Infinity - Book cover


Mikayla S

Hot In Here


Paisley’s sharp intake of breath is the only sound in the room.

“Wh-what do you mean you found your mate? When? Who is it?” she says.

Scratching the back of my neck, I cower into myself slightly at her piercing green eyes, before sighing loudly.

“When I was six,” I say into my hands.

“I’m sorry, what did you say? I can’t hear you while you’re hiding, Zayla!” At that, I raise my head.

Clearing my throat and finally looking her in the eyes, I tell her everything—getting lost by the river at six, to the birthday presents, to him coming into my room every night, all the way to what happened last night.

“So you mean to tell me that you swam naked in front of him, and he was still able to hold out?” Paisley looks at me with so much disbelief like what I said was complete and utter nonsense.

“I’m telling you Pais! He won’t touch me! He follows me everywhere and knows my every move but... I can’t get him to want me,” I say, releasing another sad, depressed sigh.


“What?” Raising my eyebrows at her, I wait for her to elaborate.

“Honestly Zay, bullshit he doesn’t want you!” She says, scoffing loudly before she continues.

“He’s been watching since you were six years old!” I nod my head, slightly confused with where she’s going with it.

“Which means he’s not a wolf.” She presses her fingers to her lips, her newfound knowledge playing around in her mind. I had already figured out he wasn’t a wolf. The creature I saw in the shadows all those years ago was simply too big.

“So hear me out! I might have a plan to draw him out,” she squeals, all excited, while I just feel useless. I haven’t thought of one in fifteen years.

“I know I’ll regret this, but what’s your plan?” Giving her more than my full attention, I pull all my eagerness into hearing her plan! I mean this could be it, right? The chance to make my mate finally show me he wants to be with me! I have to at least try!

Watching as her face lights up, she starts flailing her body around, imitating an erotic dance, all the while giggling away. I wait for her theatrics to be done so she can continue.

“I don’t follow? How does gyrating your fucking body around like a drunk hooker help me?”

“We’re going clubbing, Zay!” She scoffs at me, irritated by my lack of instant understanding.

“How is clubbing going to make him want me?”

“If you think he doesn’t want you, you’re wrong! He wouldn’t be here every fucking day if he didn’t! Which means something’s holding him back! We just have to figure out what!” she lies back, crossing her arms over her chest.

“And clubbing fixes that how?”

“Why are you being such a Debby Downer about this? If we go out, not only will you have a blast with me, but if he does as you say and follows you, then he’ll see you all sweaty and dancing!”

“And you think that if he sees me dancing on you or another guy he’ll come forward?” I ask, finally getting it.

Squealing slightly she bounces on the bed, “Exactly! You’re going to look so hot he won’t be able to not touch you!”

Walking closer to me she runs her hand up my arm. “Watching me and another man running our hands over you, he won’t have a choice but to step in.”

Taking a deep breath and applying a smile to my face, I agree. “Okay, let’s do this!”

Over the next, what feels like a million years, Paisley had me all dolled up. My hair falls in thick black beach waves down my spine, slightly curled at the end to give it what Paisley calls flair.

My eye makeup is done with a deep smoky eye that makes them pop in contrast.

Finishing off my makeup she adds a dark red lipstick, adding a black line along the edges before swiftly blending, creating an ombre effect.

Stepping into a tiny little red dress Paisley picked for me, she quickly zips it up, before turning me around to face the mirror.

The dress is beautiful! It has a built-in bra that’s comfortable yet hikes my tits up almost to my chin.

The dress is also too tight, so underwear is a long-forgotten joke. Not that I really need them for my plan.

I’m honestly surprised I can breathe in this damn thing with how tight it is. But I’ll admit I do look hot as hell.

Dresses like this, while stunning, have never been something I was into. I actually never really dress up.

While all my friends and siblings are out partying and having fun, I spend most of my time with my dad, learning to be an alpha.

Which is weird considering neither me nor my wolf want to be one... No, in all honesty, the idea of being in charge sounds horrible. I truthfully don’t know how my father does it.

The thing is, I just always wanted to prove to my brothers and my mate that even though I was younger, I was never weaker! So I continue to learn everything my father is willing to teach me.

I guess it was always a way to prove that I had merit, that I wasn’t just the alpha’s daughter, that I could earn the title fairly if I wanted to but didn’t because I didn’t want it. Secretly I also did it to keep tabs on Soren.

Which is why, with my feet already pinching, and my eyes begging for me to rub them, I refrain, instead following Paisley into the back of the cab. After a short fifteen-minute drive through the city, we make it to our destination. Euphoria nightlife.

Walking right past the line and up to the bouncers, we are let right in despite angry protests from the people in line.

Leaning up I kiss the cheek of the bouncer before entering, Paisley copying my movements comes up behind me. Looping her arm through mine she pulls me through the crowd, bobbing along with the music.

“Hello ladies, welcome to Euphoria! What can I get you?” We’re greeted almost instantly.

“Hello..... Mark,” I say leaning in to read his name tag. “Can I get a whiskey neat?” I say with a straight, bored face.

Paisley, however, leans forward grabbing hold of his tie, slowly sliding her hand down it.

“And I’ll have you later,” she says with a flirty wink. “But until then, I’ll take some tequila.” He chuckles at her shameless flirting, not once moving out of her arms but continuing to fill our order.

We stand there for a few rounds before the effects start taking over my body, loosening it up and making me beyond giddy.

As Mark sets our last round of drinks down, the songs changes. With a squeal I’m sure the whole club heard, Paisley grabs my hand and starts dragging me to the dance floor.

Downing my glass I follow her eager footsteps to the middle of the club. The beat to the song is pumping through the speakers so loudly, it’s vibrating right through the club and up through my body.

The vibrations from the bass mixed with the alcohol in my system has my body and mind feeling loose and free.

Then the song changes to Hot in Here by Nelly. Paisley I can’t help but giggle as we sing along to the song. Grinding our bodies on each other while we squeal the lyrics.

Suddenly I feel hands snake their way around my hips—holding my sides softly, letting me know that I could pull away if I want to, but I don’t.

Instead I turn around to see a quite attractive man smiling at me, not feeling any red flags from him, I turn back around leaning my head back against the man’s shoulders, grinding my ass right into his dick, which I can feel hardening with every brush up against him.

Feeling the man move unnaturally I go to turn around, my moves halted by a different set of big hands gripping my hips tightly.

The touch sending tingles rising through my nerves at rapid-fire as my wolf screams with happiness in my head. I still haven’t seen him, but I know…

This right here isn’t a stranger touching me. No! This is Soren.

I can feel him pressed against my ass.

And he’s hard as a rock

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