know how Adalind will react when they consummate their relationship. When our connection with Jacob and his wolf goes away.

To witness this, my world will crumble once again.

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