The Alphas Series - Book cover

The Alphas Series

C. Qualls

Chapter 2


I growl and throw another chair across the room. Rejected.

The first alpha ever to be rejected.

I should tear her apart for what she’s done. She has humiliated me, made me look weak.

Not to mention how fucking painful it is. I can barely stand from how much it hurts. The hole in my chest, the ache, it’s excruciating. She ripped the bond away.

Fuck it, it’s easier to be mad. How dare she hit her alpha. How dare she reject me; I’m a fucking alpha.

Chase opens the door and walks in. “Dec.”

He heads straight to the bar and pours a drink. He offers me the glass. I swallow it down and he pours another.

“Your sister is in deep shit. I should throw her in a cell and let her rot for what she’s done.”

Chase raises his brow. “Sorry, Dec. I’m siding with my sister on this one. You asked her to join you? What is wrong with you? She’s the best girl in the world. You treated her like shit.”

I slam my drink and throw the glass in the fireplace with a rumbling growl. “She slapped me.”

He growls back. “You deserved that. She’s an innocent barely eighteen-year-old. She’s never even kissed a guy. I’m glad she stood up for herself. You know her. You know how she is.

“You’re just mad because she did it in front of everyone. Otherwise you wouldn’t give a damn. Women are nothing to you. She’s my sister! Kya!

“You do anything to her, and you can find yourself a new beta and a new pack doctor, after I kick your sorry, stupid ass.”

I growl a warning. I’m seconds away from beating the shit out of my beta, but I stop at the thought that Chase has been my best friend since we were born.

He’s always been there for me. He’s the best guy I know, and the smartest. I need him as my beta. I take a few deep breaths.

“This pack needs a luna and she just turned it down. She didn’t even consider the pack. She turned me down without a thought,” I say.

Chase snorts in irony. “She’s not the one that did this. I guarantee she didn’t make the decision lightly. She saved herself for her mate, for you. She trusts the Moon Goddess. She just has self-respect.

“Everyone knows you’re a man-whore. You knew you needed a luna, but you couldn’t keep it in your fucking pants. Then you turn around and insult her, on her birthday, too.

“If you weren’t the alpha or my friend, I would’ve ripped your head off and shoved it down your fucking throat for doing that to her.”

I snarl and stare him down. He doesn’t even flinch.

The door opens and my mother walks in. “Declan. I just heard what happened. Chase, stand down, please.”

Chase steps back. “She deserves better than you,” he says, then nods to my mother and slams the door behind him.

Mother walks forward. “So, your luna rejected you. What are you going to do now?”

I lean my knuckles on my desk. “I don’t know what to do. I never imagined my mate would reject me. I never imagined my mate would be Kya.”

I also saw the hurt in her eyes before she slapped me.

Mother sits on the last remaining chair in front of my desk. “Kya? She’s such a smart, sweet girl. Do you know why she did it?”

Kya is smart and sweet. I’ve known her since she was born. I’ve teased her her whole life, like she’s my own little sister. She’s even healed me on several occasions. She’s a good, kindhearted, and honest girl.

When I smelled the sweet vanilla and sugar scent of my mate, my heart turned upside down. I was already fucking some random chick, whose name I don’t even know.

When my eyes locked onto Kya’s, I was shocked, but not at all disappointed.

Chase is right about the whole situation. I am pissed because it happened in front of everyone.

Kya’s a caring person. Even the Moon Goddess agrees she would be the perfect luna. She’s my mate. I couldn’t exactly tell her it wasn’t what it looked like. I didn’t want her to leave and I panicked.

I shake my head, then pull up the bracelet from my pocket that still holds her scent. I did deserve to get slapped. I look at my mother. I take a minute before uttering the simple truth. “Because I’m unworthy of her.”

The heartache brings me to my knees. Mother rushes to me. I’m holding my chest with one hand and keeping myself up with the other.

Father enters the office, probably from Mother’s summons. “Declan. Son. Listen to my voice.”

The pain is unbearable, but I immediately understand why I am to suffer. Moon Goddess, I understand, I silently say to her and her alone. A soft, feminine whisper enters my mind.

That is good, my child. Be strong and fix your mistake. Your pack will need you. She will need you even more.” Her gentle voice leaves my mind as the agony begins to slowly subside.

Father continues to speak, but I can’t hear a word he says. My focus is on Kya. Deep down, I know she’s suffering this pain right along with me.

My heart breaks at the realization. It’s my fault, all my fault.


I wake up with a pounding headache. I’m still in my gown. I’m pretty sure my makeup is smeared all over my face, that is, if I didn’t cry it all off.

I turn on the hot water and strip out of the stupid dress. I kick it away and step under the steaming stream.

I stand there with my arms wrapped around my chest. Maybe it will keep my heart in one piece, but I doubt it. I feel hollow and broken, like a piece of me is missing.

My bond has been broken, of course a piece of me is missing. I don’t have a mate. I close my eyes and let the loneliness consume me.

The water turns cold and I shiver, my mind returning to my surroundings. I wash up and wrap a towel around me.

My normally vibrant green eyes look sallow. I run a brush through my shoulder-length hair, then tie it up into a messy bun.

I find my yoga pants and a gray T-shirt, dressing as if on autopilot. I lie back in bed and cry my aching heart out.

I wake up to the moon shining into my room, tinting everything a soft blue hue.

“Moon Goddess. This pain, will it ever go away? Am I destined to be alone?” I say aloud in my anguish.

The moonlight begins to narrow into a concentrated line that shoots straight to my heart. I feel an excruciating pain.

Then, I hear a subtle feminine whisper: “Your mate bond was a gift that you have rejected. He suffers now as you do, my child. Your heartache may subside if you choose the right path. Be strong, my dear one.

Tears spring to my eyes, my heartache growing even more intense. “I’m sorry, Moon Goddess.”

I receive no reply as the light has returned to its natural placement within my room.

Dec is suffering too. From this pain, this ache. I can’t take it anymore and I let my mind fall back into darkness.


I don’t know exactly how long I’ve stayed in bed. Judging by the plate of food on my nightstand, someone came in to check on me.

I must have passed out from the pain from the Moon Goddess. I don’t remember anything after she left.

I roll over to face her. The ache, the agony, is ever present. I curl up, ready for her to do her worst.

She doesn’t return. How often does one get to hear the voice of the Moon Goddess?

I wake up, but I have no idea what time it is, what day it is for that matter. I grab the plates of untouched food, then head downstairs.

My parents are talking as I walk down the steps, but I don’t hear a word they say. I place the dishes into the sink then grab a box of cereal and the milk, and sit at the table, ignoring their conversation.

I open the box and realize I don’t have a bowl. My dad stops me before I can stand back up.

“Here, Cricket.” He sets a spoon down next to a bowl. I look up to my daddy. My eyes tear up and my lip quivers. He opens his arms and I fall into him, sobbing. My mom sniffles beside me. I’m sure Chase told them everything.

After I run out of tears my dad sits me back into my chair. “What are you planning to do now? Alpha Redd hasn’t banished you, and it’s already been a week. I doubt you’re going to want to run into him.”

A week? Holy Goddess above. My poor parents must have been so worried. My father must have been healing me, there’s no way anyone could survive that long without water and food. I doubt Dec stayed in bed that long.

My heartache increases at the thought of my ex-mate. “Yeah, that would be bad. I don’t want to see him.”

Mom takes my hand. “I have an idea. Aunt Kendra just had her pup not too long ago. You help her out the rest of the school year, until you graduate. Then see how you feel. It’s only a few months. I’m sure she could use your help.”

I nod. “I like that plan.”

Mom pulls out her phone. “I’ll call her now.”

Dad scrunches his chin. “I’m going to miss you, Cricket, but you need to look out for yourself right now.”

“I agree. I’m going to start packing.” I kiss my dad, then head back up the stairs.

I call my brother and put him on speaker while I pack. “Chase, how bad was it? You’re not in trouble, are you?” I find my duffel bag and empty my socks and underwear straight into it.

“I’m not in trouble. I’m more worried about you though. Don’t worry, I gave him hell for you.”

My lips curl into a half-smile at my brother’s support for me as I fold my jeans and leggings.

“I’m going to stay with Aunt Kendra until graduation. That way, I won’t have to see him. Give Alana my love. Let her know I’ll still see her at school. Love you.” I fold up my tops and stuff them in the bag.

“Will do. Take care of yourself. Love you.” He clicks off. I check my backpack then head to the bathroom for my toiletries. I sling everything on my shoulders then head back downstairs.

Mom is ready to go. “Kendra is excited to have you. She even told her alpha that you’re coming. His son goes to your school.”

Dad saunters out of his office in his white jacket and scrubs. He gives me a hug. “You have everything?”

I nod. “Mm-hmm. Bye, Daddy.” My mom gives my dad a quick kiss. We load everything into the trunk and take off to my temporary life.

It’s a two-hour drive to get to Aunt Kendra’s place. I stare out the window for most of it.

I don’t even notice when we pull up to the single-story, three-bedroom house. Uncle Mark grabs my duffel from me and gives me a one-armed hug, bringing me back to the present.

“You’re staying for dinner, Chelsea. Kendra misses you and you need to rest before you get back on the road,” he says to my mother, over my head.

My mom raises her brow. “Yes sir.” My two little cousins are fighting over a controller when we walk through the door.

“Kya. Aunt Chelsea!” Ian yells. He drops the controller and runs over. I pick him up into a bear hug.

He’s gotten big since the last time I saw him. He’s nine years old now and about half a head smaller than me. I’m thinking that won’t last long.

Gretchen jumps into my arms as soon as I let go of Ian. She’s five and as cute as can be.

Aunt Kendra walks into the room carrying the new pup, Aiden. He’s wrapped in a blanket with dinosaurs on it, snoozing away. I take the bundle as I kiss her cheek. “Oh my Goddess, he’s so perfect.”

My mom steals him away from me almost instantly. “You’ll have plenty of time with him. It’s my turn.”

Aunt Kendra laughs. Uncle Mark and Ian take my stuff to the room while we ladies head to the kitchen. I play with Gretchen while mom and Kendra chat.

The chaos of the kids and chatting keep me in good spirits. We have an early dinner so Mom can go back. It’s hard to eat at first, having not eaten in a week.

Uncle Mark shows me to Gretchen’s room. They have a trundle set up for her, allowing me to have the big girl bed. Gretchen’s been so excited that I would be sharing her room, she insisted on the arrangements.

After I’m settled in, I’m taken to the pack house to let the alpha know I’m here. We’ve met before during other visits, but I doubt he remembers me. Also, those were short visits for holidays, never as long as this.

Alpha Roberts is in his late fifties. His son should be taking over as alpha sometime in the near future. While the Roberts pack has been around longer, the Redd pack is stronger and has more members.

Alpha Roberts is a nice man. He shakes my hand as I sit next to Uncle Mark.

“We’re happy to have you here, Kya. I remember you always being a good girl. I’m not worried you’ll be any trouble. When you’re ready, I’ll have Owen show you around. He’s on his way now to meet you.”

“Thank you, sir.” Uncle Mark leaves me at the pack house as I wait for Owen.

I remember meeting Owen before, when we were little. I climbed a tree and he followed me up it, but he wasn’t very graceful.

He fell out of the tree and had blood all around him. I rushed down after him. I don’t remember what happened after that.


I look up to a very handsome, very recognizable, Owen. He’s about six feet three with blond hair and brown eyes. He’s dressed in basketball shorts and a snug fitting T-shirt with no sleeves. “Aren’t you in my English class?”

Owen smiles and nods. “Yeah. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize who you were before.”

I wave him off. “No worries. I didn’t either. Packs tend to stick together. Not to mention I’m kind of a book nerd.” Owen chuckles as we walk out of the pack house.

Owen borrows Alpha Roberts’s truck to take me back home. “So, what brings you to our pack?”

I don’t want to be rude, but I really don’t want to think about it, let alone talk about it to a complete stranger. “I’m staying with Aunt Kendra and Uncle Mark to help out with the pups.”

“How long are you staying?”

I shrug my shoulder. “Until graduation? At least that’s the plan.”

We pull up to the house then Owen grabs my hand before I can get out of the Truck. “I want you to know you can talk to me. I’m here for you.”

Okay, awkward. I give him my fake smile. “Thanks.”

The pups are all in bed when I walk through the door. Kendra is asleep in Mark’s arms on the couch. They’re so cute, but my chest tightens and I can barely breathe.

I head straight to the bathroom, trying to get control of myself. I grip the sink as I peek at myself in the mirror. I look sickly and pale.

I turn on the hot water and lie in the bathtub. The heat is soothing, but sorrow grips my heart. I’ll never have the closeness that Mark and Kendra are sharing one room away.

Tears soon spring to my eyes and I sob until there’s nothing left.

I painstakingly pull myself out of the now cold water to dry off and slip into my most comfy jammies. I lie in bed and let my exhaustion take me to dreamland.

Alpha Redd greets me in my sleep. He looks dashing in his white tuxedo jacket with black lapels and black slacks. He extends his hand to take mine while his other hand caresses my face.

His smile turns into a sneer as he places a knife to my chest.

“You dare reject me? I am an alpha.” He slowly pushes the knife into my heart. I grip his hand, trying to stop him, but he’s too strong. The knife burns as the blade seats all the way to the hilt.

I jerk awake, clutching my chest, panting, and covered in sweat and tears.

Oh Goddess, what do I do? My body shakes as I make myself stand. I slowly make it to the bathroom. My hands continue to shake as I splash the cold water on my face and neck.

This pain. It literally feels like a knife in my chest. It hurts so much, I can barely stand.

Thank the Goddess there is no school tomorrow; there’s no way I could possibly be around all those people. I don’t know how I’m going to get through this.

I focus on moving my legs just to get back into bed. I curl up under the pink hearts blanket, cover my head, and let the darkness engulf me before finally falling back asleep.

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