Zainab Sambo
Every night, a new dream would visit me.
Most of the time, it was some twisted fantasy involving me and Mr. Campbell, where he made my heart feel like it was about to burst.
These dreams made the workday a bit more challenging, but also a bit more bearable.
I’d take those dreams over the nightmares about my parents. More often than not, those would end with my dad dying and my mom laughing.
All I wanted was a good night’s sleep.
But maybe that was too much to ask.
A few days later, I broke one of the golden rules and was late delivering Mason Campbell his lunch.
Stupid rules. Stupid Mason Campbell.
“Where have you been?” Jade snapped as I stepped out of the elevator.
I breezed past her, retorting, “Why don’t you ask me that in Mr. Campbell’s office? I’m sure he’d love to hear you questioning his assistant’s whereabouts.”
I didn’t stick around for her response, knowing it would just be a glare.
I knocked on the door gently.
“Come in.”
I entered, my legs and hands trembling. “Your lunch, sir.” I forced a smile.
He didn’t respond, and I didn’t move. I was afraid that if I did, I’d get scolded.
After what felt like an eternity, Mr. Campbell finally looked up from his papers.
“Are you waiting for a round of applause for finally doing your job correctly?”
I opened and closed my mouth, struggling to find a response. What was I supposed to say to that?
“Just put it on the table and leave.”
I did as he said and quietly exited the room.
I was swamped all day, but that didn’t stop me from thinking about my boss. I was careful not to cross his path again or make any mistakes.
I was doing my best to stay out of trouble, and it was getting easier when I focused on it.
After leaving the office that night, I stopped at a nearby restaurant and picked up some Thai food.
When I got home, I collapsed on the bed. I didn’t realize how tired I was until I laid down.
For three days, I managed to stay on Mr. Campbell’s good side. He didn’t stop being rude, but he did stop insulting me.
It was progress.
He was getting used to me, but he never missed an opportunity to remind me that my job was temporary. If I stepped out of line, I was done.
He also made it clear that he owned me, that I was at his beck and call until the end of time.
I was tired of his belittling comments. But he was right. I needed this job. Badly.
And I was sure he could sense my desperation as my dad’s health continued to decline.
I was getting used to seeing Aaron and Athena, and being friends with them was nice.
Jade hadn’t stopped her verbal attacks, but all she got in return was a few eye rolls. She seemed to expect me to engage in a verbal battle with her.
I was an adult. Clearly, she didn’t get that.
The job was frustrating, especially the file work Mr. Campbell had me doing.
I’d been working on organizing the files alphabetically for two days, and the constant interruptions from the phone didn’t help.
The phone rang next to me, and I knew it wasn’t a client or someone asking for Mr. Campbell.
It was Mr. Campbell himself.
“Yes, sir?” I answered politely.
“I’ve emailed you some documents. Print them out now,” he commanded before hanging up.
I glared at the phone, muttering under my breath. What a jerk.
Then I groaned, looking at the pile of files in front of me.
After printing everything, I double-checked to make sure I hadn’t missed anything before knocking on the door to the lion’s den.
“Come in, Ms. Hart.”
I opened the door and closed it behind me.
Mr. Campbell wasn’t sitting at his desk like I expected. Instead, he was lounging on his sofa, his arms and legs crossed.
He wasn’t wearing his suit jacket. His white shirt clung to him, and his biceps looked like they were about to burst through the fabric.
I swallowed hard and looked away from his biceps.
Don’t think about his biceps.
He’s your boss.
He’s a jerk.
A jerk with an amazing body.
Suddenly, my latest dream came rushing back.
Mason Campbell. Shirtless.
His sweaty body pressed against mine as he moved against me while I was bent over his desk.
Damn it!
“How did you know it was me?” I found myself asking after placing the papers on the table he’d pointed to.
Mr. Campbell didn’t open his eyes when he replied, “No one knocks more annoyingly than you.”
And that was that. I should’ve known better than to ask. Nothing good ever came from his mouth when I asked questions. My dream faded quickly.
“Oh, and Ms. Hart? Make a reservation at the best restaurant tonight. Seven o’clock. I have a business meeting.”
His eyes opened, but they didn’t land on me. “And remember, the best restaurant. I’m sure you’ve never heard of one because of your status, so feel free to ask for help.”
I rolled my eyes, knowing he couldn’t see me.
“Yes, sir. Anything else?”
“You’ll be there.”
I opened my mouth to protest. “But…”
His silver eyes shot a glance in my direction, locking onto mine.
“This is an order, Ms. Hart. Not a request.”
I felt like I could’ve stopped breathing right then.
“Anything to say, Ms. Hart? Got anything better to do?”
Actually, yes.
I was planning on visiting my dad in the hospital. I hadn’t seen him in a while and I was worried. I needed to put my nightmares to rest. Desperately.
I was too scared to argue, too entranced by those eyes that brooked no disagreement. I shook my head. “I don’t have any plans. I’ll do it.”
I wanted to scream, to tell him my dad was more important than his damn business meeting.
He looked away, closing his eyes again.
“Don’t slam the door on your way out. No need to take your anger out on it just because you didn’t have the guts to say you had plans. I’ll be waiting,” he said dismissively.
I wanted to tear him to shreds.
I clenched my fists and returned to my desk, my heart aching.
I fought back tears for two reasons. One, I wanted to prove to myself that I could be strong, and two, I didn’t want to give Jade any ammunition for her gossip.
I could feel her watching me all the time.
I didn’t want to give her anything to tease me about, anything she could gleefully share with everyone else.
I didn’t even think about what I was going to wear that night until I realized I had nothing suitable.
I didn’t have fancy clothes, and I certainly didn’t have a dress that would be elegant enough for Seasons Restaurant or meet my boss’s standards.
“Beth, I’m screwed!” I yelled, yanking out dress after dress and tossing them onto my bed.
“What am I going to wear?”
“Relax! You’ll find something.”
I spun around and glared at her.
“You’ve been saying that for five minutes and we’ve gone through my dresses three times. And they’re all crap.” I kicked a dress in frustration.
“It’s not my fault, Laurie, that you haven’t been shopping in a year.”
“But you know why I don’t spend my money. It all goes to my dad’s medical bills. Ugh, I don’t know what to do!” I groaned, flopping back onto the bed.
“Oh, I have a great idea!” she suddenly exclaimed, making me sit up.
“Let’s go to Melt’s and shop.”
“Are you kidding me? We can’t afford Melt. We can’t even afford a simple earring from there and you’re talking about buying a dress? You’ve lost your mind.”
She swatted me on the head.
“I don’t mean buy it. I mean, yes, we should buy it but you can return it afterward. You just have to make sure Mr. Campbell doesn’t see the tag and have another reason to insult you.”
I imagined the look on his face when he saw it.
“You think that would work?”
She nodded.
“I love the idea. Thank you so much, Beth. Let’s go now before I change my mind.”
After we got back from Melt’s, Beth offered to do my makeup.
She didn’t want to overdo it, so she gave me a more natural look. When she was done, I looked different—different in a good way, and I loved it.
I decided to let my hair down but I curled it a bit.
At exactly six fifty-five, I arrived at Seasons Restaurant. But I didn’t go in.
I waited for Mr. Campbell outside the restaurant.
Don’t ask me why I felt the need to do that when I could have just gone in and waited for him there. But my brain wasn’t working right tonight.
There was no way I was going inside without my boss.
At seven o’five, a black Escalade pulled up next to me. The driver got out and opened the backseat door.
A polished shoe appeared, followed by another, and I was hit with the most intoxicating scent ever.
I can’t even begin to describe how I felt when Mason Campbell stepped out of that car, a total alpha male who demanded attention.
My mouth went dry despite having drunk water five minutes ago, but I couldn’t help myself.
Mason Campbell was beyond handsome. He was the kind of man you admired from a distance because he seemed untouchable, the kind who made your heart pound and your knees go weak.
Was I feeling that?
Hell yes.
Why wouldn’t I when Mason looked like a Greek god in his black Armani suit, his face perfectly shaven and his hair slicked back?
Male models had nothing on Mason Campbell.
He didn’t just have the looks, the money, power, and everyone’s adoration, but there was something mysterious about him. Something you couldn’t help but want to poke at.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
“What the hell are you wearing?”
And just like that, I was yanked out of my fantasy by six simple words from his perfect, plump red lips. Did I just say perfect?
I looked down at my dress, making sure I was still wearing it because I had no idea why he sounded both surprised and annoyed.
My hand went to the back of my dress, making sure the tag was well hidden.
“Never mind that now.”
He looked toward the car. “Prince.”
Four tiny legs jumped out of the car and before I could realize what was happening, it launched itself at me and I shrieked.
“Prince, down, boy. She’s harmless. Can’t do a damn thing.”
The owner of the dog pulled him back before he could attack my face again. I held a hand to my chest, listening to the sound of my own frantic heartbeats.
Mr. Campbell’s mouth twitched a little bit, but I could have been imagining that.
I finally found my voice. “Is that…is that a dog?”
He rolled his eyes. “Five points to you.”
“But there’s a policy that says no dogs or any animal allowed? Why are you bringing a dog?”
He raised a brow at my tone.
I gulped. “Sir.”
“That’s why you’re here, Ms. Hart. To walk my dog. Although, I would have recommended something a bit more…casual.” He eyed me from head to toe.
I was wearing a black strapless dress with a slit and Beth’s heels.
“I’m walking your dog?” I asked in disbelief.
“Why, did you think you were doing something else?” he asked, his tone clearly mocking me. “I told you to not let this job get to your head, Ms. Hart.”
His eyes roamed over me again, taking in every detail of my figure. Then, without uttering another word, he was gone.