Safe with My CEO - Book cover

Safe with My CEO

Kelsie Tate

The Interview


The alarm clock buzzed early the next morning, but Nicole was already wide awake.

She silenced it with a quick smack and hopped out of bed, heading straight for the shower. Afterward, she stood in front of her closet, her options limited.

She promised herself that if she landed the job, she’d treat herself to a shopping spree for professional clothes.

Nicole chose a simple black pencil skirt and a light blue blouse that accentuated her blue eyes.

She managed to tame her naturally curly hair and applied some light makeup. She slipped into her only pair of heels, grabbed her purse, and headed out the door to catch the bus.

Standing in front of the towering office building, Nicole’s excitement morphed into nerves. “You need this job,” she whispered to herself, forcing her feet to move forward.

Once inside, she approached the reception desk. “Good morning,” the receptionist greeted, her eyes subtly scanning Nicole’s modest attire.

Nicole felt a twinge of self-consciousness but did her best to hide it.

“Hi, I’m Nicole Winters. I have an interview at Jackson and Holman.”

The receptionist nodded and pointed to the elevators. “Jackson & Holman’s main offices are on the twelfth floor.”

“Thank you.” Nicole smiled and headed for the elevator.

Exiting the elevator, she was met by another receptionist who led her down a hallway to a waiting area filled with people. She took a seat, glancing around.

Potential competition, she thought. They all looked so polished in their sharp suits, and Nicole began to worry that she might not get the job.

“You’re more than qualified for this job,” she whispered to herself as a tall, thin woman emerged from a nearby door.

“Good morning. As you know, we’re interviewing for the position of Mr. Jackson’s executive assistant.

“Since you’ll be working closely with Mr. Jackson, he’ll be joining Mr. Hanson, our head of Human Resources, for the interviews.

“We have water and coffee available while you wait. Any questions before we start?”

The room remained silent, everyone shaking their heads and exchanging glances.

“Great. We’ll start with Jesse Taylor.” A man rose and followed her into the room.

Ten minutes later, the man stormed out, his face flushed with anger as he headed for the elevator.

Nicole watched in shock. What am I getting myself into? she wondered as the next name was called.

Three more people were called in, each one leaving more upset than the last. Nicole sat there, her desire to go in dwindling.

“Nicole Winters.” She took a deep breath, smoothed her skirt, and offered the woman a warm smile.

“I can do this,” she whispered to herself.

The two men sat at a conference table, not even glancing her way. “Please sit. We’ll be with you shortly,” one of the men said, his eyes focused on his papers.

She took a seat and waited in silence. When both men finally looked up, Nicole’s eyes widened in shock.

“Ms. Winters, your resume suggests you’re quite qualified,” the man began. “Why do you want to work at Jackson & Holman?”

Nicole barely heard him. She was too busy staring at the other man.

It was the man from the diner. He was looking straight at her, a smirk slowly spreading across his face.

What did I do in a past life to deserve this? she thought.

“Ms. Winters?”

Nicole shook her head, turning to Mr. Hanson. “I'm sorry?”

“No problem. I asked why you want to work at Jackson & Holman.”

“I recently moved to Boston and I’m eager to return to the work I was doing before.” Her gaze shifted between the two men.

The other man, who she now realized was Mr. Jackson, finally spoke.

“Why should we hire a diner waitress?” he asked.

A surge of irritation welled up inside her, but she pushed it down. She needed this job.

“As I said, I made an unexpected move. I’ve been working at the diner to support myself until I can find the right job.”

“And you think you’re qualified for that?” he prodded. She could tell he was trying to rile her up. She took a deep breath. She wouldn’t let him win.

“My resume speaks for itself.”

“How do we know you didn’t just fabricate all this, diner girl?” He leaned forward, waiting for her response, while Mr. Hanson shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

“I didn’t.” That was a lie. Her entire resume was a fabrication, but she wasn’t about to admit that. She had the experience. She had been an executive assistant before.

But she couldn’t let them dig into her past employment, so she had altered the names.

“Of course you’d say that,” he retorted, tossing her resume onto the table.

Mr. Hanson finally intervened, shooting Mr. Jackson a look.

“We wouldn't accuse you of lying, Ms. Winters. We’re just curious about your experience.”

“I was an executive assistant for nearly five years before moving here.

“I always went above and beyond. I’m a hard worker and eager to learn,” she replied, maintaining eye contact with Mr. Jackson.

“Planning to bring that irresistible charm I saw yesterday, I suppose,” Mr. Jackson scoffed, rolling his eyes.

Nicole exhaled sharply. “Well, it’s clear you have no intention of hiring me. I won’t waste any more of our time. Good day.”

She offered them a small smile and exited the room.

Nicole shook her head as she stepped onto the elevator.

“Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. You knew it couldn’t be that easy…” she muttered to herself as she left the building. Back to the diner.

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