Behind the Masque - Book cover

Behind the Masque

Jessie F Royle

Chapter 3


“Oh fuck, Roxanne!” Joe grunts as I lick and suck him fervently.

“You feel so fucking tight,” John groans as he starts to pick up his pace.

My body is theirs to do with as they wish right now, as I am in the throes of white-hot pleasure.

My mind is a fog of sensation, trying to process everything going on in this dim, dark room with these two virtual strangers.

I can feel the pressure building inside of me again as John starts rubbing my clit with his thumb and pushes himself inside me over and over—deeper and harder.

I start moaning loudly as I feel the orgasm that’s threatening to overtake me, and I hear Joe suck in a breath between his teeth.

Quickly, he pulls out of my mouth and directs himself over my chest, where he comes all over my breasts, but it doesn’t bother me at all. It actually turns me on even more, if that’s possible.

“Oh shit,” he murmurs. “Sorry, baby, maybe when we know each other a little better,” he says with a sly smile.

He leans down and starts kissing me, just as I feel my orgasm coming to its peak. My back arches off the couch, and an intense shudder ripples up and down my body from my head to the tip of my toes.

“Oh, my fucking…,” I groan loudly just as John tenses and slams into me a few more times, finding his own release.

When the spasms subside, John slowly pulls out of me, and he falls back into the couch at my feet, panting.

One of my legs is draped over the back of the couch, and the other is planted on the floor. I’m practically spread eagle until John pulls my legs onto his lap, smiling at me.

Joe stands up and walks away for a moment, and he comes back with a towel. He bends over me and cleans up the mess he made on my chest.

He throws the towel aside, puts his underwear back on, and then takes a seat on the floor by my head.

“That was… interesting,” I finally say when my breathing returns to normal.

Joe chuckles lightly. “Just interesting?” he asks.

“I’ve never done that before,” I whisper. I have definitely never done that before. That was insane.

“But did you enjoy it?” John asks, a hint of concern in his voice.

I shift and pull my legs off his lap and sit up, crossing my legs, and he moves over to sit close to me.

“Actually, I did enjoy it. I’m just a little surprised with myself for doing it,” I say, looking around for my underwear, but it’s hard to see in this dim lighting.

Joe raises his hand, my thong slung over his finger, and I take it from him.

“Do you regret it?” John continues.

“No, I don’t regret it at all. It was fun. Crazy, but fun.” I giggle.

I stand and slip my slinky thong back on, and then I search for my bra. I find it and put it on.

“Why are you getting dressed? I was hoping for another round,” Joe complains lightly.

“I really need to get back out there,” I tell him.

I don’t even want to think of how worried Casey must be if she’s here already.

“Done with us already?” John teases, shaking his head.

I can’t help but laugh.

“Well, I’m assuming this was a one-time thing, and with the anonymous nature of this party, it will probably stay that way.

“Don’t worry, guys. I’m under no impression that you two are of the ‘I’ll call you tomorrow’ variety. I know what this was, and I’m okay with that.”

I don’t know what inspired me to just say all of that, but I feel like I want to withhold some of the power in this situation.

John and Joe exchange a look and then look at me with surprised expressions on their faces.

I bend down, scooping up the last pair of underwear on the floor, and toss them at John, and he catches them easily.

“Actually, I’m kind of fucking bummed this is over,” John says unexpectedly. “I kind of wish I could just fuck you all night,” he finishes, a slow smile spreading across his face.

“Oh, how sweet of you to say that.” I laugh sarcastically at his charming words.

“I may even consider taking my mask off and revealing my real identity,” John says seriously.

“Seriously, John? You sure that’s a good idea?” Joe speaks up from his place on the floor.

I frown down at him, and he looks back up at me.

“If he does it, then I’ll want to do it, and then we’re just going to become jealous, fighting for your affection. Isn’t it better this way?” Joe grins, and I can now tell he’s joking.

Okay, enough of this. I have to get back to the real world now. I walk over to where my dress is and carefully slip back into it. Before I can ask him, John is there behind me and zips it up.

“Seriously,” he whispers against my ear, “I think I may need to see you again. Can I have your number?”

I turn slowly to face him. “I don’t know,” I say hesitantly.

Do I want to see him again? I mean, this was sexy as hell, but do I want to date the guy who just shared me with his friend? Where can you go from there?

“Come on, Roxanne,” he coaxes, “next time it will just be me and you.” He runs a finger along my collarbone, causing me to shiver.

“How would I know it was you?”

I feel myself starting to buckle a little. I don’t even know his real name.

“You’ll know,” he says simply.

I sigh, relinquishing. “Got a pen?” I ask, and he smiles triumphantly.

“Who uses those things anymore?” Joe pipes up behind us, sounding almost pissed off.

John looks around the floor and holds one finger up to me, asking me to wait a moment. He finds his pants and pulls a cell phone out.

“Okay, what’s your number?” he asks, ready to type it in.

I take the phone from him and quickly type it in for him, then hand it back.

“You’re under no obligation to use that,” I say to him.

“Trust me, I’ll use it.” He smiles.

“How fun for me,” Joe grumbles and stands up off the floor to start getting dressed again.

“What’s the matter with you?” John asks him, sounding amused by his petulant tone.

“I’m feeling left out,” Joe looks to me. “Not interested in me, huh?” he asks as he does up his pants and starts buttoning his shirt.

“Um…” I don’t know what to say to him. He’s gorgeous and all, but I think I’m more interested in John anyway.

“Relax, Rox.” He laughs suddenly. “I’m fucking with you.”

“You’re an asshole.” John laughs at him, and Joe shrugs.

“Okay, now I really need to go,” I say, picking my clutch up off the table, and then I realize I need a mirror to check my appearance.

I don’t want to go back out there with a just-fucked look all over me.

“Is there a mirror in here?” I ask nobody in particular.

“There’s a bathroom over there, love.” Joe points to the far corner by the bar.

“Thanks,” I reply and quickly retreat to the bathroom.

I duck inside, and it takes a second for my eyes to adjust to the brighter light. As I stare at myself in the mirror, I’m surprised that not a single hair is out of place.

My mask is still secured tightly around my slightly flushed face. All I really need is a fresh coat of gloss. I open my clutch and find my tube of peach gloss and swipe it over my now tender lips.

My phone buzzes as I drop the tube back. I pull it out and stare at the screen.

Casey, yikes! She’s called three times. I check the time and it’s only 10:30 p.m. I got here at 8:00 p.m. ~Wow! ~A lot has happened in less than two and a half hours.

I don’t think I will tell her about this. I think this night may just remain my own personal sinful but sexy secret. There is a new text from Casey, so I quickly check it.

CaseyRoxie, where the fuck are you? I’ve been here an hour now, and I still can’t find you? What does your mask look like?

I quickly type back a message, and I have to fib a little.

RoxanneHey sorry, I couldn’t hear my phone over the music. I met some people and we were talking, and I lost track of time. Where are you? I’ll come to you.

She responds immediately.

CaseyI’ll wait by the bar.
RoxanneOkay, see you in a minute.

I put my phone away and exit the bathroom. When I come out, both men are fully dressed again.

When I approach them, John hands me a fresh glass of wine, and I take it gratefully, one last glass of the really good stuff before it’s gone forever.

“Thank you, this is just so delicious,” I say to him as I take it. “Well, boys, this was really something, but I’ve got to go.”

I walk toward the door, feeling glad that I’m the one leaving first, on my own terms.

“You have a good night, Roxanne.” I turn to look at John, who lifts his fresh drink and smiles. “I’ll be seeing you soon, I hope.”

“’Night, sexy. I’ll never forget you.” Joe smiles warmly, also lifting his glass.

I return the gesture, lifting my glass to them, and open the door. I’m startled to find big Walt still standing guard on the other side. He moves aside, letting me through.

“Have a good night, miss,” he says to me in an extremely deep voice.

As I retreat down the dark hallway, I reflexively glance through an open doorway, and see what looks almost like a bedroom, decorated in the same theme as the rest of the party.

In that bedroom is a man lying across the bed with two women next to him, making out with each other. What kind of party is this really?

I look away quickly. Finally I reach the door that leads back out into the party and open it.

Again, the doorman is still standing guard on the other side, and he too moves aside to let me through.

I step back into the ballroom. It already feels like ages ago that I was in here last, but it was really only a couple of hours or less.

Everything feels much more intensified now, like every nerve in my body is on high alert.

I can feel the pounding bass reverberating through the floor. The candlelight bounces off the walls, and all the attractive people in their various forms of anonymity are in full-fledged party mode now.

I make my way through the people and over to the large bar where this whole night began.

I stand there, sipping my wine and looking around, trying to spot Casey, but nobody stands out. Then someone taps on my shoulder.

I turn around, and despite her mask, I recognize Casey right away. Her dark brown hair in her asymmetrical bob is freshly cut and smooth.

She has on her usual red lipstick that I wish I could pull off, and her five-foot-four-inch athletic body is perfectly accented by a long, tight mermaid-style white bandage dress.

“Roxie! I’m sure glad to see you.” She hugs me tightly.

Good, she doesn’t seem upset with me.

“Sorry about that,” I apologize.

“It’s okay. I was late first, but man, traffic was terrible.

“Then when I got here, I was stuck waiting in line to get in, which I found out is because they only let one person or couple in at a time while they receive these.” She points to her mask.

It’s white lace on white satin, with three red feathers sticking out of the top.

“Yeah, I guess they don’t want others to see who gets what mask before they come in here. It’s supposed to be kind of anonymous,” I tell her. “How do you like the rules?” I laugh.

“Yeah, no last names, don’t take off the mask, and all that shit. Oh well, it’s kind of fun, I guess.” She gestures to the bartender for a refill.

“Yes, lots of fun.” I smile, feeling my face heat up. If only she knew the half of it. “So, where is this boyfriend of yours?” I ask curiously as I realize she’s on her own.

“He’s not here yet. I just messaged him a minute ago. He said he’d be here in a bit,” she tells me as the bartender slides a martini over the counter toward her.

“I love this open bar thing,” Casey says as she takes a small sip of her drink. “And this is the best martini I’ve ever had.”

“The wine is really good too,” I add.

“Let’s take these drinks and go find a place to sit,” Casey suggests.

So we walk over to one of the vacant tables and take a seat.

“So, while we’re on our own, tell me about this new boyfriend of yours,” I start.

“Well, I met him about three weeks ago at the gym. Oh my god, Roxie, wait until you see him. He’s so fucking hot. His name is Lucas, and he’s so much fun.

“He’s always taking me to these really cool restaurants and bars… And the sex, it’s phenomenal,” she gushes.

“Wow! Well, obviously he’s fun since he got us tickets to this.” I gesture around the room.

“Yeah, this is pretty wild. Did you notice that everyone here is hot?” She giggles.

“I guess we must fit the criteria since we’re here too.” I smirk, shaking my head.

“How embarrassing would it have been if we had been turned down, huh?” She nods.

“We would have never known why either, but now we do.” I laugh, and Casey laughs her easy good-natured laugh.

Casey has been my best friend since high school. We’ve always just clicked and understood each other. We’ve been there together through thick and thin, and I don’t know what I’d do without her.

“I’m so glad you’re here, Roxie. It wouldn’t have been as much fun without you.” She leans into me and wraps her arms around my neck for a lingering hug.

“Gee, Case, how many of those martinis have you had already?” I giggle at her.

I can always tell when she’s had a few drinks. She always becomes so lovey-dovey.

“Only three.” She smiles.

“Okay, well, those things are pretty much pure alcohol, so that’s a lot,” I retort.

“Yeah, and how many glasses of that wine have you had?” she counters.

I think back in my head—the first glass when I got here, the glass I had chugged in at the back for some liquid courage, then one more after that, and the one I hold in my hand now.

“This is the fourth,” I finally answer.

“See? You’ve had a lot too. I’m surprised that you seem so steady on your feet. I see how tall those shoes are.” She points to my feet.

She continues, “Luckily, I just wore a more modest four-inch heel.” She sticks her foot out to show me her cute red pointy-toed pumps.

“Ha-ha! Modest? Mine are only an inch taller than yours. If we’re not careful, we’ll need to be carried out of here,” I tease.

I feel like I want to tell her about what happened, but I can’t bring myself to do it.

It’s so private, but at the same time, it’s the craziest thing to ever happen to me, and we share everything with each other—about our love and our sex lives.

I’m torn between whether she’d think it was very stupid or very hot. So I decide to offer up something a little more innocent, which she would find exciting.

“So I met Spence Manfredi tonight,” I tell her, and she almost spits out her drink.

“What? Really? He’s here?” She shifts around in her seat, looking around excitedly.

She’s had a small celebrity crush on him for years.

“You won’t find him in here. That’s what these are for.” I point to my mask.

“So, how was it? Was he nice? Is he better looking in person?” she asks giddily.

“He was nicer than I expected him to be. He was definitely handsome, but I could only see his smile. The rest of his face was covered up,” I tell her.

“God, he’s got a great smile,” she gushes.

“Yeah, he does. He’s just so intimidating though. It’s like I could feel the power radiating off him. It was tangible.”

“Billions of dollars will do that for you,” she sighs. “So, if his face was covered, how’d you know it was him?”

Oh crap! I don’t really want to tell her about the private back room. It may raise too many questions.

“I was talking with some couple when he came and introduced himself. He’s using his real name,” I tell her, feeling guilty for lying.

“Yeah, it’s his party. I guess he doesn’t care if people know it’s him or not.” She nods.

“Yeah, I guess so.” I shrug and leave it at that.

I hear Casey’s phone beeping, and she quickly pulls it out of her little red leather bag.

“It’s Lucas!” she squeals as she reads the message.

“He’ll be here in a minute, along with his friend Seth.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

“I really hate being set up you know.” I frown at her.

Besides, after what or with whom I’ve done tonight, nobody is going to top that or them.

“Oh, come on, maybe he’ll be hot, and you’ll get lucky tonight. How long has it been anyway?” she prods.

Only a half hour ago, give or take? But I can’t tell her that.

“A while,” I lie.

“Yeah, so come on, Roxie, live a little.” She pokes me in the shoulder.

Trust me, Casey, I’ve done enough living for the both of us tonight. Just thinking about it causes my face to heat and my palms to sweat, and there’s a tantalizing tightening down below.

Casey’s phone begins to ring, and she quickly answers it.

“We’re just at the table near the bar, on the right side. I’m in the white dress,” she says into the phone, and she stands up, looking around expectantly.

Then she snaps her phone shut. I stay seated and look around in the opposite direction to which Casey walks.

“Roxie,” she announces loudly behind me, “I’d like you to meet my boyfriend, Lucas.”

I stand up and turn to greet this Lucas.

That’s when I feel like I’ve been hit with a Mack truck. Holy fucking shit! No! This has got to be some cruel and terrible joke! Standing before me, with his arm around my best friend, is John.

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