Attorney-Client Privilege - Book cover

Attorney-Client Privilege

Breanna Gellings

A New Case

“We’ve got a big one, and we need you to come up right away.”

“I’m on my way,” I said immediately. I hung up the phone. As I stood, I straightened my black pencil skirt and slipped my black heels back on. It wasn’t often the partners called me into their office.

I’d been with this firm for almost five years, and loved it. I was good at my job, and they never found fault in my work.

Just then my cell phone buzzed across my desk. With a sigh, I picked it up, not even glancing at the caller ID. “Olivia Baser.”

“I’m done! I can’t do this anymore. Are you busy? Please say you’re not busy?” my sister rambled over the phone. I pinched the bridge of my nose, slightly regretting my decision to answer.

“Calm down, El. What’s happened?” I walked to my office door and leaned against the frame, raising my sleeve to look at my watch. Hopefully this would only take a minute, but knowing El, it could be longer.

“I’m leaving him, and I need a margarita.”

“El, you are not leaving your husband. I’m sure you are just stressed out and need a night away. How about we meet at that place around the corner from your brownstone at 6:30?”

“All he cares about is his stupid job and his stupid friends. I’m stuck at home all day, every day with a toddler and a baby and I just—”

“El, why don’t you call Mom? She’d love to come watch Aiden and Maddie. It’s still early, and you could go to the spa—”

“Mom shouldn’t have to do everything! My husband, their father, should be here to help.”

I sighed and again glanced at my watch. I didn’t want to keep the partners waiting. “You are right. And I’m sure Mom will know exactly what to do in this situation. I’ve never been married or had children, so I really have no advice, sis. Trust me, call Mom. I’ll meet you for dinner.”

My sister heaved a sigh, and I prayed she would take the hint I was throwing at her. “Okay, Ollie, thanks. I really need a girls’ night. I’ll invite Adrienne?”

I smiled. “Sounds good. See you then.” I hung up and pocketed my cell as I strode briskly to the elevator.

My sister was my best friend, and I would do anything for her, but she was always rather melodramatic. Most of the time, I humored her, but today I had things to do. Our mom would be more than happy to take her on.

I stepped into the elevator and smiled slightly at the thought of El leaving Zane. She’d fought way too hard to get him. There was no way she was leaving him.

I straightened my suit jacket as the elevator opened on the eighteenth floor. With a smile, I headed toward the receptionist. “Olivia dear,” Mary said excitedly, “so wonderful to see you.”

“You too, Mary. I’m loving that color on you.” Mary smiled brightly as she patted down her silver hair.

“I decided it was time to stop dying it and go natural. When you get to be my age, dear, there comes a time when you have to stop fighting nature.”

I smiled brightly at the partners’ receptionist. She’d been here since the start, a fixture at Peterson, Alderman, and Engle. The three gentlemen always attributed their success to her, “the heart of the company.”

“They’ve asked to see me?”

She stood and rounded her desk. “Absolutely, dear. From what I hear, this’ll be a big one, and they want the best and brightest.”

I nodded. “So, they’ve called in me and Prescott, I assume.”

Mary smiled brightly, and I noticed the red lipstick staining her teeth. “You’ve got it! I just know that this will do wonders for your career.”

I squeezed her arm gently and gave her a small smile. “I hope so.” She turned and opened the large wooden door to the conference room. I subtly adjusted my skirt and jacket one more time before following her inside.

Four men rose from the table. At the head was Mr. Alderman. He’d started this company, calling on his two best friends from college to help him build his practice. The three specialized in different types of law: criminal, family, and corporate. On either side of him were Mr. Peterson and Mr. Engle. All three men had heavy waists and silver hair.

Across from me stood Travis Prescott, another associate who would apparently be assisting me in this case. There was little love lost between the two of us.

“Ms. Baser, so glad you could join us. Please, take a seat,” Mr. Peterson said.

With a nod I sat across from Travis, refusing to meet his eye and more than a little pissed that he’d beaten me to the conference room.

“Of course, sir. You mentioned a big case?” I crossed my feet under the table as I reached forward and pulled a file toward me.

At the head of the table, Mr. Alderman cleared his throat. I turned my head to face him, my eyes meeting his stormy gray ones. Many had said that that’s how he won his cases. He’d stare down a jury or a witness and win them to his side, no matter the situation. But his eyes always struck me as cold and unfeeling.

“This case is…sensitive, Ms. Baser. You see…” He cleared his throat again and looked down at the table, his fist clenched. “My son has gotten himself into a bit of trouble.”

I held my calm facade as my mind raced. What could Mr. Alderman’s son have done? I knew very little about him. He was a couple of years older than me. Mr. Alderman had been very upset when his son had turned down law school and instead flown to Paris to pursue the culinary arts.

He had launched restaurants in almost every major city now, each earning three Michelin stars. Apparently, the old man was bitter and has never stepped foot in one of his son’s establishments. I was shocked to hear he was helping him.

“My son married a young lady about a year ago. He chose to ignore my sound advice of a prenup, and he is now seeking a divorce.”

My eyebrows knitted together as I frowned. Family law was not my arena, nor Travis’s. It didn’t make sense to put us on this case.

“Mr. Alderman, pardon my interruption, but Travis and I are corporate lawyers. We deal in business and finances and contracts. It would seem we aren’t the best fit for this case.”

I glanced over at Travis’s smug face. His grin felt practically leery and his eyes bulged slightly from the ponytail he wore to keep back his stringy brown hair. I suppressed a repulsed shudder.

Mr. Engle cleared his throat as he turned to me. As another corporate lawyer, he was my direct superior. “Since this case involves the relative of the founder of this practice, you will be privy to some sensitive information. And this case will be quite public. We need our best and brightest attorneys, and we believe it is you two. We need professionalism and a sharp eye. Can we count on you two to get the job done?”

Before I could process what he said, Travis spoke up, “Sirs, I am delighted to be of assistance in any way. I’m always searching for a chance to branch out and explore the law. I look forward to the challenges this case will present.” The other men nodded their heads as all eyes turned to me.

I glanced at Travis. He sat back in his seat, his fingers gently tapping against the smooth tabletop. His smile was wide and unsettling. Since I’d been with this firm, we’d battled it out. Always fighting for the best clients, boasting of our wins.

We never tackled a case together, let alone a family law case. This was uncharted territory, but I wanted to impress the partners. This seemed to be my chance. But I didn’t trust Travis, and this case wouldn’t be easy.

“Of course, gentlemen,” I said, looking each in the eye in turn. “I would be more than happy to work this case.” A collective sigh filled the room as the frowns creasing the partners’ faces lifted.

“Fantastic,” Mr. Alderman said as he stood, buttoning his jacket. “That file contains the details. We need a draft drawn up for a petition for divorce. You will meet with my son Wednesday morning at nine. I will be sitting in. And as I’ve said, this case is sensitive. It goes without saying that you will not talk to the other attorneys regarding the specifics. I expect the utmost professionalism from the two of you.”

I nodded and stood, tucking the folder under my arm. “Absolutely, sir.” This whole situation felt off, and I was ready to escape to my office for a cup of coffee as I poured over my law books and brushed up on divorce cases.

The partners filed out of the office, and I turned to follow. A hand grasped my arm and stopped me. I turned to face Travis and his smug smirk.

“Listen Baser, I’m on the fast track to make partner. A case like this, doing a favor for the founding partner, could be just the ticket.”

I pulled my arm from his hand, rolling my eyes in the process. “Like they would make a sleazeball like you partner.”

Travis narrowed his eyes and stepped closer. Not wanting to share space with him, I instinctually took a step back. “Stay out of my way, Baser. Just sit to the side and smile pretty while I do what needs to be done.”

This time I overexaggerated my eye roll, making sure he would see it. “I’ve been asked to do a job, and I’m going to do it. I don’t give a shit what you do.”

I turned and grabbed the door handle, yanking it open and slipping out before he could say another word. Once in the hall, I shivered slightly. I wasn’t sure how this was going to work.

If we failed to get Mr. Alderman’s son a clean divorce, then my job was on the line. I was still confused—there were plenty of divorce lawyers in this office, why did they want us?


“And then I told him he better not even think about touching me, or I’d chop his balls off!”

I choked slightly on my queso-filled chip. “I’m not sure the threat of bodily harm was helpful to your cause.” I laughed as my sister took a big swig of her strawberry margarita.

Adrienne chuckled beside me. “What did your mom say?”

El rolled her eyes and dug into the chips. “That men and women have different roles, and that Zane and I need to sit down and really discuss what roles we would like to have. She also said that I shouldn’t be so hard on him.” She shoved the chip in her mouth whole, salsa running down her chin.

I slid a napkin across the table. “Mom is always right. So tonight, we drink and be merry, and tomorrow you talk to your husband.”

El mumbled under her breath. Before I could ask her to repeat it, the server arrived with our food. I picked up my knife and cut into my enchilada.

“Now, I have some news.”

The table was silent for a moment. “You finally found a man and you’re getting married tomorrow?” Adrienne asked.

El looked between the two of us, her eyes rapidly growing. “You’ve been dating and you haven’t told me?!”


El let out a deep breath. Adrienne shrugged her shoulders. “You’ve just been so out of it since the Jax situation…”

I held up my hand. “I don’t want to talk about it. It was a stupid idea, sharing a man and hurting my friend in the process.” I shook my head and took another bite of my food. I’d fallen in lust with one of the groomsmen from my sister’s wedding. Unfortunately, so had my good friend Sofia. We’d agreed to both casually date him until he could choose one of us. We’d both made some bad judgments, and in the end, I was the one left alone.

It’s been over a year, and I still hated to think about that complicated triangle. It made me so happy to hear that Sofia and Jax were dating again.

With a slight shake of my head, I cut another bite of enchilada. “No, I was given a pretty big case. It’s a personal favor to one of the partners.”

“That’s my sister! Big shot attorney!”

We laughed, and I felt my unease and tension from earlier dropping away. I filled my sister and best friend in on as much of the details as I could. They both made faces when I told them I was working with Travis. They knew our history. El had even met him. Needless to say, they were not fans.

As we headed out to the parking lot, my sister pulled me into a tight hug. “I know you are still angry at yourself for the Jax situation, but I really do wish you’d get out there and date. You have so much to give, Ollie. And I see you with Aiden and Maddie…”

I gave her a quick squeeze before pulling away. “I’m not sure the mother gene is in my DNA. My own mother left me, I don’t think I’m made to have kids.”

“That’s ridiculous, Olls. You aren’t your birth mother.”

I shrugged and took a few steps back. “I did go on a date this weekend… Or can you call a one-night stand a date?” I pretended to tap my chin as I smiled.

El laughed as she turned and headed toward her car. “You? One-night stand? Hell would have to freeze over.”

I could hear her laughter as she climbed into her car. Still smiling, I climbed into my car. I knew she’d never believe it, but it was a good way to change the topic. Next time I saw her, I’d have to tell her all about it. Every sordid detail.

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