The Alpha's Runt - Book cover

The Alpha's Runt

Dalila Rivera

Beautiful Music

The following morning, Mira awoke with a blanket covering her and sat up on the sofa, feet dangling, yawning, then stretching.

A few strands of hair covered her left eye. Mira’s eyes crossed to watch the hair as she blew it out of her way.

Mira sniffed the delicious aroma of bacon, eggs, and pancakes her awesome grandmother was cooking.

“You’d better hurry and wash up before your breakfast gets cold,” she chuckled. “Or before I eat it all.”

She heard Mira’s small footsteps run to the bathroom, making her chuckle louder.

Mira quickly climbed up onto what she considered a high chair. All her life, Mira had always had to climb on and off furniture.

She needed to use a ladder to reach items in the cupboards or anything remotely out of her reachable limitations.

Due to the height of werewolves, everything was built to accommodate them. The kitchen island and counters were shoulder-length to her.

One day, her father surprised her with a swing chair in her bedroom that she could easily climb into. It brought her so much happiness to actually reach the floor and swing herself.

Mira missed her swing chair suddenly. “Grandma?” Her lavender eyes gazed at her loving grandmother. “Misty and Aqua don’t want to be mated. At least not to Alpha Black.”

Her grandmother looked at her in question. “Oh, really? Why is that?”

Mira drank her orange juice to wash down the bacon she ate. “Misty wants to train to be a warrior, and Aqua is already in love.”

Grandmother shook her head with a laugh. “So he’s coming for nothing.” She sighed then looked at Mira. “If Alpha Black saw you, he would fall in love at first sight.”

Mira’s big lavender eyes looked at her in disbelief. “Grandmother, you know it’s against the Wolf Council Law for runts like myself to be mated. One look at me and he will be disgusted.”

Grandmother took hold of Mira’s small hand. “That law is nonsense, Mira. You are not disgusting, and don’t call yourself a runt.” She rolled her eyes as she scolded.

“I believe if you’re allowed to be mated, you will live a long and prosperous life.”

Mira smiled at her grandmother lightly, kissing her knuckles. “With the Council law in effect, we’ll never know. I just want you to know I love you so much and I’m so happy to be part of your life.”

Her grandmother barely smiled. “So am I, sweetie. So am I.”

They both finished eating their breakfast in sad silence.


Destan arrived in a car along with Delta to pick up Mira and their grandmother. Destan smiled when he saw Mira come out of the cabin waving hello.

He came out of the car, opening his arms to Mira, who came running into his embrace. “Hey, Mira. Did you have fun bugging Grandma?”

Mira giggled into his chest. “She’s trying to get me mated.”

Destan lightly pushed her away, still holding her shoulders. “Seriously?”

Mira nodded her head with a laugh.

Destan rolled his eyes, then shook his head with a smirk.

On the ride home, Destan turned slightly to look at Mira, who was sitting behind Delta Roman, who was driving.

“Hey, Mira, I have to tell you something that you’re not gonna like.”

Mira scrunched up her eyebrows, waiting for him to continue.

“Councilman Fredrickson is at the house.”

Both Mira and Grandmother looked at each other, then at Destan.

“Ew, who let that thing in the house?” Mira asked with more than a touch of disgust in her tone.

“He came to officiate Alpha Black and his mate.”

Grandmother grabbed Mira’s hand, squeezing it softly.

“I thought both your sisters declined.”

Delta Roman nodded, taking a quick look at Grandmother. “They did decline, but Fredrickson requested to stay the night after the long journey he took for nothing.

“He will be leaving this morning, Mira, so don’t you worry, okay?” He winked at her through the mirror.

Mira felt uneasy. She hated when Councilman Fredrickson was in her presence. She could feel his eyes burning through her clothes.

“How early this morning is he leaving?” Mira hugged herself. “I really don’t want him to see me.”

Destan smiled at Mira. “Don’t worry, Mira. I will never let him touch you.”

Mira sighed, knowing what her little brother said was not only true, but he meant it. She sat back, feeling a little more at ease.

“Where are you going?” Dalton asked as he walked to the adjoining bathroom.

Phoenix was wearing only his jogging pants that hung low, showing his deep V indentation. He was shirtless, showing off all his tattoos, including his massive chest and ripped, hard muscles.

“I’m going for a run. I’m sure Luna Jenna and the other ladies are making breakfast for all of us. I’ll be back by then.”

Without another word, Phoenix took off for his morning run. He took in the beautiful surroundings and inhaled the fresh morning grass and trees.

Phoenix ran for five miles around back to the guest house. As he approached the guest house, he heard the sweet sound of violin playing. Or someone playing.

Phoenix followed the sound, stopping at the partially opened French doors. The white sheer curtains were covering the doors, blocking his view of who was on the other side.

Phoenix quietly pushed the door open and stepped in. He stood frozen on the spot, for before him, playing the violin, was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen in his entire life . . . and she was a runt.

His eyes roamed her pitch-black thick, wavy hair that flowed beautifully down her back and past her behind. Her eyes were closed as she played, as if she were in a trance.

He smiled at how long and thick her eyelashes were, matching her dark, long, semi-thick eyebrows. She had a small, slim nose and high rosy cheeks that made his hand itch to caress them.

Her pink lower lip was fuller than her pink upper lip, and both were slightly parted, smiling at how the music made her feel.

He had to catch his breath when she opened her eyes to reveal the most bright and gorgeous eyes he’d ever seen. This girl kept amazing him.

She jumped with a gasp, still holding her violin in her hands. “Oh!”

Phoenix put his palms up and backed away a little.

“I’m not going to hurt you, little one. I just came back from my run and heard you playing so beautifully that I had to see the talent behind the instrument.”

He softened his voice as he continued to talk to her. “Who are you? What is your name?” He watched the tension in her ease slightly away.

“M . . . my name is Mira. I’m Alpha James and Luna Jenna’s daughter.” Mira shied away by looking down at her feet. “You must be Alpha Black,” Mira whispered.

“Yes, that I am, but why didn’t I meet you last night when I first arrived?”

Mira’s lavender eyes looked up into his blue eyes as she bit her lower lip. “I . . . I went to visit my grandmother.”

Phoenix took a sharp inhale, watching her lower lip slowly leave the grip of her teeth. “Mira,” he whispered, liking the sound of her name escaping his lips.

He noticed her bright lavender eyes scanning the tats on his upper body. It was as if she were mesmerized by the art and the stories they told.

She blushed when she noticed he was staring at her, making him chuckle.

“It’s okay, Mira. You can look for as long as you like,” he flirted, making her shy away and look down at her feet once again. Phoenix took a step toward her when the door opened.

Destan walked in, his smile falling off his face when he saw a half-naked Phoenix in front of his sister who was blushing a crimson red.

Destan walked in front of Mira, blocking Phoenix’s view of the reason for his heart to pound. Phoenix’s wolf growled, wanting to be by her side.

Destan, stubborn as he was, didn’t cower away from Phoenix. His job was to protect Mira.

Without taking his eyes off Phoenix, Destan spoke. “Mira, I’m taking you to Mom.” His voice was stern.

Mira’s small hand semi-wrapped around his bulging biceps as she came back into Phoenix’s view. “Okay, Destan.” She looked at Phoenix. “It was nice meeting you, Alpha Black.”

She smiled, trying to ease the tension between the two giants. “Take me to Mom, Destan.” She began to pull on his hand to walk out the room.

After they were gone, Phoenix smirked. That kid had fucking balls of steel. It was evident Destan was Mira’s protector, and he did it very well.

Phoenix walked out the same way he came in, running straight to the guest house. Dalton wasn’t in the room, which meant he went to the main house to have breakfast.

Phoenix showered and changed. He couldn't believe how quickly Lady Mira had made him forget about other women. He knew from the moment he saw her, no other woman would ever do.

It had to be Lady Mira.

He knew what he had to do. He came here for a mate, and he was leaving with one. Today.


Luna Jenna was in Mira’s room folding her washed clothes and placing them back in the bureau. Mira walked in with Destan, running up to her mother and giving her a hug.

“Mira, my beautiful baby girl. I’m so happy that you’re home.” She hugged her daughter lovingly. “Did Grandma make you drink dirt water?” Jenna laughed as she continued to fold.

Mira plopped on her bed, grabbing a shirt, and began to fold it. “Yup. It did make me feel better though.”

Jenna smiled with a nod.

“Hey, Mom, when are Alpha Black and his men leaving?”

Jenna looked at her son as if asking him to explain himself.

“I’m just wondering. I caught him talking to Mira . . . half-naked.” He crossed his arms over his chest angrily.

Jenna’s eyebrows went up as she looked at Mira, who blushed again. “Is that so?”

Mira placed the loose strand of her hair behind her ear. “He enjoyed my violin music.” Mira smiled.

“Did he now?” Jenna waggled her eyebrows, making both Mira and Destan cringe.

“Mom!” they both shouted in unison, making Jenna laugh.

Grandmother walked into Mira’s room with another cup of her secret tea, giving it to Mira to drink. Destan scrunched his nose in disgust.

“What’s so funny?” She grabbed a brush sitting next to Mira and began to brush her long, dark locks.

Destan covered his ears. “I don’t want to be part of this conversation. I’m out. Going to practice with Misty in the fighting field.” He was gone before anyone could tease him to stay.

“So, it seems our little Mira here had an encounter with a half-naked Alpha.”

Grandmother looked at Jenna then Mira. “Really? Hmm.”

Jenna stopped to look at her mother.

“Jenna, has it ever crossed your mind that if Mira were to be mated, she would survive?”

Mira sipped her tea, remembering this conversation just earlier this morning.

“Of course it has, Mom. I think about it every day.”

Mira pinched the bridge of her nose. “You both know darn well it is against the Wolf Council—”

Grandmother rolled her eyes. “Fuck those assholes. Why the fuck they get to decide that? As old as my ass is, I don’t recall getting a vote in this stupid decision.”

Mira’s eyes widened at her grandmother’s outburst. She’d never seen the woman angry.

“I agree with you, Mom, I really do. Maybe . . .” Jenna cupped Mira’s face. “I think we should allow Mira to be mated without the Wolf Council’s knowledge.”

Both women seemed to have made up their minds.

“We need to get rid of Councilman Fredrickson first. He’s creepy. Plus, I need to speak to James.”

Mira shook her head at the two women she loved dearly. “Stop it already. I will not allow for my family to get into trouble with the Wolf Council—”

A knock on the door interrupted Mira. The door opened to reveal Aqua.

“Mom, Alpha Black wants to speak to you and dad. He says it’s important.”

Jenna nodded. “Mom, watch over Mira. While that thing is here, I don’t want her alone.” Jenna walked out of Mira’s room and followed Aqua down to the family room.


“I hope you and your men enjoyed your breakfast, Alpha Phoenix.” Jenna smiled as she stood beside her mate, James.

“Yes, we did, and thank you, both of you, for your hospitality. But I want to discuss something very important with the two of you.”

Dalton sat down along with Alpha James and Luna Jenna, wondering what announcement Phoenix had to make.

“This morning, I met your daughter Mira, and I’ve decided to make her my mate. I want her to be my Luna.”

Alpha James’s eyebrows went up in surprise as he looked at his mate, Jenna. Her eyes were bright and on board with Alpha Phoenix’s decision.

“That is not possible and goes against the Wolf Council Laws,” Fredrickson deadpanned as he stood by the entryway, getting the attention of everyone in the room.

A menacing growl erupted from Phoenix, making Fredrickson swallow a few times and even pale. “Y . . . y . . . you know it cannot . . .”

Phoenix charged toward him in anger. “I don’t follow your fucking laws, so who’s gonna stop me? You?” Phoenix challenged, making Fredrickson practically shrink in size.

Misty and Destan arrived back from practice, and Aqua heard Phoenix shout. The siblings walked in wondering what was happening.

“What’s going on?” Aqua asked as she walked over to her parents.

“Alpha Black wants to mate with your sister Mira and make her his Luna,” James answered her.

“Really?” Destan and Misty asked in unison.

“But this smug asshole is trying to tell me that I can’t,” Phoenix growled out.

“Ew, Mom, I told you not to let that thing in.” Misty stomped her right foot as she scrunched up her nose in disgust at Fredrickson.

Everyone stopped bickering when Grandmother came running down the stairs. “JENNA! JAMES! IT’S MIRA! COME QUICKLY!”

Everyone but Fredrickson ran upstairs to Mira’s room. Dalton blocked Fredrickson from following the family and his Alpha.

Mira lay in bed, pale, practically lifeless.

“OH NOOO, BABY, PLEASE DON’T LEAVE US!” Destan slid down the wall, wrapping his large arms around his long legs as he watched the life of his beloved sister drain from her existence.

Neither Aqua nor Misty could hold back the tears that flowed down their faces, and Grandmother held them both for comfort.

Phoenix’s heart thundered in his chest with pain, realizing that his chance of being with Mira was not about to come true. Phoenix pushed past everyone, grabbing Mira’s delicate, limp body in his arms.

He gently pushed her thick hair away from her face. “I will not allow you to leave me, munchkin.”

He moved her head to the side, exposing her neck and shoulder, and licked it to make his bite easier on her. His teeth elongated, then bit down, breaking her skin.

Mira screamed, making everyone in the room hold their breath as this giant wolf claimed her.

Phoenix pulled back, hoping he wasn’t too late to save her life.

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