Always You - Book cover

Always You

Roanna Hinks

Chapter 2


I instinctively duck as another plate comes flying my way.

Ruby’s been on a tirade since I got home from the gym where I work. Apparently, interacting with a female client is a cardinal sin, even though I’m a personal trainer.

“YOU WERE TOUCHING HER WAIST,” she screams at me.

I let out a weary sigh and run my hand over my face. This is becoming a tiresome routine. I co-own a gym with my best friend, and we offer personal training sessions to both men and women.

Mostly, I assist with weightlifting, which typically involves men. But there are female clients too, like Anna, who I was training today. Anna is happily married, and her husband was even present during the session.

I never touched her waist, but I did stand behind her to ensure she didn’t injure herself.

“ENOUGH,” I yell back at Ruby. Another plate is launched my way, but this time I catch it. I shoot her a stern look. “I didn’t touch her. I was just helping. It’s my job, Ruby,” I explain.

This pattern of fighting and leaving is becoming a regular occurrence with Ruby. We’ve had four major arguments in the past month. I’m at my wit’s end.

“I think we need a break,” I suggest. She shoots me a glare, but she halts her tirade.

“Fine. I’m leaving for work tonight. I’ll be gone for three weeks,” she retorts, standing defiantly in front of me.

“I want us to have a serious discussion about our relationship. You’ve been ignoring me constantly. I thought with Savannah out of the picture, you would…” she starts, but I interrupt her.

“What does Savannah have to do with any of this?” I ask, even though I already know the answer.

She glares at me. “Don’t play dumb—you and Savannah can’t keep your eyes off each other. You two fell out because of what she did to your friend.

“You need to stay away from her,” she advises before turning to leave. But she pauses at the bottom of the stairs and looks back at me.

“Elijah, I want us to move forward. I want us to be together, maybe even start a family,” she confesses with a sigh.

“I’ll be gone for three weeks. Use that time to think about what you want. When I come back, I want things to be back to normal.”

With that, she ascends the stairs and disappears into our bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

I let out a frustrated sigh.

I need to get out of here.

I’m already dressed in my workout clothes, so I decide to go for a run.

I quickly slip on my sneakers, grab my phone and headphones from where I left them, and head out the door.

I pause at the bottom of the stairs to put in my headphones, then start jogging down the street.

Running has always been my escape, my way of clearing my head. I take my usual route, which inevitably leads me past Savannah’s place.

A sigh escapes me as I think of Savannah.

We were all friends in school—me, Alex, Megan, and Savannah. Alex, my business partner and best friend, is married to Megan, Savannah’s best friend.

They were inseparable, but that changed six months ago when we found out Savannah had cheated on her boyfriend, Danny, with someone else.

I never thought Savannah was capable of something like that. She was always so kind and considerate. But she didn’t deny it when Alex and I confronted her. She hasn’t spoken to us since that night.

Megan’s been caught in the middle of it all. She’s worried about Savannah, who hasn’t confided in her about what happened.

But Megan keeps trying, and Savannah talks to her, but doesn’t reveal much. I miss Savannah too. I’ve had feelings for her since high school.

The main reason Ruby despises Savannah is because I drunkenly called out Savannah’s name during sex. It didn’t mean anything, but I remember that night vividly.

Savannah was dancing provocatively with Danny, wearing the sexiest dress I’d ever seen her in. She kept glancing at me while she danced.

She thought I didn’t notice her surreptitious glances, but I did. Her coconut-scented perfume always drives me crazy.

I shake my head to clear the thought, feeling a familiar stirring. I realize I’ve reached the town and slow my pace. I stop to stretch, a routine I always follow, but it’s also an excuse to look in her window.

It might seem a bit stalkerish, but I have to see her. I need to confirm she’s okay, that she’s happy. I peer through the window and there she is.

Her long, chestnut hair is swept up in a high ponytail, and damn, the dress she’s wearing hugs every curve of her body. Judging by the time, she’s about to close up shop.

I know I can’t keep staring through the window or she’ll spot me. I start off with a slow jog, picking up speed as I reach the slope leading to a wooded area.

It’s primarily a park, but it also boasts a large pond.

I’d ditch Ruby for Savannah in a heartbeat. Or for anyone else, really, because no one can hold a candle to her. My feelings for Savannah have been simmering for over fifteen years, and they’re still nestled deep in my heart.

I head towards the pond, but the vibration of my phone interrupts my thoughts. I halt and glance at the screen, praying it’s not Ruby. Thank God, it’s Alex.

“How did it go when you got home?” he inquires.

I let out a sigh. “What do you think? She went ballistic as usual. Next time, you’re going to have to train her, especially if she’s going to keep hurling plates at me,” I retort.

“Shit, man, don’t let Meg hear that—she already despises Ruby,” he replies, which isn’t surprising.

Meg made her feelings known when I introduced Ruby to her. She told me I could do so much better and that Ruby was just after my money.

I can’t help but frown. “I know. We need to go out or something,” I suggest. “I need to blow off some steam.”

He chuckles, but I can hear Meg whispering something in the background.

“What did Meg say?” I ask.

Alex goes silent for a moment, then finally: “Meg suggested a guys’ night out, and she’ll have a girls’ night out with Savannah,” he says, his voice firm.

Alex has his own opinions about everything that happened. We both despise cheaters, but we were shocked by what Danny revealed. I never thought Savannah would do it, but why would Danny lie?

“How do you feel about her hanging out with Savannah?” I ask him, my stomach churning at the mention of her name.

Alex sighs. “I can’t stop her from being friends,” he admits. “Did Danny tell you that she moved out of their house because Meg found out a few weeks ago that she’s now living in the flat above the store?”

I gaze out at the pond, a frown creasing my forehead. “No, he didn’t, but he was really torn up about it all,” I admit. “That flat is tiny, she couldn’t have fit all her stuff in there.”

“I know. I was thinking about that,” he says, then sighs. “I still can’t understand why she would cheat on him, and also…” he starts, but I cut him off.

“Don’t say it. I can’t believe it either, but Savannah was always headstrong.”

“That’s why you always loved her,” he says.

Alex is the only one I ever confessed my feelings for Savannah to. He knows I’d take her in a heartbeat, but after everything, I’m not so sure anymore.

“Yeah, but she was this incredible woman; she knew what she wanted and she went after it,” I say.

Alex stays silent for a while, but I break the silence. “I told Ruby we need a break.”

“What did she say to that?” he asks.

I sigh. “She agreed. She’s working away for three weeks. But she wants us to discuss where our relationship is headed when she gets back.”

“Where is it headed, Eli?” he asks me.

“I can’t keep having these fights all the time, man. I’ve been trying to break up with her since our second date, but she never got the hint.

“Whenever I brought it up before, she always found a way back to me. She always knew what to say, which was to remind me of what Savannah did.”

“I don’t blame you. You could always move in with us if she wants the house,” he says, chuckling.

“I know, but she doesn’t know about one house I own, so I’ll move in there if I have to, but I’ll make sure she never comes back into my life after,” I say, groaning.

I get up and head towards the town, the thought of my run now completely out of my mind.

“So, when’s our night out?” I question, strolling past the storefront. My gaze drifts upward, catching the glow from the apartment above.

I begin to retreat, my steps slow.

“Meg mentioned Friday. That’s when she and Savannah have plans,” he replies. “We could try that new pub in the neighboring town. It’ll be a nice change of pace, and we won’t know a soul.”

I can’t help but think he’s trying to avoid Savannah.

I’d give anything to see her. It’s been half a year since our last encounter. I miss her presence.

Meg has a habit of sharing all her adventures with Alex. Maybe if we’re both a little tipsy, we could figure out where they’ll be later in the night.

“Sounds good to me,” I respond, making my way towards the house. It’s shrouded in darkness. Ruby’s car is noticeably absent from the driveway.

“Just got home. Looks like Ruby’s out too,” I comment, stepping inside. The scent of her perfume lingers in the air, a bit too strong for my liking.

I’ve never understood her penchant for overdoing it.

“So, what’s next?” he inquires, his voice carrying the sound of the outdoors. “Meg just mentioned they’re heading to Jolly’s. We could swing by later if you’re up for it?”

“Are you sure that’s what you want?” I question, moving towards the kitchen counter. I flick the switch on the kettle, preparing for a cup of coffee.

“I don’t mind. I owe her an apology, but I also want answers. Though, it’s not really our place to pry,” he admits, his voice heavy with a sigh.

“Meg’s planning to ask her, but I think she’s scared,” he adds, his voice trailing off.

I let out a sigh. “Savannah never did explain herself, but if memory serves, we never really gave her the chance,” I admit, a wave of sadness washing over me.

“We’ll grab a few drinks at the new pub, then we’ll head there and play it by ear.”

I close my eyes, acknowledging my desire to see her. She’s not just the one that slipped away, she’s also my friend, and I’m concerned for her.

Alex and I continue our conversation for a few more minutes, but we both end the call when Meg teases him about sounding like an old woman on the phone with me. I can’t help but laugh.

After hanging up, I savor my coffee, taking slow, deliberate sips. I lean against the counter. So, Friday is the night. Not only am I going out, but I also hope to see Savannah.

Alex is well aware of my lingering feelings for her.

Suddenly, my phone buzzes with a new message. I glance down to see it’s from Danny. I open it.

DannyHey dude, I notice there is a convention next week for the gyms in the local area. Do you want me to get there to promote the business?”

I can’t help but smirk.

Danny’s been tasked with promoting the gym, and he’s been bringing in some solid business lately. We do compensate him for his efforts.

He’s always on the hunt for conventions, but he did mention wanting to travel to escape the memories of his past with Savannah.

It’s been about seven months since Savannah and Danny ended things. I had plans to break up with Ruby, but then Danny revealed that Savannah had cheated on him.

Alex and I were firmly on his side, but now, seven months later, he’s had a few weekend getaways and returned reeking of cheap perfume.

He seems to have moved on, which is comforting, but an image of Savannah from earlier today flashes in my mind. She wasn’t the same Savannah I remember.

She’s lost a significant amount of weight and seemed distant. I know firsthand how draining running a business can be. But at least I have Alex as a partner.

Savannah only has herself.

I reply to Danny’s message.

MeHey dude, take the week off if you want. We will manage, have a good time.

After sending my response, I head upstairs to shower.

I need to get some sleep. I have an early start tomorrow. Maybe I’ll swing by the café across from Savannah’s for breakfast.

Doris always has the latest scoop. She’s the town’s gossip queen, but she’s a sweetheart. She’s always had Savannah’s back, even when she and Danny split.

Doris never spilled the beans about what happened; she never aired Savannah’s dirty laundry. But she’s always listening, always aware of the chatter around her.

I let out a sigh as I step into the shower, letting the water cascade over me, hoping it can wash away my worries.

Once I’m done, I quickly dry off and head to my room.

I hurry into my clothes.

Perched on the edge of the bed, I let myself slide down until my head meets the pillow. Visions of Savannah invade my thoughts. I’m resolute that come Friday, I’ll end my night with her by my side.

I surrender to sleep in mere moments, plunging into the depths of slumber.

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