Uncharted Territory - Book cover

Uncharted Territory

M. Wolf

2: The Humans


“Guys…not here,” I grumble at my twin and his mate.

Levi and I had been having a meeting with Colton, my best friend and most trusted gamma, when Stella waltzed in and plopped down on Levi’s lap. They’re too clingy for words when they’re together, and it’s offensive to see them so happy.

“Jealous, brother?” Levi says, sticking his tongue back into Stella’s mouth. Stella moans and starts to grind wildly on Levi’s lap.

Colton grumbles and walks out of the office. He lost his mate three years ago. For a year, he practically lived with me. He was on a destructive path, always fighting with everyone and drinking way too much.

Many wolves go berserk when they lose their mate, but no way was I going to lose my best friend. So Levi and I did everything we could to keep him on the straight path, which thankfully worked out, somewhat.

I get up to follow Colton, grumbling, “Don’t break my desk again, Levi. And clean up when you’re done.”

I’m glad my brother found his mate. Stella is a beautiful she-wolf with fiery red hair and beautiful green eyes. Her temperament matches her hair.

I can’t say I’m jealous of him when Stella goes wild, though. That woman is terrifying when she’s angry.

But they’re a strong beta couple, and Stella is sweet and good with people. As long as we don’t have a luna yet, she’ll fill the role quite well.

I catch up with Colton and ask, “Fancy a nice bite of Mira’s cooking?”

Colton nods and grins. If anyone loves my aunt Mira’s food, it’s Colton. We walk toward the cafeteria and run into Wren and Marcus.

“Alpha!” Wren says as he nods his head in respect.

“Talk, Gamma Wren,” I say curtly.

I’m not a huge fan of Wren. He’s way too cocky. But he’s a good gamma, and he and Colton are a good duo when it comes to defending and training the pack.

“Marcus, Mariah, and I were on patrol at the southern border when we heard screams. We went there and ran into two ladies who were being chased by rogues.”

I frown at Marcus, and he nods.

“Fucking rogues,” I mumble.

“The ladies are…human. They attacked Mariah with some kind of spray that made her completely dazed.

“Doc gave them an anesthetic, and we put them in the cells.” Wren shrugs and crosses his arms, clearly proud of himself.

I look at Colton, and he looks as surprised as I do.

“Humans? How did they end up here?”

“We wondered that too, but we haven’t been able to ask them yet,” Marcus says.

“The drug I gave them is actually for werewolves. It’s a bit too strong for humans,” he says with a guilty look.

I nod, already lost in thought. How could humans end up here? Our pack is incredibly remote and difficult to reach on foot.

We have ways to occasionally go to the inhabited world, but that’s very dependent on the weather.

“How long have they been in the cells?” I ask Wren.

He hangs his head a little. “Since last night.”

“They’ve been unconscious since last night? And they’ve been in the cold cells for a day?” Colton snaps.

“We don’t know if they’re dangerous, Colton. What if they’re hunters? What if they came here to expose us?” Wren growls.

Colton glares at him, clearly annoyed at his backtalk.

“I’ve been watching them, Alpha. They were both in good physical health when they arrived here,” Marcus says. I can see that as a doctor he’s having a hard time with it.

The cells are cold and damp. It’s uncomfortable even for wolves. But humans could get hypothermia if they sat there too long.

But Wren does have a point. We know absolutely nothing about these ladies.

“I’m pissed you didn’t tell me sooner. As an alpha, I want to know everything, especially when you capture someone who might be a threat to the pack. Am I clear?”

Marcus and Wren flinch and nod.

“Colton and I are going to eat first. We’ve had a lot of meetings this morning, and we’re starving. Then I’ll visit them in the cells. I’d like you to come with me, Doc.”

Marcus nods and mutters a “Yes, Alpha.” I slap Colton on the shoulder, and we walk toward the cafeteria.

“Here you are at last! My beef Wellington hasn’t molded over quite yet,” my aunt Mira says as she looks at us sternly.

“We’re sorry, Mira. We had a lot of meetings,” I say while kissing her cheek.

She slaps me on the chest and then gives Colton a hug. “You’re such busy men. But come eat earlier from now on.” She hits Colton’s chest with her serving spoon.

“Yes ma’am,” says Colton, making a small bow. I see the corners of his mouth go up.

“Oh you,” snaps Mira, and she walks away laughing.

Colton and I scoop up our favorite dish and take a seat at our standard table.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you smirk, Colt,” I say, stuffing my mouth.

Colton grunts and rolls his eyes but continues to chew quietly. “What do you think of the situation in the cells?” he asks.

I know he’s trying to change the subject. He prefers not to talk about feelings and things he used to do a lot, like laughing.

I’m the only one he ever shares things with. I’m glad I can be there for him, but I can’t say I don’t miss the old Colton.

“I’m fucking pissed that he thinks he doesn’t have to tell me things like this,” I growl as I slide my food back and forth on my plate. “I’m his fucking alpha!

“At least he should have told Levi, if he doesn’t dare come to me.” I push my plate away from me.

“You’ve been in a bad mood lately, D. I don’t blame him for avoiding you,” Colton says, and the corners of his mouth twitch.

“Are you serious? That comes from your mouth?”

He chuckles softly.

I shake my head. “Getting back to your question. It’s strange that humans got to our borders. They must have been seriously lost if they didn’t know we were here.

“So I have my doubts. And I’m going to do everything I can to make sure they say why they’re here.”

I see a grin on Colton’s face. He and I are a good team when it comes to…persuasion, if you know what I mean.

“Let’s go, buddy.” I hit him hard on the shoulder.

He growls, and we walk together toward the cells.

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