Safe with My CEO - Book cover

Safe with My CEO

Kelsie Tate

The Job


Caleb Jackson sat there in a bit of shock as the woman from the diner exited the conference room. He was surprised at her boldness.

“That girl is going to sue us.” Mr. Hanson rubbed his head in exasperation.

“Oh, shut up, Hanson, she’s not going to sue us.” Caleb rolled his eyes.

“Next?” Mr. Hanson asked.

Caleb sat in silence for a moment. “No. Send everyone home. Tell them we’ve filled the position.”

“What? But we have─”

“Just do it, Hanson.” Caleb got up and made his way to his office. As he sat down at his desk, he couldn’t seem to get his mind off that woman.

When they were at the diner, she had been so blunt with him. Nobody dared speak to him like that, and he had to admit he had enjoyed it a little.

Then today, when she showed up in his conference room, he was in shock. The little diner girl was right in front of him.

He had poked and prodded, trying to get a reaction from her, and he was surprised when she kept her cool. She was a determined little thing.

He got up, grabbed his suit jacket, and made his way out of the building to his car.

The door chimed as he entered the diner. The older waitress glanced up with a look of complete shock on her face.

He gave her a nod and made his way to an empty table.

Nicole walked over. “Afternoon, sir, can I─” She looked up and met his eyes. With a glare, she put her hands on her hips. “Why are you here?”

“I’m hungry. This is a diner, isn’t it?”

Nicole huffed. “What can I get for you?”

“A burger and onion rings.”

“Coming right up.” She rolled her eyes and spun on her heel. She came back with his water, and he stopped her as she turned away.

“Sit with me for a moment.”

“I’d rather not.” She gave a tight smile and began to walk away.

“If you want the job,” he said stiffly, “you’ll sit down.”

He saw her turn back to him, a bit of fire burning in her eyes. She sat down across from him. “Okay. What do you want, Mr. Jackson?”

“I told you. You have the job,” he replied.

“You made it very clear that you didn’t want me.”

This girl was starting to irritate him. “Just take the damn job. You wanted it before, so what changed?”

She crossed her arms. “I didn’t know my boss would be a jerk like you.”

Caleb huffed, then spoke sternly. “You start tomorrow. Be there at eight.’ With that, he got up and left the diner without even eating.

“That’s what you get when you try to be nice,” he muttered to himself as he got in his car. He was surprised with himself.

He had never been that patient with someone so obviously bent on being difficult. But he had to admit that her resume was promising.

And the first day would tell him if she had lied about her experience.


Caleb woke up the next morning, looking forward to the day. It wasn’t every day that he got to torture a new assistant. And this one was especially exciting.

He couldn’t wait to knock Miss Sassy down a few pegs. He had already decided he would throw everything at her the first day and see if she could keep herself above water.

As he entered the office at 9:00, he saw her at her desk. “Good morning, Mr. Jackson,” she said with a warm smile.


“Miss Winters, join me in my office,” he said coldly, walking past her into his office. She followed him in and closed the door as he sat down at his desk.

“Take those files on the desk and proof them. I don’t want any mistakes. I’m waiting for a call from Cantrell Group, so make sure you don't miss it.”

“Yes, sir. Is that all, Mr. Jackson?” she asked as she took the files from his desk.

“For now.” He waved her away and started on his work.

Twenty minutes later, there was a knock on his door. “Mr. Jackson?” He looked up to see Nicole with a cup of coffee. She walked in and placed it on his desk.

Thank goodness, he thought. He grabbed the cup and took a sip, forgetting he was supposed to be hard on her.

He quickly looked up. “Go back to your desk, Ms. Winters. I’ll inform you if I need anything. I don’t want you interrupting me again.”

She looked down. “Will do, Mr. Jackson.”

She left and he got back to work, a little proud that it had been so easy to knock her down a peg.

A while later, his phone rang. “Yes.”

“Cantrell Group is on line one for you, Mr. Jackson.”

Caleb hung up on her and pressed line one. “David!” He leaned back in his chair. “How are things in New York?”

An hour later, when their call was over and he was happy with the end result, he continued with his work when there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

“Mr. Jackson…” Nicole stepped in hesitantly, holding a file in her hands, and Caleb knew his moment had finally come.

He looked at her sternly. “Ms. Winters, I thought I told you not to interrupt me again.”

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