Discovering Us 1: Violet - Book cover

Discovering Us 1: Violet

KL Jenkins

Chapter 2


It’s early dawn when I wake. Zach’s wrapped around me like he usually is, and I play with his hair idly, thinking about the girl we have stowed in our spare room right next door.

What are we going to do with her?

How are we going to make this work?

The thoughts have been plaguing me in my sleep all night, because she needs to at least use safe words, in case we go too far. She said she could talk.

We will need to discuss it with her, but in the meantime, I reach for my phone on my bedside table and search for mutes.

What are mutes? Mute: A mute is a person who does not speak, either from an inability to speak or an unwillingness to speak.

She’s already admitted to being unwilling to speak, so I research some more. After extensive reading, I decide she must have selective mutism, since she nodded when I asked if she could.

I untwine myself from Zach’s limbs to go in search of my morning coffee. He always favors sleeping in until after dawn, whereas I do not.

In the kitchen, I sit with Dante and Catherine, where coffee and toast are ready for me like always, and I nod to Catherine.

“It took a little longer than expected, but I found the girl. Henry married her mother some years ago. Her mother died of cancer six years ago.

“She doesn’t have a registered father, so by marriage Mr. Camber was left with custody of her. She’s eighteen, and her birthday was a month or so ago. Valentine’s day, I believe.”

Dante passes me printouts of his findings.

Well, she’s legal. There’s a start. I breathe as my mind eases. But she’s young, and a virgin.

We will have to take it easy with her, to begin with.

I’ve been reading through the background checks for a little under an hour when I finish. Zach joined us not long ago, and he’s devouring a full fry-up.

How he eats that plate of lard is above me. At least he keeps in shape, because I hate to think about how clogged his arteries might be.

“Would you like to read through these, Zach?” I hand him the paperwork, and he looks briefly through the pages.

“Eighteen? That’s nearly half our age. Fuck.”

I raise my eyebrows at him, daring him to use such vulgar language out loud again. He smirks at me.

“Yes, I was thinking the same. Remember, I have to travel to New York this coming week.” Are we going to do this before I leave? I hope so. He reads my unspoken question.

“Maybe tonight before you go?” His response evacuates the kitchen, making me watch as our staff leaves. They know when to become scarce.

I smile, turning back to Zach. “Tonight? What about the no-speaking thing?”

He shrugs at me. “We’ll have to find a way around it?” Ever the optimist.

I laugh nervously at the thought of miscommunication.

“I guess she will tell us to stop if it comes down to it,” I say.

He raises his eyebrows at the thought, no doubt fantasizing about making her talk.

“I hope so. She’s hot.”

I roll my eyes at him. Yeah, he’s still a teenager in a thirty-four-year-old’s body.

“You’re not too bad yourself,” I throw at him.

The girl is good-looking. I’ll give her that. She seems to tick my boxes…apparently.

“Neither are you, baby.”

He pulls me in for a kiss. I’ll miss him while I’m gone. I linger in the kiss for longer than necessary, and it’s uncharacteristic for Zach, but he pulls away first, clearing his throat awkwardly.


Ah, he greets the girl over my shoulder, so I turn to her. She eyes us conspicuously, then looks down at her hands a few moments later. Do we embarrass you, baby?

“Morning, Violet. Come in.”

She teeters on the threshold of the room, momentarily showing she’s nervous. Still, she ends up accepting my invitation in her own time.

She sits opposite us, staring down at her fingers.

Look up, I think, as I roll my eyes at her.

“Breakfast?” Zach offers. I stifle a laugh. How will he know what she wants if she doesn’t speak?

“Toast?” Shake.

“Granola?” Shake.

“Cereal?” He sounds hopeful. She shakes her head. Oh, this will become tedious.

Why don’t you speak again?” I ask. She looks right at me.

Come on, baby, tell us why. She shakes her head and shrugs, reaching for a banana out of the fruit bowl.

“Have you always been like this?” I ask. She nods in agreement. How are we going to make this work?

“Will you use a safe word when we fuck?” She blushes at my last word, looking down at her lap again. Oh, baby, we will fuck you in many ways.

“Will you speak if we need you to?” I ask.

She looks right at me while I wait for her response, and then she nods once, but that’s enough to brighten my day, so I nod back at her, sipping my second coffee.

I need to get to the office soon, and yes, I’m already counting the seconds to return home to them. Maybe this wasn’t a bad deal to make.

I hope.



I’ve been busy all day. Things at the new hotel have been going very severely. It’s our worst opening yet. Ty’s flying out in the morning, and I’ve done as much as I can remotely for him.

I’ve sacked and rehired nearly all the staff incidentally.

But I push the day’s events from my mind, climbing into my R8 as I wait for Tyler at the service elevator.

“We Are Young” comes on the radio, making me think how apt it is that we have a young girl waiting on us at home.

For the first time since we left home this morning, my thoughts flit to the young girl sitting in our apartment.

I fantasize about how we will fuck her, my hand wrapped in her long red hair, maybe while she’s on the sofa or over the kitchen table.

Oh god, the possibilities are endless. She’s ours for the taking. Well, we’ve brought her services, but why can’t we have a little fun while trying to make a baby?

Tyler exits the elevator with his assistant right on time and spots me waiting. He waves while speaking to the blonde chick. I can’t remember her name, because she’s new, again.

Seems his assistants apply for their roles because they want in his pants and leave promptly when they know he’s mine.

I rev the engine to let him know how impatient I am this evening. He says quick goodbyes to his assistant, who gives me a short wave, and I nod to her. Thank fuck.

Come on, baby. We have a date waiting for us at home. He smiles at me as he gets in the car.

“Evening, handsome.” I smirk at him.

It is not like him to greet me this way.

Go fuck, Tyler. Ha, literally, when we get home.

“Let’s get home and conquest the young lady, shall we?” I ask, flooring the car out of the garage.

“Whoa! Let me get my seatbelt on, will you? You seem antsy.” He places his hand on my leg and squeezes.

“I have the biggest case of blue balls. I haven’t got my mind off her delicious face whenever I’ve allowed myself to think about her.” Oh, the possibilities of where to fuck.

Maybe the kitchen counter, Tyler’s office, or the playroom. They are endless.

“And I thought it’s because you’ve missed me,” he jibes.

I love our banter. Our relationship is a weird one, but it works, and I love him, so I squeeze his hand with my own.

“How are we going to do this then?” He’s looking into the distance.

Are you fantasying too, baby?

“Take it at her pace? I don’t know. She’s never had sex before.” I chew his thought over. She hasn’t. It momentarily dampens my mood, because she won’t be able to take both of us for a while.

“We should make it good for her, right?” I ask. Yeah, we should. Shouldn’t we?

“Of course, she deserves that. Especially for what she’s offered us.” He’s right.

It’s not every day a young girl would offer to be a surrogate for two men. I chew over ideas for the rest of the journey back.

We arrive home not much after six p.m., where dinners are served as usual, and as always it’s still piping hot on its plate as if it’s just been dished.

Catherine is such a great housekeeper. I’m glad we have her.

The girl is already seated at the table when we enter precisely where we had left her this morning. She’s dressed in a skin-tight black dress. I can’t help licking my lips.

Fuck…if dinner wasn’t on the table. All blood flows southward, and I look over at Tyler as we seat ourselves.

He can’t take his eyes off her either, probably because the dress is so low-cut it allows us to see right between her pretty cleavage. I’d like to fuck her tits, and maybe I will.

It’s been a few months since I’ve had a woman, and that was only by a fluke at the club. It’s not been since Rose...shit, since she went…that we’ve felt the need to.

We have each other, and that’s enough. It’s always enough to have each other, but it’s also nice to play.

I look over at the girl digging into the paella in front of me. She eats so elegantly, only taking small spoonfuls in her mouth, the spoon coming out clean every time.

Hmm, what could I do to that beautiful mouth? Fuck. I adjust myself. How long is dinner going to take?

I wolf down my food in record time, but Violet and Tyler are still eating. Slowly. I thrum my fingers on the table, getting a haughty look from Tyler. Shit, I need this to be over right now.

Come on… I nudge his foot under the table to gain his attention, then raise my eyebrows before tipping my head toward the girl.

“Are you sure you’re okay with our agreement, Violet?” he asks her earnestly with a small smile playing on his lips. I roll my eyes as she nods. Just fucking nods. So I tap my foot.

“Once we go there… Well, we won’t be comfortable with you leaving. You know, just in case you become pregnant,” he goes on. Ha! Like once is enough. We know this already.

Her nod travels right through to my dick, because it presents an image of her head bobbing up and down on my cock.

She knows. She’s willing. Come on already.

“Great.” He’s finished his food. We look at each other, then back over to the girl in front of us, noting her spoon is down too.

Are you ready, little girl? I stare straight at her.

“Well, shall we…,” he starts to say. She nods before he finishes his question, standing up and making the first move.

Finally! I move all the plates to the sink for Catherine and then lead the way to her room.

We discussed that we should probably be with her in here. After all, our room is…well, ours. We sleep together every night, and we don’t think having her fall asleep with us would be good.

Violet follows closely behind me, and Tyler’s the last to enter the room.

“You sure?” he asks again. Geez, what’s got into him?

She said yes but didn’t seem to think he was annoying, because she nods again.

What more does he want?

I pull her by the hand toward me as I sit on the edge of her bed, so she stops right in front of me.

I always take the lead, and I am damned fucking happy about that right now, because something’s got into Tyler. He’s still standing at the entrance of the room.

He hasn’t made his way in yet, but I’m hoping he snaps out of it once she’s naked.

“If you want us to stop what we are doing, you must tell us ‘red.’”

I let go of her hand after she nods again. Okay then.

“Do you understand, Violet?” I ask, and she nods.

“What’s the safe word?” I am waiting for her response. It doesn’t come, so I tap my foot.

“Safe word?”

“Red,” she whispers, it’s barely audible, but it will do.

I smile triumphantly. And so she does speak. She looks down, embarrassed, I think.

“Take your dress off,” I demand. She hesitates but does as she’s told. It pools around her feet in a flurry of black material.

Oh, fuck! Her body is compelling. I dart my fingers toward her and skate my hand up her slenderly toned thighs. She squirms a little, but I like that. Carry on, baby. It turns me on.

“Bra?” I plead, and she does as she is told with hesitation this time.

“Shall I take these off?” My thumb traces her panties, which are black lace, matching the bra. I approve, and so does my dick.

She doesn’t answer me.

I swat her behind once, and lightly at that, but she gasps, making my dick jerk to attention.

“I asked you a question.” She looks into my eyes and nods.

Good. I slowly hook my fingers into her panties and drag them down her bare legs. They pool at her feet with her dress.

She’s a delectable sight. One I’m sure I will love looking at night after night.

As my hand skates back up to her thighs, I have to stop a groan.

“Have you kissed anyone before?” Tyler asks from behind her. She jumps a little at his proximity, and it turns me on more to know I had her complete attention.

Finally, he’s joined the game.

I knew he would. She shakes her head at him, not even a kiss. Damn, I’d fucked through countless girls before realizing I liked Tyler at fifteen.

I shake my head as I pull her by her thighs until she’s straddling my lap, leading my hands around her ass.

I squeeze briefly. So pert and plump. I hum in my throat to show my appreciation to her. I let my hands wander to the back of her neck to pull her in for her first kiss. Our first kiss.

When our mouths touch, I part her lips with my tongue, seeking entrance into her mouth. Fuck, she tastes of paella and alcohol.

“You’ve been drinking?” She looks shocked. Gotcha. She must be nervous about doing this, probably because she’s a virgin.

“That will never do.” Tyler’s naked chest connects to her back. Yes! He sweeps her long hair to one side, leaving a trail of wet kisses down her neck.

Starting to kiss her again, I pour everything I know into it, so we’re both breathless when we break apart. Fuck, she tastes good.

Tyler turns her head slightly, connecting his lips with hers briefly in a slower version of a kiss.

Whoa, yeah… So that makes my pants get uncomfortably tight. Damn, they look good together.

His hands wander down to her naked chest, and her nipple perks underneath his teasing thumb while I suck the other into my mouth.

“Oh,” escapes her lips. I smile with glory. Baby! And you said you didn’t talk. And this is just the start. She bows backward into Tyler. Hmm, I wonder if I could?

Let’s see if we can make her cum this way… I circle the nipple with my tongue and then move to its twin in Tyler’s hand.

I assault it the same as the last, sucking hard, working in tandem with Tyler moving from one to the other.

“Oh,” she moans again into Tyler’s mouth. She’s so receptive. Fuck yes. I stop before she cums, deciding I want that on one of our dicks instead.

“Which of us should fuck that pussy first?” I say to her as I lightly feel her wetness with my fingertips.

Tyler reprieves his kiss, watching my hand disappear between the apex of her thighs where she’s fucking wet, drippingly so, for us.

“I think you should, baby,” I tell him. I’m larger than he is, and no one has been there before. It’s the logical scenario. He raises his eyebrows. Yes, I’m giving up her virginity to you, baby.

“Uh-uh. She’s yours, Zachary.” What! Mine? Really? I look at him to see if he doesn’t mean it, but he shakes his head subtly. What the hell?

I must ask him why later. Okay then! I stand up with the girl and lay her on the bed before I scoot between her legs, using my knee to spread her apart.

Damn, she shaved clean. Such a pretty smooth vagina. I stare at it, wondering how I will fit inside without ripping her.

I guess she needs to be wet. Very wet. So I skim my fingers up her thigh to their apex. Checking to see if she’s okay before I make contact.

She’s watching Tyler walk around the bed to sit with her, which is good. I like seeing him next to a woman again, but I don’t have time to think about that.

My fingers itch to touch her, so I do. She’s wet, but not enough. Damn. I circle her lips with one finger. It’s so pretty…

Bending down so I can smell her, I swear I almost faint. Oh, lord have mercy! She smells so sweet. I just can’t help myself. I tease her with my tongue to get my first taste of her.

“Fuck,” slips her mouth.

“My sentiments exactly, baby,” I answer her.

Tyler laughs in the background, probably because he hates swear words. He’s probably planning her punishment for her potty mouth as we speak.

But for me? Baby, you can swear as much as you fucking like. And she’s talking! So I guess that’s a good thing.

I tease my tongue into her tight hole. And holy fucking hell. This is going to be uncomfortable for her. I work my tongue around her clit, knowing she needs to be very wet!

I concentrate on sucking and nipping my way around it until she’s squirming beneath me. When I look up at Tyler, he nods. She’s as ready as she’s gonna be.

When I pull up, I note he’s kneading her breasts, pinching those pert nipples.

“Are you ready, baby?” My voice is hoarse, and I don’t recognize myself.

“She’s ready,” Tyler answers as I strip myself of all my clothes, leaving them in a pile next to hers on the floor.

Her eyes are roaming my body quickly, and she audibly gasps as she lands on my cock. Yes, that’s going inside you, sweet girl.

Getting back on the bed with her, I spread her legs again, so she’s laid bare for me to take. I look at her for the last time as the virgin we paid for, her gaze full of curiosity and a hint of panic.

“This is gonna be a little uncomfortable…” I circle her little nub a few times with my thumb. She’s soaking wet… just how I need her.

I position myself, moving my cock up and down her slit to lubricate it for entrance. Looking at Tyler, I make sure he’s okay, and he nods. Now’s the time, I guess.

Lining my head, I push slowly through her, and I can feel the sudden laxity of her virginity as I drive past her entrance.

She’s tight, warm, wet. Fuck. She gasps at the obvious pain I must have just caused. It takes everything in me not to thrust deep and combust inside her all at once.

She moans as I fill her up to the hilt, and I’m balls deep as I watch her hands fist the bed sheets. Her legs shake around me. Yes, this must be painful for her.

Tyler reaches down to play with her sensitive nub until she squeezes around me, and it’s nearly my undoing.

I grit my teeth to stop myself while watching her throw her arm over her face, hiding, but that won’t do.

“I want to see you.” I sound alien to myself as I rock in and out of her slowly, so fucking slowly for me.

This isn’t going to take long, but I want it to last longer. I want myself to last longer. So I grit my teeth and exercise total control over my body.

She uncovers her face at my demand. Her eyes are wild with pain and pleasure.

A look that’s so familiar to me.

“She’s so tight, Ty,” I tell him.

“I can imagine,” he mumbles back. What’s up with him?


He looks at me. Past me. Fuck, he’s not into this at all.

So I stop moving, not wanting to hurt him.

“Don’t stop,” she begs. Oh, baby. He’s not into it.

“You heard her,” he calls, confusing me.

What the hell is up with him? I start my rhythm again.

Faster this time, because I’m chasing our orgasms now, and Tyler helps. He’s rubbing her little clit so hard I feel her contract with spasms.

She’s building tightly and as tight as a vice around me.

“I want you to cum around him, Violet,” he whispers to her.

Oh, man. I can barely stop myself as I grit my teeth harder.

Come on, girl. I circle my hips and spread her legs wider.

I pump in deeper, then deeper again until she goes rigid and throws her head back before she mewls out her pleasure.

Yes! Fucking yes!

Her climax forces mine out of me until I leave my seed deep inside her, unable to move a damned inch.

Fuck, that was different. I don’t remember taking someone’s virginity being so breathtaking.

I twine my fingers in Tyler’s as I kneel before her. His turn next.

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