Scarred - Book cover


R.L. Burchett

Chapter 2


I have become quite accustomed to darkness these days. Since the battle—since being cursed—I stay away from the pack. The only time I run the grounds is at night.

People stare and point at my scars. They make up stories about me. I no longer want to deal with any of it.

But right now, I’m stuck in the office.

“Alpha, you have a call on line three,” Alexandro says through the speaker.

I pick up the phone and push the red, blinking button. “Alpha Ridge speaking.”

“Hi, Alpha Ridge, this is Alpha Bennett returning your call.”

Yes, Alpha Bennett from Colorado. I have heard a lot about this alpha trying to find ways to overthrow me, so I’ve decided to form an alliance to keep an eye on him. Being halfway around the world, I need inside details, and this is a good way to do it.

“Yes,” the man says, “I was calling you about the alliance we talked briefly about before.”

The line becomes silent, so I prompt, “Yes, Alpha Ridge, but I was wondering what exactly you were proposing?”

“Well, I figured to initiate the alliance we could share a few things. I was thinking I could send two of my high-ranked members over to train your warriors and work with you. To share strategies and techniques. And you could do the same. That way, two of mine are there, and two of yours are here.”

I hear him humming, probably in thought.

“That is a great thought,” I respond, clicking my pen a few times. I need a timeframe—and fast. “How long do you suggest we do this exchange?”

“Approximately six months. Gives us plenty of time to get to learn each other’s customs.”

“I think we are in agreement, Alpha Ridge.”

“Wonderful, Alpha Bennett. I already purchased the tickets in anticipation of your agreement. Plane leaves soon. I will send the itinerary to your email. Have a great day.”

I hang up the phone, feeling satisfied. I then mind-link my beta, “Enzo, plan is in motion. Notify the two warriors that the flight leaves in an hour.

I walk over to the window to watch the morning training exercises. People who have visited the human realm say our training is like a military bootcamp, but I notice our new warriors seem to be doing just fine.

Gamma Garrett is starting the daily warmups, which are the same every day: fifty pushups, fifty sit-ups, fifty pull-ups, and then a three-mile run. Once warmups are finished, the warriors practice hand-to-hand combat. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, this time is dedicated to defensive training; Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, it’s offensive training.

I have not trained with the pack for years. I work out only at night in my personal gym, then let my beast out to run when the others are sleeping. It is better like this; I have a short fuse these days, and staying away means no worries.

Anyway, it is routine now: office work, dinner, workout, run, shower, then bed. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.

“Window watching the trainings again, I see.”

I turn. Beta Enzo is standing at the door.

“Where else would I be, Enzo?” I ask, raising my brow.

“How are you ever going to break this curse by staying hidden? The only people you ever see are me and Alexandro.”

I stare at him.

“Hey man, sorry, but I don’t swing that way. And you are not my type.”

I give a short chuckle.

“Seriously, Kade, you cannot let this curse control your life. We all miss you and the things we did before. Shutting out the world does no one any good. I have known you since diapers, and I know you are lonely and in pain.”

Annoyed and frustrated, I say, “You know nothing, Bernardi. This is the way it was meant to be. This is what fate decided. I deal with it, and you need to come to terms with it too.”

When I turn back to finish watching the training session, Enzo huffs and stomps out of the room. Why he still hangs on to hope is beyond me.

I tried to be a part of them. I tried to live my life and tried to meet girls despite the curse. But they just laughed and made jokes at my expense.

They thought they were being funny, but people don’t realize what words can do to a person. So, I separated myself from them.

Seeing that it’s now ten-thirty a.m., I decide to get some paperwork done. I have a lot to do with two non-pack members coming to stay with our pack for half a year, and it’s going to take a while. Now is as good a time as any to get started.


Several hours later, Alejandro calls through the speaker, “Alpha, your dinner is ready.”

I buzz him in the room. Only the beta and I have the code.

“Your skillet Sicilian chicken, roasted vegetables, and baked potato, sir.”

I look at the full tray. “Alexandro, sit and eat. There is more than enough, and I have a few things I want to talk about.”

He looks nervous at first but gladly sits for the meal.

“How has your time in the pack been?”

About three months ago, the beta and I found Alexandro tied up in a cell. He was malnourished, beaten, and dehydrated. We brought him back here, and once he healed up and told me his story, I gave him a job as my assistant. He does not judge me, and I do not judge him.

“Good, Alpha.”

“Call me Kayden.”

He nods. “Kayden, at first, it was difficult because I did not know anyone, but everyone made me feel welcomed. The pack is family-oriented but is strong and well-disciplined. It is a great pack, and I am proud to be a part of it.”

Alejandro hesitates, then starts eating his meal.

I know there is more he wants to say, but I don’t push him any further. I just dig into my meal and enjoy a good dinner with a friend. I don’t have company often.

After we finish, I head to my room to get ready for my evening workout. Today is Monday, so I focus mostly on cardio, doing about two hundred reps with the jump rope.

Once my heart is pumping, I work on the punching bag. I usually do this for about an hour—until I am drenched in sweat.

Now that it is completely dark out, I decide it’s the perfect time for my run. I head to the south side and release my beast.

My beast is very large because I’m half wolf from my mother’s side and half lycan from my father’s side. People fear my beast—and for good reason.

I take off, running the full perimeter of the territory. But as I approach the south side again, I see headlights coming up the driveway.

Damn, I forgot about the two members of Bennett pack coming.

I run as fast as I can back to the entrance of the pack house, then hide in the forest. Out of sight, I watch as the SUV parks and a woman exits the vehicle.

Judging by her height next to the SUV, she’s probably about five-and-a-half feet tall. She’s slender, fit, and very tan—possibly Latina. She has wavy, chocolate-brown hair pulled into a low ponytail, and when she turns back to the vehicle, she smiles.

My attention is then caught by the second woman exiting the SUV. She’s slim and fit like her friend but tall—maybe even my height, six feet. She has dark-brown hair pulled into a bun. Both women wear sweats and hoodies.

“Ron,” I mind-link their driver, ~“show them to their rooms—the two last rooms on the floor beneath mine—so they can have their privacy.”~

Ron immediately takes a couple of the women’s bags and begins escorting them into the house. Before they enter, the taller woman stops and turns toward the forest, staring in my direction. I know she can’t see me, but it’s like she can sense me.

Tomorrow, we will see what they are made of, but for now, I wait until they are out of sight and likely in their rooms to emerge. I shift back to my human form and make my way to my own room.

I need to check in with my two warriors. If Bennett’s members are here, then mine have probably arrived in Colorado.

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