Alpha's Beta - Book cover

Alpha's Beta

M. Syrah

Chapter 2

I walked into the main hall, determined to show both Jason and my father what I was capable of.

The university was huge, with three buildings, a sports complex, four dorms, and the frat houses. According to the files, the two potential pledges were a boy named Tom and a girl named Kelly.

There were also pictures in the files so I would not mistake them for anyone else.

The freshmen were all waiting in the main hall for the sophomores to come and get them to show them the campus.

Our fraternity always volunteered to show them around so we could scout the pledges.

The boy was tall, as tall as Jason, with raven black hair and husky blue eyes, while the girl was of Asian descent with black hair and dark eyes. I spotted them chatting and walked over.

“Hi,” I said. “Are you Tom and Kelly?”

“Yes,” Tom smiled.

“Great,” I smiled back.

“I’m Arya, a sophomore majoring in public law. I’ll show you our campus today. I must also tell you that I belong to the Alpha-Omega fraternity, but we’ll get back to it later. Let’s go.”

I left the hall to show them the three buildings where most of the classes were held. Then Tom asked me about our football team. Just what I needed.

“I came to this university on a football scholarship,” Tom explained. “What can you tell me about the team?”

I checked my watch. Sure enough, they were training right now since the classes officially started tomorrow.

Dammit. I so did not want to see him again today, but I had no choice. It was my duty to show the freshmen around.

“They’re training now, so if it’s okay with Kelly, we can go watch them,” I said.

“No problem with me.” She smiled. “I’m curious about the team as well.”

“All right. Follow me.”

We exited the science building to walk to the stadium. The school loved its football team, and werewolves loved sports in general. Football allowed them to fight and run so it fulfilled our urges.

As soon as we walked in, all the heads turned to us. Great. The entire team was made of werewolves, so they subtly showed me their necks in respect.

Jason was the quarterback and captain of the team since he was the most dominant wolf. My mate. I glared at him, and he lowered his eyes in submission. Finally, something was going my way here.

Chad moved toward me, smiling. I smiled back, and the two pledges moved to talk to the coach.

“Hey, handsome,” I said to him.

“Is it going well with the freshmen?” he asked.

“It’s all right,” I said. “I think the boy can take the test. He’s handsome, too.”

I said the last part knowing that Jason would hear it, and he growled. Chad shook his head and sighed, visibly disappointed in me.

“Are you two ever going to stop fighting?” he asked, furrowing his brows.

“Nope. I’m hoping he will reject me,” I said.

“You don’t mean that!”

“I can still hope.” I shrugged.

“Chad!” the coach called. “Stop talking to your girlfriend and get back here or you’ll give me thirty push-ups.”

Chad laughed before kissing my cheek and getting back on the field. I saw the two pledges walking back to me and waited for them to be close enough before talking.

“Did you ask everything you wanted to know?” I asked.

“Yeah. Thanks for bringing us here,” Tom said, flashing a smile.

He really did have a nice smile.

“Let’s move on to the frat houses,” I said, smiling back.

There was a hill near the sports complex where we could see all the frat houses. I walked them there and I explained the systems of the fraternities and how to apply for one.

Of course, I mentioned our very special AΩ fraternity.

“It’s a very prestigious fraternity. We haven’t a lot of members because the trial is difficult. If you want to apply, I have a form that you can fill out,” I explained.

“Do you think I have a shot at your fraternity?” Tom asked.

“I think you do,” I said. “I must warn you though, only two people get selected every year.”

“Give me the file,” he said, smiling.

“Here you go,” I smiled back. “Good luck. The trial is next week.”

“Can I ask for your number as well? In case I have any questions…”

“Sure. Here you go.”

I wrote my number on a form for another frat and gave it to Tom. He beamed at me as he took the form.

He would be so disappointed because I had no intention of dating him or any human. I knew that Jason would kill anyone that he thought might be a threat.

Kelly turned to me and smiled.

“Do you think that I have a chance as well?” she asked.

“I think you should try one of the sororities instead,” I told her, handing her the forms for the sororities on campus.

“Fine,” she said tartly as she took the forms.

The two freshmen left after I said my goodbyes. I had to go back to the frat house to give my report to Jason.

I knew that he would not be back from training, but the other wolves would be at the house. Time to socialize with my pack.

I walked to the house made of red bricks with the golden letters AΩ next to the door. I entered to see that many wolves were chatting in the living room.

They all looked at me and showed me their necks as I walked in. I saw that Kristen was there chatting with one of the junior males, Paul.

“Hey,” she greeted me.

“Hey,” I repeated.

“So, are they good?” Paul asked.

“The boy, yes, but not the girl,” I said.

“I think I will present both of mine,” Kristen said. “I think we’ll have a great hunt this year.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” I said grimly.

She looked concerned, but she knew what I meant. I took her hand in mine and squeezed it as I offered a smile.

“Too bad,” I continued. “The boy is cute. I hope I don’t eat him.”

She laughed but soon stopped as a growl resounded behind us. I knew that it was Jason before I looked into his magnificent blue eyes.

“You really think he’s got what it takes?” he asked as his eyes narrowed.

“As a matter of fact, I do,” I countered.

We stood there glaring at each other until my wolf came forward. He was my mate, but she did not like the challenge. I was the most dominant wolf in the entire house.

I let out a low growl of warning and let my power fill the room. The less dominant wolves started to drop to their knees, but still Jason glared at me.

“That’s enough,” Chad said through gritted teeth. “We know that you’re the alpha, Arya.”

“Jason needs a reminder,” I growled. “Or do you want to fight?”

“You know that I don’t,” he growled right back.

He finally lowered his eyes and showed me his neck as he noticed that most of the wolves in the room were either on their knees or on all fours, their eyes lowered.

The werewolf hierarchy of dominance and submission could be a bitch, but the alternative would be chaos. No one wanted to see chaos in a pack.

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