Dragon's Shadow - Book cover

Dragon's Shadow

C. Swallow

Chapter 3


“Excuse me!” I trudge my way through the broken leaves and moss of the forest with a determined stride. I know he is here, close, but he will not step out into my line of sight.

“Hello? You dropped your money!”

I continue to walk forward, a little more slowly now. Despite not being able pinpoint where Storm may be hiding, I continue to feel his presence.

Clearly, he doesn’t like to be followed.

“Why are you hiding from me?” I ask after coming to a stop between two large trunks. I angrily put my hands on my hips, coin in fist.

“Do you think I’m silly or stupid? I can feel you here. I’m a fellow Dragon, trying to help you—~argh~!”

I lunge backward and nearly lose my balance as he swings around the corner of the nearest tree trunk, his hand wrapped around a thick vine as he casually leans out to inspect me with critical judgment.

I barely manage to compose myself at his sudden close proximity.

A mere foot separates us now, and I have to pretend I’m not intimidated by his huge physical stature compared to my young fledgling body.

“Why did you surprise me? I nearly misted straight to my Dragon,” I exclaim quietly, mildly embarrassed.

I still feel quite confronted, and I take a few nervous steps backward to try and give myself some safe distance from him. However, my nervously placed steps don’t serve me well.

I am not careful about my surroundings, because I am focused on his glare. One bare foot sinks into a huge patch of moist moss, and I quickly lose my footing.

I end up slipping dramatically backward right onto my ass. “Eep!… Oh no… My dress… Damn it,” I whisper in defeat, not even daring to look up again to see his amused expression.

I don’t even have to meet his eyes to know; I can feel his extreme amusement coupled with rising impatience as I tentatively reach out with my Heart Magic.

I take a deep breath and eventually look back up, my fist still holding the coin. I glance at Storm, who is still watching me, completely expressionless.

He simply stays where he is, looking down at me with a very slow tilt to his head.

I quickly purse my lips before I say anything more to annoy him, and I hold out the coin instead, opening my palm to reveal his lost property.

I nod toward the coin, and when he doesn’t move, I decide to slowly rise.

I lean back on one hand and get one foot under me; however, at those two slight movements, the Legend quickly takes action.

He takes one easy, large step forward, and I instantly freeze in place as he quite literally towers over me.

I am almost uncertain whether he wants to cooperate or whether he wants to kill me for interrupting his morning.

However, he slowly holds out his hand, refusing to take the coin from me directly. He wants me to pass it.

This offends me, but I cannot question a monstrous Legend any more than is beyond reason.

I best satisfy his needs. I throw the coin up, and it lands in his outstretched palm. I take my small opportunity to stare at his Broken Fire up close.

The light pouring from his left cheek is like a permanent state of Dragon Mist, golden like sunrays. It has my empathetic skills tingling. I want to heal it somehow.

But no, I can’t.

It’s best I leave before he decides to have some fun with me. He seems both surprised and mildly amused by my attempt to return a dropped coin.

“Um. Goodbye, Storm.” I speak clearly and confidently as I choose to quickly scramble to my feet when he does not back away immediately… He just continues to stare at me, confused and intrigued.

Once successfully on my feet, I quickly dust off my dress and back away again, this time slowly and very carefully.

He seems to appreciate the fact that I am not stupid enough to turn and leave myself vulnerable to him.

“No, pipsqueak, you are.” He speaks as if stating a fact, and I come to a sudden halt, confused by his choice of words and stunned once again after hearing his growly, inhuman drawl.

“I am…what?” I ask as I raise a brow, crossing my arms over my chest self-consciously as I wait for his answer.

I halt my retreat to wait for his reply, staring into his golden, glowing eyes, sparking again with the answer.

“Silly and ill-advised.” He cocks a brow and lets the insults sink in.

I furrow my own eyebrows as he finally turns and happily continues on his way.

Even though I rarely feel fury, his two remarks push me.

Neither the snide remarks from Elena nor the harsh words from my mother have ever angered me beyond mild frustration.

But for some reason, his insults hurt…and for the first time…possibly ever…I am quite possibly angry.

And he is practically a complete stranger.

Storm shouldn’t affect me this much. However, I put it down to the fact that he is the first Silver Dragon I’ve met, and I’m disappointed by his insults.

I’m also disappointed by his lack of gratitude, Legend or no.

And how he insulted me was just plain rude!

I spin on my heel abruptly to walk away back toward Graceful Springs, blood quickly rising to my cheeks. This never happens.

But—the injustice of his response to my act of kindness has me completely riled up.

“Silly and ill-advised?” I whisper under my breath as I slink away, my hurt feelings and anger growing the more I think about it.

“Yet, sir, you were a coward ~hiding~ from a ~fledgling~ behind a tree. Heh…”

Yes. He is a coward.

However, I take about three more steps before I have to halt my determined stride.

My senses are abruptly flooded with a warning of a presence yet again.

I’m about to turn, when just ahead of me, Storm steps from the shadows of a tree… With some sort of unexplainable magic…he is now right in front of me again.

“Turn,” he growls. “Now, pipsqueak.”

I stare at him in shock as his golden eyes unblinkingly glare at me with frustration and extreme irritation.

“But why—?” I try to question him, but I don’t get very far.

“Your first blood, staining the back of your dress. Turn, now.” His gold eyes pierce straight through my soul, and I glance down to see a bloodstain on the front of my dress also.

Oh my Dragon gods!

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