Brazen - Book cover


Amy Le

The Mistake of Re-Wearing Bras


I spent all weekend in bed, enjoying what little free time I had left. But after a ton of face and hair masks, I still couldn’t get my mind off what had happened.

I didn’t know who he was or why he hadn’t been wearing a mask, but god was I glad I wore one.

There were moments throughout the weekend where I would recall what I had done and then be washed over with embarrassment.

I remember I had to run off to call for a ride before my shift was even over.

I’m sure Bitchface-Gunther gave Rob an earful for that.

I shook the thought off and focused on getting ready for my first day. I’d tried on five outfits already, but I was so worried about my first impression on my boss that I couldn’t settle on anything.

Finally choosing a pencil skirt and a purple silk button-down, I grabbed my just-in-case outfit and stuffed it in my bag before heading out the door.


“Hello, Mr. Belrose,” I swallowed dry as I kept my eyes low. “I’ll be your assistant starting today. Would you like some coffee?”

“Ah, yes,” said a familiar voice. “Victoria, isn’t it?”

“Yessir, Victoria Hut”—I froze as I met his eyes. Those same green eyes with specks of hazel in them—“son.”

“Welcome, Ms. Hutson.” He spoke with a calm voice, the voice that not too long ago had called me a kinky girl. “Are you all right?”

I realized that I had been staring at him with a blank expression for much too long and quickly nodded in response. “Uh... coffee?”

“Sure. Two sugars.” His lips lifted in the corners, and I knew I had to look away before I started staring again.

I made my way to the coffee maker and crafted his drink in a mug, trying to ignore intense flashbacks of the session I had had with him last week.

“I got your coff—”

Oh, for fuck’s sake. I poured coffee all over my silk shirt.

“I’m so sorry. I can get more coffee for you—”

“Don’t worry about it, but um... Victoria?”

“Hmm?” I sat his coffee down on his glass desk. My eyes wandered and found a slight tent at his zipper.

“Isn’t the coffee hot?” He pointed at the stain on my top. As if on cue, I started noticing the burning sensation across my skin.

My fingers fumbled to unbutton, but I was so rushed that I couldn’t even undo a few buttons.

My breathing was heavy, but it only got worse when I watched his hands calmly unbutton my shirt as he towered before me.

I refused to meet his eyes, knowing what effect they had on me, but my line of sight only led to more sinful things.

There, under his belt, was a large bulge so visible I had to blink several times to confirm what I thought it was.

“Victoria…” His hands still held onto my shirt, keeping it open as he gazed at my chest.

“Yes?” I finally met his eyes, only to find an incredulous look on his face.

“I hope it’s not too strange of me to ask, but where did you get this bra?”

My eyes followed his gaze as I realized that I was wearing the same bra I wore last Friday. Well, shit.

My mind scrambled for a lie, something slick and easy, but before I could fact-check myself, I mumbled, “There was a sale, and they had a ton of these.”

“At which store?”

I paused for a moment, trying not to come up with a brand too well known, but of fucking course, I blurted out, “Victoria’s Secret.”

I cursed myself silently, but I knew that at some point later, I’d be laughing my ass off about this.

“I should go clean up.” I excused myself as I turned around, taking my rack from his laser-focus stare.

I yanked my extra shirt out from my bag and rushed to the bathroom with one hand holding my shirt together to hide my cleavage.

As I was approaching the bathroom, I noticed that the cleaning lady had just finished cleaning the men’s room and had just started closing off the women’s room.

Can’t things just work out for me for once? I exhaled through my nostrils in deep annoyance.

Surely, there was no one in the men’s room, so I slipped in and tore out of my stained top.

The coffee had made the skin on my chest sticky, and while I love the scent of coffee, I’d rather not have it stench up my body.

Wetting a paper towel, I worked on cleaning the stain on my skin, only realizing that I was standing there in my bra when someone walked in.

“Whoa, did I get the wrong one?” He took a step back and checked the sign on the door. “Nope. Is this Heaven?”

“Sorry.” I smiled sheepishly. “The other one is closed off, and I have coffee all over me.”

“Yeah, you want the drink in you, not on you.” He chuckled before continuing. “Speaking of drinks, wanna grab some later?”

I paused and gave him a funny look through the mirror. Then I turned around and put a hand on my hip. “Are you asking me out while I’m standing here in my bra?”

He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out as his eyes locked on my chest. “I honestly can’t think with those out. Can you…?”

I threw on my extra shirt and buttoned the top button, gesturing for him to continue. When he was still silent, I urged him, “Are you done gaping?”

“Uh… yes! I’m Drake. Are you new?”

With narrowed eyes, I nodded slowly. I was certain he felt my caution, but he continued to act casual.

His sleek light brown hair reflected off the warm light of the bathroom ceiling, and his smile was confident, if not a bit smirky.

He had a hand in his pocket as he leaned his shoulder against the side of the door frame with one foot keeping the door open.

It was only then that I realized he was also keeping other guys from entering.

“What do you do here?”

“I’m Mr. Belrose’s assistant. Today’s my first day.”

“First day, and you already fucked up with his coffee. Yikes. What did Henry say?”

“It was an accident, and Mr. Belrose seemed fine with it. Isn’t he your boss too?”

“Yeah, but I’ve seen him drunk way too many times to call him Mr. Belrose.” He rolled his eyes, and I continued to button my top, tucking it in my skirt.

“Well, Drake, I’m done cleaning up now. Have a nice rest of your day.” I grabbed my dirty shirt off the counter and rolled it into a ball as I approached the door.

We were inches from each other when I realized how tall he actually was. It hurt my neck to look up at his face.

“So is that a no to drinks?”

“Oh, you mean that question you asked me while I was still in just my bra?”

“You were also wearing a skirt and shoes,” he pointed out with an amused expression.

“Oh, shut up.” I rolled my eyes.

“How about lunch? You’re pretty new here. Wouldn’t hurt to make friends.”

It was true. I didn’t know a soul there besides the human resources lady, and I’d already forgotten her name. In this business, networking is everything, and an offer like that doesn’t show up so easily.

“Only if you swear that your intentions are friendly.”

“Well, I can’t promise that. Have you seen yourself?” He gestured at me. I laughed.

“Just lunch,” I said firmly as I made my way past him, pausing as my lips were close to his ear. “And you’re paying.”

I didn’t have to look back to know he had a flirty smile on his lips because I had the same exact one stretched across my face.

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